Why it pays to keep a careful eye on your earnings records

”If I start now I should be able to retire when I’m 10.”

by Essie L. Landry Public Affairs Specialist Social Security Administration Sierra West Area

Whether you’re ready to retire, just joining the workforce, or somewhere in between, regularly reviewing your Social Security earnings record could make a big difference when it’s time to collect your retirement benefits. Social Security prevents many mistakes from ever appearing on your earnings record. On average, we process about 236 million W-2 wage reports from employers, representing more than $5 trillion in earnings. More than 98 percent of these wages are successfully posted with little problem.

Don’t Get Schooled, Get Smart About Social Security – Young workers are in the best position for planning, investing, and saving for their retirement, growing that nest egg as large as it can be. The sooner young workers start, the more money they will have. There are two easy ways to get started in preparing for retirement open a free online my Social Security account with Social Security and start a myRA account. myRA is designed for people who don’t have a retirement savings plan through their employer, or are limited from other savings options.

It’s More Convenient Than Ever to Apply for Social Security Benefits – Social Security is working hard to make it as quick and seamless as possible for you to apply for benefits online. Social Security benefits should be the icing on the cake at your retirement party.

Your Retirement Planning Starts With Social Security – Right now is the perfect time to start planning for a secure, comfortable retirement. And you can count on Social Security to help you begin the process. First, we encourage you to set up an online my Social Security account so you can verify your lifetime earnings record and make sure you get credit for all of your contributions to the Social Security system through the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) payroll taxes. Then, you can use your earnings history and our online retirement estimators and calculators to get a glimpse of what your Social Security retirement future looks like.

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