OAKtober tree planting at Community Park

Some of the trees are now producing their very first acorns.

Subtle but “big” changes are happening at Community Park. Over the last two years, the Ventura Tree Alliance Ventura Tree Alliance (VTA) in partnership with the City of Ventura’s Urban Forestry division and West Coast Arborists planted 40 oaks to shade the outer walkways at the park. Some of the trees are now producing their very first acorns. These tiny bright green nuts add visual brightness to visitor’s walks, and along with the significant growth of these trees, display the health of the new oaks.

Fundraising for the purchase and delivery of the trees is underway. The value of trees in cooling the air, providing habitat, reducing water run-off, muting traffic noise and mitigating Co2 emissions is important. If you enjoy the new trees or the park, want to add to the beauty of Ventura, or want to positively affect climate change,  please give generously. Each tree costs $250, so your donation matters. You can make a difference VenturaTreeAlliance.com/donate.

The Ventura Tree Alliance is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public-benefit corporation that brings community members, educators, and business professionals together to enhance the urban tree canopy in the city of Ventura.

The mission is to “plant trees to augment Ventura’s urban forest, beautifying Ventura and counteracting climate change. Our goals are to inspire, engage and support Venturans in planting and caring for trees through education, advocacy, volunteerism, and fundraising.”

To find out more, visit www.VenturaTreeAlliance.com and join us on Facebook.