“The Ventura Police Department is committed to the sanctity of life for all persons.”
Our Department has received questions from community members looking for information about the safety of our neighborhoods, our Department’s training procedures and protocols, and our response to the events taking place across our country.
“The Ventura Police Department is committed to the sanctity of life for all persons. Protecting life is also about standing for those whose voices have been silenced. Throughout history, protesting has helped advocate for change. The Ventura Police will ensure the safety of all, but we also ask that those who choose to protest, do so safely, peacefully, and in a lawful manner. Ventura Police Officers will be out over the next few days ensuring protests are safe while also protecting businesses, property, and residents from violence and those promoting destruction. The safety of our community is our top priority.”
Chief Darin Schindler is pleased to present the Ventura Police Department’s 2020-2023 Strategic Plan. VPD is rooted in community policing with community partnerships and collaborative problem solving central to our efforts. Policing strategies that worked in the past are not always effective today. Innovation, technological advancements, and fostering a culture of open dialogue with our community is vital to our success moving forward.
“As your Police Chief, I am proud to lead and serve alongside our courageous and compassionate Ventura Police team,” said Chief Schindler. “Comprised of sworn officers, professional staff, and volunteers, there are more than 225 members of our team committed to serving you with the highest standards of performance, utilizing the best policing practices.
“The Ventura Police Department and its employees, professional staff and sworn alike, are committed to being responsive to community concerns, reducing crime, and maintaining safe neighborhoods for all residents,” said Chief Schindler. “I am grateful for the opportunity to continue developing relationships with our Ventura residents, business owners, and local students while working with our community to problem solve and enhance the quality of life in our city.”
Read our complete Strategic Plan in English and Spanish here: https://www.cityofventura.ca.gov/1053/Performance-Measures
If you’d like to reach out directly, please email [email protected]. As a community we are stronger when we stand together.