Vista del Mar Hospital is serving the community

Coronavirus (COVID-19) screenings to all hospital visitors and staff.

Vista del Mar Hospital is using technology to support its Outpatient Services (OPS) programming during the stay-at-home restrictions to combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Since Governor Newsom mandated California residents to stay home, followed by a similar order from the County of Ventura, Vista del Mar’s OPS has made the move to provide Telehealth Services.

Psychiatrists and nurses are able to meet with patients individually, with weekly in-person check-ins scheduled to adhere to social distancing protocols. Technology and creativity allow patients and therapists to stay connected. Care packages with individualized messages and art supplies for expressive therapy has been sent to each patient.

Vista del Mar Hospital uses Zoom, a technology that unifies secure video conferencing, web meetings and group collaboration. Vista’s program curriculum has been uploaded so that patients can see their therapist and the curriculum side by side. In addition,

Vista del Mar Hospital has partnered with the CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Nursing Department to provide Coronavirus (COVID-19) screenings to all hospital visitors and staff.

“We are thrilled to have student nurses helping the hospital to ensure that all individuals coming to our campus are screened following the CDC-recommended screening process,” said Jenifer Nyhuis, Vista del Mar’s CEO. Student nurses are conducting COVID-19 screenings from 7 am to 7 pm of all incoming persons to the hospital. After each student nurse is screened themselves, they then screen incoming persons. This includes reading temperatures, completing a Coronavirus questionnaire, logging anyone with a temperature of 100.4 and over, and providing instructions.

According to Dr. Lynette Landry, PhD/RN and Chair of the Nursing Department, the partnership has been a great opportunity for the university’s nursing students to take an active role in decreasing the spread of the virus. “We are very grateful for the opportunity to help VDM and our community as we navigate this crisis. Students are learning the importance of civic engagement and the ethical/moral responsibilities of a nurse to provide comfort and care to the community particularly in a time of crisis.”

Vista del Mar Hospital and CSUCI worked together to create procedures and implement them. “The speed, professionalism, and competency of the CSUCI nursing leadership has been beyond expectations. I am looking forward to future collaboration in coming months and years,” added Nyhuis.

CSUCI’s Nursing Department will be providing COVID-19 screenings at Vista del Mar through May 2020.
normally be able to, like something special in their room or a pet. We have also found a creative way to continue our expressive therapy sessions, as it can prove beneficial for patients to freely express themselves. This not only reduces anxiety and stress, but it promotes problem solving skills and leads to positive feelings such as pride and accomplishment.”

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