Over eight decades, The Boys & Girls Club Ventura has been helping children in and around Ventura

Kids love being part of the Club.

by Leon Rousso CFP Board Emeritus

The facts are incredible. Almost 100% of our kids graduate from high school and most move on to college. Considering the average graduation rate is somewhere around 70%, I find this the most amazing statistic. You can find many more amazing statistics about us on https: bgclubventura.org.

These boys and girls will be our next business leader’s, political leaders, great mothers and fathers, great citizens and they are grounded in good character. In fact, several Boys & Girls Club of America have become president of the United States.

We could not have done it without the generous support of you, our neighbors and business community.

For that we are eternally grateful.

As we are a grassroots organization which counts on community support for much of our annual need, we can really use your help.

For years now, we have been depending on the generosity of our community, and you have always stepped up as we help kids stay safe and their minds active every day.

Our annual Great Auction event will be this November 11, 2023, at the Poinsettia Pavilion beginning at 5 PM.

It is going to be wonderful. Music, dancing, dinner, drinks, live and silent auctions and much more.

These auctions are always so much fun, and I hope you can join us. Tickets will go on sale soon.

Today, I am reaching out to our entire city and asking for your support.

If you have anything worthy of our auction; a trip, dinner at your favorite restaurant (Just ask, you will be surprised at how many will donate), a new boxed item, new clothing, jewelry, foursomes, and of course money, it will make this year’s auction a record breaker.

So, whether you can or cannot donate an item or make a cash donation, please think about buying tickets for our Auction and save the date of November 11, 2023.

I promise you will have a wonderful time and really help our kids.

Let’s ensure our club is here for another 85 years. Our children need us.

“Kids are great imitators….so give them something great to imitate” – Anonymous