Vol. 16, No. 02 – Oct 19 – Nov 1, 2022 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 9/27

4:15pm, received complaint of 2 transients with bikes & a large trashcan in handicap R/R at the launch ramp. Cleaners attempted to clean but they refused to leave. Officers responded, issued warning for loitering, removed them

11:55pm, received report of a domestic dispute on a vessel in VIM M-dock. Officers tried to convince RP that this was a police issue and to contact them. Eventually officers responded, contacted VPD and they resolved the issue.

Wednes 9/28

3:25am, observed National Weather Service issued a Small Craft Advisory for West winds to 25kts today. Officers illuminated warning lights, raised pennant.

5:45am, contacted by new female transient looking for Harbor Blvd. Officers gave detailed directions, inquired where she was from, she stated Los Angeles.

8:10am, received request for a tow from a disabled vessel inside the harbor. Officers responded in Fireboat 1, but a Good Samaritan boat was able to assist.

Thursday 9/29

9:10am, observed a dense fog bank roll in, officers activated fog signal.

4:25pm, received report of a disabled motor vessel in the sandtrap. Officers responded in Fireboat, located then towed the vessel to the launch ramp.

5:05pm, received report of Hazard to navigation, a large piece of timber near VHV I-dock. Officers responded, removed it, and disposed at the launch ramp.

10:07pm, while on patrol observed blinding lights on the sport fishing vessel Endeavor while berthed. Officers contacted, issued warning for the violation.

Friday 9/30

2:51am, dispatched to a fall victim in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD and assisted patient with lift assist, no injuries.

7:56am, dispatched to stroke victim in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to an 83 y/o male who states he feels like he’s in a dream. The patient was treated then transported to local hospital for further eval.

10:58am, dispatched to Ventura Marina Community for unknown medical. Officers responded with AMR/VFD. No medical, patient refused assistance.

Saturday 10/1

1:33am, while on patrol in vehicle, contacted by the owner of a disabled vehicle in the district lot. Officers were able to jumpstart the vehicle.

6:00am, 2022/2023 lobster season officially open. Officers on patrol in Fireboat to check on diving and hoop netting activity near the Harbor Breakwall.

1:30pm, while on patrol in the vehicle, received a request to transport a surfer near the Santa Clara Rivermouth who was suffering from a back injury. Officers transported surfer to Surfers Knoll, where a friend transported him to a hospital.

8:05pm, on patrol in Fireboat to check on diving/hoop-netting activity near the breakwall and entrance. Officers conducting safety inspections of vessels, ensuring no ordinance violations and/or closed areas clear of fishing.

Sunday 10/2

1:18am, dispatched to a sick person near the Sheraton. Officers responded with AMR/VFD, patient wasn’t sick or injured, just tired, walked from South Oxnard.

12:15pm, dispatched to sick person in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with GoldCoast to the call. Patient requesting transport to hospital.