Vol. 9, No. 15 – April 27 – May 10, 2016 – Events

Events by Ana Baker

Ventura Poinsettia Dance Club meets every Monday from 7:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. at the Poinsettia Pavilion, 3451 Foothill. Ballroom, swing, Latin, mixers and line dancing. Members $10, non-members $12, first time dancers are free. Call Rick at 415-8842 for more information.

Apr. 28: Portuguese Fraternal Society of America – The local chapter of PFSA will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday at Main Street Restaurant and Steakhouse, 3159 E. Main.  This meeting is open to any person of Portuguese descent or interested in the Portuguese culture.  Gather at 11:30 a.m. for a 12 p.m. no host luncheon / meeting.  For more information and reservation, please call Yvonne Westervelt at 483-4168 or Cora Corella at 483-4168.

Apr.28: Ventura County Bird Club would like to invite you to an evening with Dr. Attila Molnar who will speak about advances in avian medicine and an update with Giant Panda conservation.  Otherwise known as “What’s up with Andy Panda”. This pleasant evening will be a presentation of case studies and slide show of exotic animals, and an open forum for questions to the Dr. about any of your concerns about your pet birds.  The Presentation will start at 7 p.m. at the Ventura Moose Lodge #1394, 10267 Telephone Rd.  Attendance is free and all are welcome.  For further information call 488-6244.

Apr. 30: Looking for answers, spiritual guidance, healers or a peek into the mystique? Come find this and more at the Emerging Spirits, Psychic Fair from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at 4601 Telephone Rd. Unit #113 www.emergingspirits.org

Apr.30: Free Family History Program, Saturday, at 1:30 p.m. Ventura County Genealogical Society

Presents, Astrid Adler, German Author and Lecturer. “Forgotten People: German Emigration in the 19th Century” at the Ventura Family History Center3501 Loma Vista Rd.

In the 19th century nearly six million Germans left their homes for other lands, and for most, they would never see Germany again. Adler’s research into emigration from Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach uses historical evidence from passenger lists, censuses, emigration documents, family letters and family trees to tell the stories of the Germans who left. The German Special Interest Group meets monthly to talk about the challenges and successes in researching German families.

Apr.30: Audubon event, 8:30 a.m. Camino Real Park.  Leader: Raeanne Koerner  701-1919. Camino Real is a grassy park surrounded by pines and eucalyptus and is an excellent Spring migrant hotspot.

Apr.30: The 11th Annual Ventura County Blues Festival’s All-Star Jam dedicated to the late BB Chung King. Produced by the Ventura County Blues Society, at 2222 E. Ventura Blvd., in Camarillo. Gates open 10 a.m., music begins at 11 a.m. Pre-sale Tickets $30. Day of Show are $40. Kids 12 and under, free with paid Adult General Admission. V.I.P. Tickets $125 can be purchased online only. An exciting, all-day headlining acts, Food and Craft Vendor area; a powerful, diverse lineup. Festival proceeds benefits FOOD Share and other Ventura County area charities. Please bring a food item to donate. 501-7122.

May 1: Channel Islands National Park invites the public to “Find Your Park’s Story” at an upcoming event at the Museum of Ventura County that celebrates the National Park Service Centennial, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. The “Soaring to Success” event celebrates the recovery of the bald eagles on the Channel Islands after their disappearance by the 1960.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wildlife biologist Annie Little will discuss this landmark recovery in two lectures, at 1:00 and 3:00 pm at the museum pavilion.  To watch (with Savana) bald eagle chicks develop this breeding season, visit the live bald eagle webcam or iws.org.

May 2,16: The Ventura County Philatelic Society will hold its Stamp trading and camaraderie.

Mondays from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Church of the Foothills, 6279 Foothill Road.  Admission and parking are free. Come for a great evening.  [email protected] or 320-1601

May 3:  Mended Hearts of Ventura. Come share if you have had heart surgery or stent implant. Group meets the first Tuesday each month at the Community Memorial Hospital on the 8th floor from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Excellent speakers – leading Cardiologists, Nutritionists, Dietitians, etc. from our area who give excellent information. Richard Hatcher 644-2733

May 4: The Beach Cities Neighbors and Newcomers Club, (BCNN ) is a group of active women of all ages who live in Ventura, Oxnard, or Port Hueneme and enjoy activities such as hiking, bridge, dining, wine outings, reading, mah jong, cooking etc. Meeting is from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Ventura Museum Pavilion. No charge for meeting and no reservation is required.

Speaker: David Snow “The Flight of the Monarchs”. For additional information bcnnwomensclub.org

May 7:   The Garden Club of San Buenaventura will have its annual plant and yard sale at 10 a.m. Located at 2016 Greenock Lane across from Marina Park in Ventura. In addition to plants, there will be new books, Jewelry, Clothes and miscellaneous items. Proceeds go to children’s agricultural projects.

May 11: The Ventura County Camera Club will hold a critique meeting on Wednesday, at 7p.m. at the Poinsettia Pavilion. A professional photographer from the area will critique member’s prints.  Anyone with an interest in photography is welcome and admission is free. Only members may submit images for critique. See the club’s web site for more information about the club and examples of member’s work or call 908-5663.  WWW.VenturaCountyCameraClub.com

May 12: The Ventura County Professional Women’s Network (VCPWN), one of the county’s long standing organizations supporting the interests of women business owners and professionals, is hosting their monthly dinner meeting.  This month’s speaker will be author, speaker and small business expert; Nellie Akalp.

At the Wedgewood Banquet Center, 5880 Olivas Park Drive,.  Networking starts at 5:30 and dinner is from 6:00pm to 8:15pm. The cost for the dinner meeting is $28 for members who register early and $33 for guests and members who register after 5:00 pm on Monday, May 9th.  You can pay in advance at www.vcpwn.org/dinner-meeting, or at the door.

For more information about the event or to register log on to www.vcpwn.org.  You can also get more information about joining this great group.





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