Increase funding for services and programs older adults

by National council On Aging (NCOA)

Congress is trying to agree on the content of more legislation to relieve the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak. That means your voice matters more than ever.

To save lives and support older adults in crisis, Congress must include significant increases in funding for services and programs older adults and their caregivers depend on.

Contact your Representatives and Senators today and tell them these four things should be in any COVID-19 relief bills:

Give additional resources to Older Americans Act programs and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program so more older adults have food, in-home services, and caregiver support.

Make it easier to use Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services so vulnerable older adults can get the care they need at home.

Make essential health care and prescription drugs more affordable for low-income Medicare beneficiaries by increasing premium and cost-sharing assistance.

Help nonprofit charitable organizations maintain operations and meet rapidly growing demand by providing additional support.

Thank you for taking action! Please ask your friends and colleagues to join you. Every voice matters.