CommUNITY of everyday people


by Karen Leslie, writer with heart

Necessity is the mother of invention! The close sign may be hanging on the doorknob of our everyday lives, yet another door is open for business, the door of discovery and windows of transformative creativity and invention. These thresholds of thought have sprung open worldwide, inviting us to plunge into pause, a state of stillness and listen to the message on the recorder of our hearts. The wake-up button is blinking its way into our consciousness, beckoning us to experience the simple everyday things we took for granted in the past, giving way to new ways of thinking and doing for the sustainability of all mankind and our beloved planet. Remarkably and resourcefully we are re-writing our narrative, a storyline that which aligns with Mother Nature.


As a people, have collectively entered an age of unprecedented prosperity, the mother lode of inventions that will leave its historical mark on humanity, breaking new ground for innovative ways to be geographically compatible and in its wake, a breed of connectiveness has birthed, humanities common denominator… Hope.

Yes, we are in a mandatory ‘time out’ and fast from the fast track and long to-do lists. How are your neighbors coping with staying home you might ask? Here is what graphic designer Karine Hovsepian wanted to share, “I went through fear, hopelessness, anxiety and sadness before I reached the stage of acceptance. I had no other choice but to surrender and adapt to the new reality. I am lucky. I do my graphic design work from home. I have more time for writing and long beach walks that ground me and help me stay in the moment. The key to a peaceful mindset is to keep focusing on the beauty that is all around us. Having the ocean nearby has been my savior in the crises we are facing.


Our homes have become incubators for change with portals of possibility which no amount of distancing can halt! Creativity has become contagious as beacons of virtual ideas zoom into our living rooms, filling the gap of our isolation. Ayn Devera, owner of Soulstice Wellness shares, “ In the light of the pandemic and ‘stay well at home’ order, I am listening amidst the fear of the unknown, there is a calm within that says, take some time off won’t you? The Prescription; I let my mind and body rest then was called to action, sounding the alarm that people needed to take this seriously, stay above the noise of media chaos, take care of their health and bodies, sprinkled with reminders of loving-kindness. Where I am in all this, when this is over and it will be, the changes must be lasting. When we love and respect our bodies, the whole world and our ecosystem will thrive as well”.

Yes, we may be in ‘intermission’ from the movie of our lives but the outtakes are riveting! Navigating ourselves in uncharted waters in the current of this extraordinary time has opened up the channel of Universal Love in the river of everyday people and is going viral! It is the bridge over troubled waters, which spans the gap between cultures and finds compatibility within society. a language that can loop through every mind, every person, every group, every nation and by raising our unified voices in love has the potential to shape shift our perspective, heal the planet and humanity, uplift and carry the ballad of our collective hearts into peace on earth.

Oceanna, visionary artist shares, “I feel that the only thing to offer is more love…everywhere to everyone”.