A parade of productions at CAPS Media

Follow the Fair Parade on Channel 6 live

The CAPS Media Crew will record, broadcast and stream the 2017 Ventura County Fair Parade on Saturday, August 5th on Channel 6 live at 10AM. This year’s theme is Rooted in Tradition and the annual parade festivities including marching bands, floats, horses, vintage cars, tractors and more. The CAPS Media crew of staff members and volunteers will set up on the corner of Main and California to cover all the fun. If you are in the parade give us (and your friends watching at home) a big wave when you pass by. The parade will rebroadcast and stream throughout the week on CAPS Media Channel 6.

Congratulations and welcome to CAPS Media partners David Creswell, the new superintendent of the Ventura Unified School district and to David Keebler the interim president of Ventura College. VUSD and the college are valued collaborators and have representatives on the CAPS Media board of directors.

There’s always something new happening at the CAPS Media Center. Every month CAPS Media offers new member orientation meetings on the first Thursday at 6pm. The orientation includes a tour of the CAPS Media Center, a presentation by a CAPS Media staff member and an open Q&A. For CAPS Media Member/Producers instructional classes are scheduled every month. The HD videography/camera classes are held on 2nd Thursday, Final Cut postproduction editing classes are on the 3rd Thursday, and CAPS Radio (KPPQ, FM 104.1) training is on the 4th Thursday of the month. Member/Producers receive hands-on instruction in videography, video editing, radio production and more. All classes begin at 6pm at the CAPS Media Center, 65 Day Road.

Once trained member/producers may check out CAPS Media’s video cameras, tripods, audio gear and other production equipment to record their story and then book postproduction editing suites to craft the story they want to tell.

In addition to offering Member/Producers training, support and production equipment CAPS Media also provides professional production services to outside partners and agencies throughout Ventura County. Recent productions include instructional videos for Ventura College microbiology, a series of public information videos for the Ventura Shellfish Enterprise, ground breaking ceremonies for a new headquarters for Gold Coast Transit, an ongoing series of public information programs for the Ventura County News Channel, monthly staff updates for the Ventura County Fire Department, and the recently completed 2016 Video Annual Report for VCFD.

Go to capsmedia.org to see a schedule of upcoming programs on Channel 6 & 15, search the archives for past programs, get info on upcoming video and radio classes and much more.

Every member of the community is welcome and encouraged to visit the CAPS Media Center to take a tour and consider becoming a Member/Producer. CAPS Media is a nonprofit, membership organization located at 65 Day Road on the east side of Ventura College. Anyone who lives, works or attends school in the city of Ventura is eligible to become a Member/Producer at CAPS Media. Annual fees are only $25 for an individual and $75 for a non-profit organization. CAPS Radio is an additional annual fee of $50 for DJs. For complete information go to capsmedia.org.