The book is written as a 31 day devotional

Chaplain Harold Christmann signing his book for Sandy Mathews and Jane Brown. Photo by Michael Gordon

Chaplain Harold Christmann presented his newly published book of devotionals at a book signing event held at the Ventura Townehouse Active Senior Living Community located at 4900 Telegraph.

Chaplain Christmann is a retired Navy Chaplain . The book, Moments of Divine Intimacy has been released by Christian Faith Publishing and is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble on line for $12.95.

The book is written as a 31 day devotional. Each day of the month, Christmann describes a special moment when God touched his life through a new insight of truth or a demonstration of God’s supernatural power of healing.

Chaplain Christmann has suggested that these experiences will be helpful to those seeking a more intimate relationship with God or who are looking for some tangible evidence of God’s reality.

The theme of the book is that everything God has done through Jesus Christ, death and resurrection has one purpose, to make intimacy with God possible.

Chaplain Christmann has a Bachelor of Arts degree and two Masters degrees. He has been certified as a clinical prison, hospital and hospice chaplain. Chaplain Christmann retired with the rank of Commander in the Navy Reserve and is a Vietnam Veteran.

Chaplain Christmann is available for speaking engagements. He can be contacted by email gg.godsgift10

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