Anonymous donor willing to provide up to $50,000 match funding to support local homeless families

Olga Hamra (Assistant On-Site Manager TCC), Jim Duran (Executive Director TCC) and Brandi Brown (Assistant Case Manager TCC) are all smiles

The City Center announced today that they have received a $50,000 matching donation from an anonymous donor. This gift will match donations made to The City Center now through December 25th, 2021.

The City Center is asking Ventura County to support their work in helping local homeless families become self-sufficient. “Many people complain about the problem with homelessness in our county, but now is the time to be proactive, to realize you can make a difference,” said Cheryl Heitmann, former mayor of Ventura City, “Now is a particularly good time to support The City Center, as every $1 raised will be matched, up to $50,000, and don’t forget there are also tax benefits for donations before year-end. Our community needs to push together to help our most vulnerable population. No child should be homeless. Ever.”

“We are so incredibly grateful to the anonymous donor for their generous offer – however, we must now raise $50,000. I believe our local community can do this,” said Jim Duran, Executive Director. “There were over 5,964 students identified as homeless last year. We need to own our transitional living center at 837 E Thompson Ave, Ventura. Historically, 53% of our funding went to rent, but if we own our home, we will be able to help more homeless children and families,”.

The City Center provides homeless families (with children under 12) shelter for up to two years, in addition to training, mentorship, counseling, and assistance. It has a 100% success rate, not one of the 83 families (representing 272 graduates) of the City Center has ever returned to homelessness. In the future, The City Center plans to add additional facilities to support more unhoused people living in the County of Ventura and beyond. Donation should be made