Vol. 16, No. 21 – July 12 – July 25, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Thursday 6/15

9-12pm, received reports of multiple dead sea lions adrift throughout the harbor. Officers responded to multiple events to remove the deceased animals.

Friday 6/16

6am-12pm, receiving multiple calls for sick/injured sealions. Relayed CIMWI contact info. Received a call from CIMWI, their message space is full.

Saturday 6/17

6:00pm, officers fielded 50+ calls about sick/injured sealions through the day.

11:55pm, observed several coyotes in VHV parking lots wandering around.

Sunday 6/18

9:35am, observed a child fall off a 32ft boat near Portside. The child was pulled onto a dock, officers ensured the victim was ok, gave safety talk to parents.

Monday 6/19

9:15am, observed boat in surfline near Greenock groin, moved to safer area.

4:55pm, observed a sealion in the Surfers Knoll parking lot, crawled to a bush.

Wednes 6/21

3:41pm, received report of sealion jumping onto a peddle boat with two POB’s. The sealion crawled over the 2 passengers to the back seat. Officers attempted to coerce the mammal off the craft, but were unable to. CIMWI was contacted, they responded, sedated the animal that eventually got off vessel & swam away.

Thursday 6/22

8:25pm, observed a kayak capsized near the patrol dock. Officers responded, pulled two persons from the water, dewatered kayak, transported to launch ramp.

Saturday 6/24

7:16pm, dispatched to an overdose in VHV restroom. Officers responded, found patient conscious, she fled into a crowd watching a movie on the village lawn.

Monday 6/26

10:05pm, received a complaint from harbor tenant that construction was occurring on commercial passenger vessels. Officers responded, found situation as reported and were able to convince the individual to cease construction.

Wednes 6/28

11:26am, dispatched to an assault in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to assist the patient who refused treatment.

3:34pm, observed the dead sea lion that made it way onto the Portside promenade gone. Officials worked with a special deceased animal removal co.

Thursday 6/29

4:58am, officers lowered Small Craft Advisory warning flag, turned off lights.

9:00am, officers performing maintenance, swapping out Rescue Water Craft.

Friday 6/30

6:50am, observed city workers removing/burying dead sea lions. Officers assisting with location of sea lions that have crawled under bushes and died.

8:00am, observed dense heavy fog with less than 1 mile vis, activated fog signal.

4:20pm, received report from VWM manager that excessive amount of runoff water is coming out of the drain at end of A-Basin. Investigated, no pollution.

7:15pm, observed fog with 100 yard visibility, activated fog signal via VHF.

Saturday 7/1

11:48am, officers taking Rescue Water Craft on patrol along local beaches.

1:03pm, while on patrol in the truck, officers observed all parking lots full and the village and the beaches were crowded beyond normal capacity.

Sunday 7/2

5:45pm, dispatched to Ocean Rescue, demasted sailboat in danger of going aground near the Ventura Point. Officers responded in Fireboat. After securing tow line, found the skipper down below injured. Rescue Boat 19 responded with VFD medics to assist with medical, but unable to get on board because of conditions and behavioral issues with patient. Sailboat released at longdock, the patient was convinced to get medical attention for injuries.

6:50pm, after several attempts, officers were able to free a deceased sea lion from under a keys residence deck. The animal was eventually towed out to sea.

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