Vol. 10, No. 3 – November 9 – November 22, 2016 – Ojai News & Events

Musicians in Monochrome, an exhibition featuring photographs by David Baker, will run until December 31, 2016, at the Coffee Connection #1, 311 El Roblar Street, Meiners Oaks.  Gallery hours are Monday-Friday, 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Baker describes his exhibition as, “a series of black and white photographs showing the personality of Ojai’s talented local musicians and songwriters.” Baker has been photographing Ojai’s musicians for the last four years. He has captured the feeling, emotion, and character of each performer and his images show the heart and soul of his subjects.

An Ojai resident since 1998, Baker was always involved in Ojai activities but in 2011, after returning from a five-year assignment in the Midwest, he was asked to chair the Photography Branch of the Ojai Art Center. For a full biography and gallery of images go to: http://www.ojaiimages.com/

The Ojai Women’s Fund (OWF) is thrilled to announce selection of its first-year grant recipients. Originally slated to award five grants (one in each category of Arts, Education, Environment, Healthcare, and Social Services), a surprise ballot tie in the Social Services category increased total grants to six!  The Ojai Women’s Fund will award $10,000 to each of the following nonprofits to help fund specific programs that assist Ojai lives and improve the Ojai community: Arts:  Ojai Youth Opera Company; Education:  Girls Empowerment Workshop; Environment:  Once Upon A Watershed; Healthcare:  Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association; Social Services:  Nan Tolbert Nurturing Center and Reins of H.O.P.E.

OWF will present the financial awards December 1st at a public celebration at St. Thomas Aquinas Center, 183 St. Thomas Dr.at 5:00 p.m. A $20 per person donation is requested. Please call to RSVP at (805) 746-3096, or order tickets online by November 25 at www.ojaiwomensfund.org

The Ojai Holiday Home Tour & Marketplace kicks off the season with festive inspirations on November 12 and 13, 2016. Presented by the Ojai Festivals Women’s Committee, this annual event entering its twentieth year invites guests to tour four distinctive Ojai Valley homes uniquely decorated by local designers and each with historical significance in the valley.

Also taking place is the companion event that same weekend – the Holiday Marketplace held at the Matilija Junior High School Gymnasium (703 El Paseo Road) featuring a collection of curated lifestyle and fashion items from more than 40 vendors. Admission to the Marketplace is free.

The Home Tour and Marketplace benefit the Ojai Music Festival and its BRAVO education and community program, which offers free music workshops and concerts to the Ojai Valley public schools and the community.

The tour price is $40 per person advance and $45 day of the event. Single tickets are available by calling 805-646-2053 or online at OjaiFestival.org.

On Saturday, November 12, the Water-Saving Landscapes: Rainwater Harvesting and Turf Reduction Workshop will be held at the OVGC Resource Center (206 N Signal Street #S) from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Registration will be at 8:45 a.m.

Want a drought-appropriate garden but not sure where to begin? In this workshop learn the basics of turf removal, ways to capture and store rainwater, native plant selection and care, plus the importance of mulch. Participants will receive a workbook that helps explain what is appropriate for their landscape, plant list resources, and a tour of a front yard redesigned to capture rainwater.

The cost is $10 for OVGC members, city residents & if you pledge to ride your bicycle to the class; $20 for everyone else.

The workshop is hosted by the Ojai Valley Green Coalition and sponsored by the City of Ojai and SoCal Gas Company. For further details and to register visit ojaivalleygreencoalition.com/Save_Our_Water.html or call  669-8445.


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