Vol. 9, No. 6 – December 23, 2015 – January 5, 2016 – A Tender Touch Senior Placement

“Caring for yourself during the holidays while caring for others”
By Connie De La Rosa

Many who celebrate the holidays, have a common understanding of “I’m behind my gift shopping”, or “I have a loved one in the hospital and have not yet started one decoration, etc for the holidays”.  We often say to one another “Take care of yourself” which is easier said than done.  If your household situation has changed during the holiday season (such as a loved one home from the hospital and requires care, or other reasons that may set you back from the preparations) it may be time to think about changing what has been your yearly holiday traditions if only for a season.  It may help with some of the most pressing preparations, trying something new and most of all, helping you feel less stress along with enjoying your family to the fullest.

Here are a few ideas that some families have done when their household situation has changed but the holiday spirit still lives:

  • Make sure your list, this year, includes time for you to relax in whatever you enjoy.  Most lists do not include YOU time only things that have to be done . You need to bring back your energy during the holiday rush.
  • Teenagers are always seeking ways to make money so pay one of your neighbors teenagers to help with the Christmas list such as candies, socks, Perfumes, colognes, and some food  items that are not too difficult to find.
  • No time for a big fancy Christmas dinner, its o.k. when a situation has a temporary change to have a pizza party, sub sandwiches with salad, peanuts with M & M’s and cookies etc.

Being together with simplicity and some help can bring more joy and relaxation to you during unexpected changes.
