Local author releases new book

Back again with a new book, author Tim Pompey has delved this time into the genres of war and magical realism. How these two fit together makes up the story for his new novel “Dream-scape.”

“The medic part of the story came to me as I read an article about a wounded Army medic and her recovery in the States,” said Pompey. “I added the dream portions as a way of exploring how a damaged body and mind could connect to something beyond themselves that was universally positive and healing.”

Pompey took on the challenge of writing the main character, Army Medic Sarah Perse, who is both heroic and hopeless. Brave in her service in the Iraq War, she is also badly burned from an IED and traumatized by her war experiences. As a result, she suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder compounded by alcoholism and painkiller abuse.

Her dreams begin when she meets 12-year-old Suzy one night while Perse is sprawled drunk in the street. Suzy whispers in her ear, “I know magic,” and Perse is intrigued. How she connects emotionally to this young girl is one of the unique elements of the story.

At 250+ pages, this book is shorter than most of his novels. “That was deliberate,” said Pompey. “I wanted to write a small book in the fashion of ‘Catcher in the Rye,’ only more forceful, a book that would take off from page one and be interesting till the end.”

He also feels that the Iraq War offers some very rich writing material. “I researched some experiences from people, both civilian and military, who dealt directly with the war and its aftermath,” he stated. “It’s not a pretty picture and the lingering fallout will haunt American families for many generations.”

Pompey has penned nine other books, some of them having local connections to Camarillo, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Ventura, and Ojai. His current book takes place in northern Idaho.

For more information on Pompey’s new novel, including a “Look Inside” option, or to read more about his other books, visit his author website at www.amazon.com/author/booksbytimpompey. For book signings or other book related events, email him at [email protected].