Vol. 10, No. 4 – November 23 – December 6, 2016 – Opinion/Editorial

SheldonPicColor•   Congratulations to Christy Weir and Cheryl Heitmann for being elected to another term on the City Council and to Matt LaVere (who received the most votes) for being elected to the Council for the first time. They are all good choices, and should serve us well.

And, kudos also go to School Board winner’s Sabrina Rodriquez and either Jackie Moran or Don Wood (you fill it in) for the second seat. The latest count shows only 12 votes separating them. Perhaps they could each serve half of the term.

Speaking of local elections, I was a little surprised that the tax increase passed and hope that the citizen’s oversight committee which will be formed to recommend uses for the money will do what is best for Ventura. We should all act as an oversight committee for the oversight committee and keep our eyes on their decisions.

I was surprised at the large quantity of yes votes for term limits, which I highly endorsed.

The loser of the Presidential election received more votes (nearly 1.5 million) than the winner of the election. In 1787, the  Founding Fathers created what is now called the Electoral College (even the name is stupid) to appease the Southern slave states so that they would sign the new Constitution.

The United States Electoral College is the body that elects the President and Vice President of the United States. Citizens of the United States do not directly elect them – instead they choose “electors”, who usually pledge to vote for particular candidates (even though they do not need to).

It is almost impossible to change it. So, finally after all these years the South has won the civil war.

•   Several restaurants have new owners (not the actual buildings); the Watermark will become the Limon y Sal when it re-opens and the Shanghai Beer Garden is now the Rumfish y Vino (confusing ain’t it). The Rhumb Line has not changed its name yet, but I’m sure it will have a new name shortly.

I wish all of the new owners the very best, it is a tough, time-intensive business. Be sure to check out all of them – let’s support our local businesses.

•   Some folks have been surprised when they’ve gone grocery shopping and were charged 10-15 cents if they used the market’s plastic bags. Grocers in Ventura County and throughout California have started charging shoppers for reusable bags as part of the recently passed Proposition 67.

The measure bans single-use plastic bags in California’s grocery stores. Many of the plastic bags have handles and are reusable.

•   New research finds that teens who regularly “vape” e-cigarettes are more likely to become frequent and heavy cigarette smokers. I have always assumed this was going to be the outcome, and it turns out that I am correct.

A survey of students at 10 Los Angeles County public schools found that teens who vape frequently are more than twice as likely to start smoking. The study was published Nov. 8 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

•   Steve’s Hardware (located at 1199 E. Thompson) sells PVC pipe by the foot. Also, they are very knowledgeable and will help you with all of your plumbing needs. Tell them that I sent you in, and they will give me a hug.

•   The Vatican has issued new rules to determine whether healings qualify as miracles for sainthood. A panel of medical experts scrutinize potential miracles. A potential miracle can no longer be considered if it fails to pass before the board of medical experts three times. So if you think that you have a miracle, you will need to bring a note from your doctor.

•   From the LA Times, in part, “…months after outrage over the 6 month sentence for sexual assault given to former Stanford swimmer Brock Turner.” Why is it relevant that he was a Stanford swimmer? Would they write “former Stanford cello player” or former Stanford chess player”? What is the importance of him being an athlete?

•   Word of the day (or this year actually): Gentrification – The buying and renovation of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods by upper-or middle-income families or individuals, thus improving property values but often displacing low-income families and small businesses.

•   It is that time of the year when communities need to find shelter for the homeless. If you think that being homeless is a “life choice” by some, try sleeping outside during the cold winter and when it’s raining.

The Ventura National Guard Armory that has been used in previous years is not available. The Oxnard National Guard Armory that alternates with Ventura is available.

Family Promise is a national movement in which churches rotate providing overnight lodging. On Nov. 3 they announced that two churches are now committed to the program — North Oxnard United Methodist Church and Temple Beth Torah in Ventura  and that several more have expressed interest.

Family Promise represents a national movement that believes family homelessness can be addressed in our own communities. Churches trade-off providing overnight lodging, with host sites rotating weekly. The housing is temporary. Nationwide, families stay in the program an average of 63 days.

•   Now that the state marijuana initiative Proposition 64 has passed it will be up to each city as to how they want to deal with the legalization of the use of marijuana. In the past the Ventura City Council has made it clear that they do not want medical dispensaries in Ventura.

The state measure allows people who are 21 and older to grow up to six plants indoors and use marijuana recreationally but will give local municipalities control of outdoor growing, sales, distribution and other aspects of the use of marijuana.

Police Chief Ken Corney, President of the California Police Chiefs Association has stated that in Colorado, which has allowed recreational use since 2012 marijuana-related emergency room visits and Poison Control Center calls have increased since marijuana use became legal.

Drug-related school suspensions and expulsions have also climbed, Corney stated.

Cannabis-related products that target youths will no longer be available because the state law is banning products shaped like animals and fruit and other products that appeal specifically to the young.

The City Council will be dealing with their concerns and those of the police department at future city council meetings. Including the delivery of medical marijuana to Ventura.

Ventura City Attorney Diaz will be giving the Council the “legal” directions that they can take. We certainly don’t want more law suits to be filed against Ventura.