How smell and taste change as you age

Did you know that your sense of smell and taste are connected? As you get older, these senses can change. Changes in smell or taste can also be a sign of a larger problem.

Smell is an important sense. Certain smells, like your dad’s cologne, can help you recall a memory. Other smells, like smoke from a fire, can alert you to danger. When you can’t smell things you enjoy, like your morning coffee or spring flowers, life may seem dull.

Many problems cause a loss of smell that lasts for a short time. This temporary loss of smell may be due to:

A cold or flu that causes a stuffy nose. The ability to smell will come back when you’re better.

Coronavirus infection, which sometimes causes a new loss of smell. You should regain your sense of smell after all other symptoms have gone away, however if it doesn’t return, seek medical care as soon as possible.

Allergies. Try to stay away from things you’re allergic to, like pollen and pets. Talk to your doctor about how to manage your allergies.

A harmless growth (called a polyp) in the nose or sinuses that gives you a runny nose. Having the growth removed may help.

Some medications like antibiotics or blood pressure medicine. Ask your doctor if there is another medicine you can take.

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