Ventura providing senior services

senior providing senior servicesVentura’s Adult/Senior Services provides thousands of adults, 18 years and up, with recreational, specialty, social and health and fitness programs at the Ventura Avenue Adult Center (VAAC), 550 N. Ventura Avenue, 648-3035, open M-F 9am- 3pm. Many classes are open to adults 18 years and up and some are open to adults 50 years and up.

The public is invited to “Consider the Conversation: A Documentary on a Taboo Subject” on Wednesday, November 4, 10 am to 12 pm, at Ventura Adult Continuing Education, 5200 Valentine Rd. This powerful film that examines how Americans live at the end of their lives and how to prepare for this final chapter of life. Free but RSVP (lunch provided) at 648-3035. Presented by VCS, Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice and Ventura Adult Continuing Education.

You are invited to participate in the Ventura Council for Seniors board meetings held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 9:30a-11:00a at the Ventura Avenue Adult Center . The Ventura Council for Seniors (VCS), formerly the Ventura Council on Aging, formed in 1975, is designated by the Ventura City Council as the representative organization of all seniors (50 and over) in the City of Ventura.

Westside Café.  Join on Monday through Friday, 11:30am to 12:30pm, in the Ventura Avenue Adult Center’s Two Trees Banquet Room for the friendliest lunch hour in Ventura with a meal that includes a nutritious hot entrée, salad bar, and fresh fruit and vegetables. Check out the Adult pages of My Ventura each issue for Westside Café Days, seasonal celebrations that mark birthdays and feature special desserts and musical entertainment. **Suggested donation: $3 per meal for those 60 and over and $5 for those under 60. At Ventura Avenue Adult Center, 550 N Ventura Ave.

The Home Delivered Meals Program is designed for homebound individuals 60 years and up who live in Ventura. For more information call 648-3035.