From a broken family to a solid foundation

Being from homes fueled by drugs, alcohol and abuse makes it easy to believe that’s how people live normally. Juan and Harley both come from broken families filled with many types of abuse. They both fell down those dark roads that their families made them think were normal.

They always knew they wanted better but had a hard time being the better people in such a crazy lifestyle. They were constantly reminded that all this lifestyle brought them was chaos, destruction, abuse, and even death. Through it all they stuck by each other and tried their best to face life together. But life always had a funny way of testing them. They kept trying to make it so they could always live together but it didn’t always work out that way.

In October 2017, Harley found out she was pregnant. After telling the landlord that she was pregnant, they were given a 30- day notice to leave. That’s when Harley learned about Tender Life Maternity Home – managed by the River Community Church but there was not an opening there.

They were able to stay with Juan’s aunt and uncle in the meantime. A few weeks go by and then they got the news! His aunt and uncle had been given an eviction notice.

Needless to say their high hopes quickly plummeted. At that moment Harley gets a call from Tender life! It couldn’t have been better timing. She called back and was able to set an interview for the following day. Her interview went well and they were able to move in.

Finally Harley had a safe place to stay at. Since being at Tender Life, Juan has started to come to church, which was never something he would have done. They recently got married and all they needed was to work on being reunited as a family.

A unit at The City Center Transitional Living opened and they moved there. They are so thankful to be given such a blessing. They welcomed their daughter Gemma into the family.

“None of this would be possible without Tender Life, The River Community Church, The City Center and of course for God who led us to such an amazing support team, “said Harley.

Please support The City Center Transitional Living Center by attending their c e l e b r a t i o n event, featuring the surf theme “Catch the Wave” on Saturday, September 29, 6:00 – 10:00 pm.

The evening features a silent auction, followed by a gourmet buffet dinner and dancing to the live band, Soul Infusion. This will take place at a lovely private venue in Ventura and is sure to be a night to remember!

There are presently 73 people living at The City Center and 42 of them are children – all of them were homeless. TCC gave them temporary housing, where they can feel safe, find stability, obtain employment and develop the life skills necessary to successfully move out into their own living situations.

Thank you for helping to change lives for children and families in our community! For more information