“Coping With Guilt And Your Aging Loved One”

Family Caregiver Resource Center
Catholic Charities-OASIS
by Connie De La Rosa

Many family caregivers are overwhelmed by the medical attention or physical care required by their loved ones in addition to family members who are unfamiliar with the type of care required. This may cause quite a bit of stress along with some anger and frustration due to the demands and time constraints in care.

Below are some useful tips in managing difficult feelings:

Self – Care It is necessary to put yourself first sometimes. Proper rest, healthy food and exercise are basic needs for every person. If caring for a loved one is causing you to burn the candle at both ends, it may be time to ask for help and accept it.

Be Realistic-If your loved one is seriously impaired by an illness and cannot safely care for themselves, you might not be qualified to care for them so it may be time to talk to your loved one’s primary physician and family regarding your choices in maintaining or improving their care.

Don’t expect praise or thanks from your loved one-They might feel incredibly grateful, but the illness or their own feelings of guilt and inadequacy might make it too difficult to express their feelings.

If you are caring for a family member and need resources, support group or to find out about our trainings at no cost to you, please call the Family Caregiver Resource Center at 420-9608.