Ventura Fire Department enhances community safety by increasing wildfire defensible space inspections

Fire season is here and if you have not yet completed your brush clearance do it now.

During its regular meeting on May 24, 2021, the Ventura City Council approved the City’s adopted fee schedule and authorized the Ventura Fire Department to begin billing for defensible space and other fire inspections.

Earlier this year Ventura Fire mailed 6,500 notices to city property owners reminding community members to perform fire hazard reduction clearance by May 18, 2021. Beginning August 23, 2021, defensible space inspections and associated activities will be billable according to the City’s adopted fee schedule, effective July 23, 2021.

“Fire season is here and if you have not yet completed your brush clearance to create 100 feet of defensible space, act now for the safety of your community,” said Ventura Fire Marshal Joe Morelli. “Properties with good defensible space stand a better chance of survival during a wildfire.”

Defensible space is the area around a structure, free of flammable plants and objects, that creates a zone in which firefighters can operate safely in order to help protect a home during a wildfire. This space is wide enough to prevent direct flame impingement and reduce the amount of radiant heat reaching the structure. The defensible space for each structure varies and depends on the type of vegetation and topography. Maintaining this defensible space is critical.

In 2021, Ventura Fire’s goal is to inspect 6,500 properties in very high, high, and moderate fire hazard areas of the City of Ventura. This is a 900% increase from the 580 annual inspections previously performed.

The City of Ventura has contracted with Fire Recovery USA, LLC, a third party billing service, to administer billing on behalf of the Ventura Fire Department.

First inspections are billable at $21.00 per inspection, plus associated fees totaling $38.97, per the City’s fee schedule. To avoid additional inspections and subsequent fees, residents can correct violations and email pictures showing compliance to [email protected] before re-inspection.

To find out if a parcel has been approved, please call (805) 658-4709, or send an email to [email protected]. For questions regarding a bill or the billing process, please call (888)-650-5320, or send an email to [email protected].

For additional information on the Fire Hazard Reduction Program, visit