10:56am, dispatched to a water rescue at Surfers Point, an unconscious person being assisted out of the water. Officers responded in the fireboat and assisted VFD, State Parks and AMR with the patient.
2:54pm, received a dispatch to a pregnancy at the River Haven encampment. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the call.
1:12pm, dispatched to a water rescue, 2 swimmers in a rip current at the South jetty. Officers responded with MSO rescue swimmers on board Boat 19. The two victims were pulled from the rip current and taken to Harbor Cove.
5:45pm, patrol marine safety observed a PWC capsized at Surfers Knoll and eject 3 persons in the water. Officers responded by land and sea and assisted the 3 in the water. The PWC was towed to the L/R for the novice operator.
5:35pm, dispatched to a water rescue at the Ventura Pier for two kite surfers in distress. Officers responded and assisted VFD, State Parks and AMR with the call. After a search, the kite surfers were found safely on the beach.
5:25pm, while on patrol, officers were contacted by State Parks and advised of a missing person, 12 year old autistic male last seen at Surfers Knoll. A coordinated search and rescue effort was mutually participated in by: State Parks, Ventura PD and FD, VC Sheriff and Ventura Harbor Patrol. After a few hours of searching, the child was found near Oxnard Shores by State Parks rangers. The child walked approximately 4 miles past 5th street on the beach.
5:17pm, received a dispatch to a medical alert at Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and found an 87 year old male complaining of difficulty breathing. He was transported to local hospital for further evaluation.
7:53am, received a dispatch to a fire alarm at the Holiday Inn express. While en route officers were notified that it was a false alarm.
6:00am, observed several small vessels heading out or already at the breakwater for 2018/19 lobster season opening day.
7:40pm, officers on patrol and contacting several different vessels for various violations in connection with hoop netting for lobster around the breakwall. 20 different vessels were engaged in hoop netting and diving for lobster.
6:23pm, received a complaint that an individual was harassing a large sea lion on the docks in a private marina. The incident is under investigation.
12:07pm, received a report of an injured sea bird at the launch ramp. Officers responded and assisted wildlife rescue with capturing for rehabilitation.
5:35pm, while on patrol in the vehicle, officers monitoring swimmers and surfers at South Beach due to the hazardous conditions from hurricane Rosa.