Vol. 11, No. 13 – Mar 28 – Apr 10, 2018 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

3-08 11:39am, received a dispatch to a strong odor of gasoline coming from 1591 Spinnaker area. Officers responded and discovered a Port District employee working in a used oil facility and that the fumes were blowing towards the promenade .
3-09 10:54pm, received report of two homeless persons sleeping on the promenade near the village. Officers responded and contacted two transients and issued warnings for no camping in the harbor. The two left without incident.
3-11 7:05pm, while on patrol in Boat 17, officers observed a small skiff with two people onboard paddling and the outboard engine out of the water near the entrance of the harbor. The disabled vessel was taken to the launch ramp where it was safely released.
3-12 9:15pm, while on patrol in the vehicle, officers found a black large briefcase type luggage bag next to a vehicle in Ventura Isle Marina parking lot. It appeared to have valuables and was placed into found property.
3-13 6:42am, while preparing for morning duties, officers received a request for found property retrieved lately. The black bag that was found last night in the VIM parking lot last night was returned to the owner who was very thankful because it contained months of written work and a computer.

3-15 6:45am, received a request from a large fishing vessel for docking space due to the wind. Apparently they are experiencing heavy weather at sea. When they made it to the harbor, the weather was far different than it was at sea.

3-16 1:55pm, received a report of a purse seiner tender in violation of wake and speed ordinance in the mid harbor area. Officers investigated and found the subject vessel in the Pierpont basin and issued a warning for the violation.

3-17 1:30pm, received a report of a hang glider landing on the South Beach from State Parks lifeguards. Officers responded and ensured safety of the landing.

4:30pm, received a report of a paddle boat caught downwind near the Ventura Boatyard. Officers responded and escorted the vessel back to rental dock.

3-18 7:50pm, while on boat patrol, a fisherman was observed hoop netting in the entrance of the harbor. A warning was issued and the nets were removed.

3-19 11:00am, received a report from a National Weather Service scientist of a substantial storm headed for our area, with potential of 5-10inches of rain this Wednesday through Thursday.

3:50pm, received report of a few transients disturbing customers at Island Packers. Officers responded and contacted the group. They were asked to leave the area because of the trespassing/loitering violation.

3-20 12:55pm, received a request for a wellness check on a tenant of Ventura Isle Marina. Officers responded and found the individual safe & sound on his boat.