Vol. 10, No. 13 – March 29 – April 11, 2017 – Person to Person

by Jennifer Tipton

Do you think Ventura needs more or less development?

All of those interviewed opposed most development.
If you have a different opinion we would love to hear from you at [email protected].

Jessica Levenson age 44
Employee at Ventura County Schools Credit Union
“No, I don’t think that Ventura needs to be
developed. I think Ventura is beautiful the way it is.
Bringing more development, residential or commercial
will take away the beauty of the hillsides and the

Avery Burns age 31
Nursing Student
“I think Ventura’s at a pretty good place where
it’s at right now. I think there are improvements to be
made but they should be conscience ones. We have a
lot of infrastructure here. We should improve what we
have and not turn it into something else like LA.”

Bob Lynn, age 65
Business Owner
“I’ve lived here all my life. I’ve literally watched them
pave my childhood. We’ve not brought in any high value,
high paying jobs and as a result our sales tax is eroding.
City expenditures exceed sales tax. The city council should
be stewards of the public trust. In my opinion they’ve failed
miserably. We continue to put in low income housing and
provide low income jobs. All we’ve got is welfare.”

Josh Hill, age 44
Employee of All Pest & Repair
“I’m biased because I live here, but I’d actually like
to see less development until our city can get control
of our infrastructure and the budget.”


Kim Strange age 45
Employee of the City of Santa Barbara
“That’s a very tough question. We need more low
to mid income housing. I think there’s a need for


Leilani Formica age 76
Retired horticulturist
“I know we are going to need more development
for the people who pick our crops and the homeless
vets, no more huge homes.”

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