Looking for a Church Home?

by Pastor Leonard DeWitt

Permit me to introduce you to Ventura Jubilee Fellowship, located at 1956 Palma Drive.

First, we believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, and that is what we teach. It speaks to just about every issue of life that we face in this present world.

Our worship of the Lord is a mix of inspirational hymns and worship choruses that focus on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Next, I want to share with you some of the DNA of Jubilee, so that you will know what to expect when you visit us.

1. We offer a weekly Women’s Bible Study that meets every Wednesday at 10 AM.

2. Also, a weekly Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study, every Thursday, at 6 AM.

3. We offer four adult “Bible Alive” classes, every Sunday at 8:45 AM.

4. You will enjoy our diverse music ministry. You will be enriched by our choir, handbells, Gospel Band & keyboard ministry.

5. Each year we offer guest speakers and two Bible Conferences. One is usually on Bible prophesy and the other focuses on the dynamics of living out our faith.

6. We are committed to the Great Commandment to love one another and the Great Commission to go into all the world to help people develop a personal faith relationship with Jesus Christ.

7. To help people deal with losses, we offer a monthly Grief Support Group, led by a Pastor and Certified Grief Counselor.

8. We make every effort to stay in touch with our people, especially if they have been coping with health or age-related issues. We want to be assured that they are safe and well.

9. We believe that the Holy Spirit has given every believer at least one spiritual gift that is to be used to enrich others in the church; so, we have developed many ways for people to serve and bless others.

We are not a perfect church, but we are a joyful people and our goal is to make people feel welcome from the moment they enter our doors. I hope you will visit and give us a try. I believe you will be blessed by what you discover in Jubilee. Our services are 10 AM and 11:30 AM. www.vjf.church; [email protected]

When you come, please introduce yourself to me. I want to get to know you.

Blessings, Pastor Leonard DeWitt.