Vol. 10, No. 4 – Nov 22 – Dec 5, 2017 – Harbor Patrol Blotter


10:10pm, received a request for assistance “jump-starting” a vehicle in the Harbor Village parking lot. Officers responded and successfully assisted starting the vehicle.


6:21pm, received a report of a disabled motor vessel in the A-Basin of the Harbor. Officers responded and found the vessel adrift. A language barrier existed but officers were able to ascertain the issue, the captain was lost; he was towed to the launch ramp and assisted with directions.


6:23pm, received a report of a boat fire at VIM D-dock. Officers responded and found a sailboat with exhaust coming out of a blower vent. The blower was turned off and no fire was discovered.


1:32pm, received a report of a disabled sailboat 1 mile South of the harbor. Officers responded, took the disabled vessel en tow and safely delivered the vessel to their slip in Ventura West Marina.

3:00pm, received a report of a disabled motor vessel at the entrance to the Harbor. Officers responded and towed the vessel back to their slip in VWM.


11:55pm, received a report of an overdue boater from the skipper’s mother. It was determined that the individual was on a commercial fishing vessel out at Anacapa Island and that no reports of vessel accidents were received. Relayed U.S. coast contact info.


7:45am, received a report of a disabled motor vessel in danger of colliding with moored vessels at VIM C-dock. Officers responded, taking lines from the adrift vessel and securing it into an empty slip at C-dock until TowBoat U.S. could arrive and tow them to the boatyard.

2:00pm, received a request from U.S. coast guard to assist with attaining coordinates of navigation buoys in the area. Officers assisted with transporting the coast guard on the fireboat to the buoys.

4:25pm, received a report while on patrol of a transient using the fuel docks restroom as an abode. Officers stood by while the individual gathered his belongings and moved on.