Category Archives: Senior Living

County of Ventura puts out call to older-adult artists for May exhibition

Artists must reside in Ventura County and be 60 years old or over.

May is Older Americans Month, and to celebrate the occasion, the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA), Ventura County Arts Council (VCAC), and County of Ventura Arts & Culture will host an art exhibition of works created by the county’s older adults.

The exhibit will be held in the County of Ventura’s Hall of Administration Atrium Gallery (800 S. Victoria Ave. in Ventura). It will open on May 13, 2024, and run through June (closing date TBD).

The exhibition will aim to showcase the vibrant creativity and talent of artists ages 60 and older within our community through an open call. While there is no specific theme, artwork is encouraged that explores the sharing of experiences, traditions, customs, and stories across generations.

Entry Guidelines:

  • Only one entry per artist will be admitted.
  • Entries will not be accepted without registration.
  • Submissions will be reviewed and approved by the Ventura County Arts Council according to the County of Ventura’s art display guidelines.
  • Approved submissions will be provided with designated drop-off locations across the county.
  • Artists must reside in Ventura County and be 60 years old or over.

Important Dates:

  • Online registration is currently open and must be received by the deadline: Sunday, April 28, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
  • Artwork must be dropped off at pickup location by Friday, May 3, 2024.
  • Exhibition schedule: Monday, May 13 to June (closing date to be determined).

Artwork will be returned to the drop-off locations upon exhibit closing.

For online registration and complete entry guidelines, visit

Local Senior Sees Beyond Limitations

Maureen returned to her hometown roots to retire in Ventura and Oxnard. Photo by Dave Gunther

by Tracy Marcynzsyn

“I’m on a new journey,” declares Maureen Angelini, sitting in her grandmother’s chair in her Oxnard home filled with family and sentimental heirlooms, like the statue of Isis (an Egyptian goddess) that belonged to her grandfather.

A teacher and principal in Baldwin Park and Bakersfield for 30 years, Maureen returned to her hometown roots to retire in Ventura and Oxnard.

“I loved my career! I believed in what I did,” reflects Maureen. Every Friday she was in the cafeteria to shake the hands of students who completed all their weekly homework assignments. This reinforced teachers’ hard work and acknowledged, encouraged, and congratulated student efforts.

A teacher at heart, Maureen continues to share her knowledge and encourage others to go beyond what they think is possible, albeit in a less traditional subject than during her three decades within the public school system.

An event changed the direction of Maureen’s life. Two years before retirement, she attended the funeral mass of a coworker who died by suicide.

“While praying for Eddie’s soul, I saw his essence in a light fog above his casket and heard these words in my mind, ‘I didn’t know I would cause so much pain.’ This incident defied logic and my Catholic upbringing,” declared Maureen.

She shared how a series of unsettling events and a dream about Angel Therapy guided her to take a class with Charles Virtue in 2013. This exposed her to meditation, the terms of mediumship, and ways to use her senses to connect with the other side. A month later, Maureen attended a one-week course with James Van Praagh.

“The ability to hear spirits surprised me but felt natural at the same time,” she recalled.

To quiet doubts about whether her communication with spirits was real or her imagination, Maureen went to England and took courses at the renowned Arthur Findlay College of Psychic and Spiritual Development.

“It was amazing!” said Maureen with a smile. She described the school as “a playground for the soul.” It confirmed her abilities and was a safe place to interact with souls in the afterlife under tutors’ guidance and fellow students’ support.

The author of Wisdom from the Afterlife: Messages from Departed and Suicide Souls, Maureen takes readers on a journey through her personal experiences intertwined with stories that spirits channeled through her. Many of the souls were victims of suicide or drug abuse. Four were famous entertainers who struggled with inner battles that contributed to their early deaths. Today, people fight these same challenges.

The book provides a blueprint for reflection and change, with an emphasis on the importance of letting go of past hurts, understanding which struggles are worth the fight, and living without future regrets.

“After the completion of the book, I discovered a common theme that ran through all the stories: self-bullying. It’s the negative words or thoughts we tell ourselves. This unconscious act sabotages joy and self-worthiness,” she noted.

Maureen acknowledges and understands the uncertainty and religious dogmas that surround mediumship and suicide.

“I held the same beliefs before retirement. When I accepted my innate ability to communicate with the other side, the sorrow, humility, and love felt within the transmitted messages couldn’t be ignored. Spirits provided urgent and timely messages of healing for those who struggle with life and the aftermath of a death by suicide.”

Statistics reveal suicide claims the lives of over 48,300 Americans each year. An estimated quarter million people become living survivors.

More than a decade after retirement, Maureen continues her mission to encourage people to step beyond their self-hindering beliefs and comfort zones. A positive attitude, purpose, and awareness transform challenges into growth opportunities for change and unlimited possibilities.

Her book, Wisdom from the Afterlife, published by Gracepoint, is set to be released this July. Maureen plans to offer classes in Meditation, Mind Expansion, How to Understand the Spirit Messages of Loved Ones, and Unleashing Your Unlimited Potential this fall.

For more information, visit Maureen

How to talk with your doctor about sensitive issues

by NIH

Much of the communication between doctor and patient is personal. To have a good partnership with your doctor, it is important to talk about sensitive subjects, like sex or memory problems, even if you are embarrassed or uncomfortable. Most doctors are used to talking about personal matters and will try to ease your discomfort. Keep in mind that these topics concern many older people. You can use booklets and other materials from NIA or the organizations listed at the end of the article to help you bring up sensitive subjects when talking with your doctor.

It is important to understand that problems with memory, depression, sexual function, and incontinence are not necessarily normal parts of aging. A good doctor will take your concerns about these topics seriously and not brush them off. If you think your doctor isn’t taking your concerns seriously, talk to him or her about your feelings or consider looking for a new doctor. Read on for examples of ways to bring up these subjects during your appointment.

Anyone at any age can have a drinking problem. Alcohol can have a greater effect as a person grows older because the aging process affects how the body handles alcohol. People can also develop a drinking problem later in life due to major life changes like the death of loved ones. Talk with your doctor if you think you may be developing a drinking problem. You could say: “Lately, I’ve been wanting to have a drink earlier and earlier in the afternoon, and I find it’s getting harder to stop after just one or two. What kind of treatments could help with this?”

Driving is an important part of everyday life for many people, and making the decision to stop driving can be very difficult. Tell your doctor if you or people close to you are concerned about your driving and why. He or she can go over your medical conditions and medications to see if there are treatable problems that may be contributing to driving difficulties.

A fall can be a serious event, often leading to injury and loss of independence, at least for a while. For this reason, many older people develop a fear of falling. Studies show that fear of falling can keep people from going about their normal activities and, as a result, they may become frailer, which actually increases their risk of falling again. If fear of falling is affecting your day-to-day life, let your doctor know. He or she may be able to recommend some things to do to reduce your chances of falling. Exercises can help you improve your balance and strengthen your muscles, at any age.

Regular exercise makes you stronger and can help you prevent falls. NIA has articles and free videos designed for older adults that can help you fit exercise and physical activity into your daily life.

Let’s Dance

Residents are lined up and ready to Spring into shape with Lelie!

by Leslie Sokol

Spring is in the air! This is the perfect season to get moving, be fit, and have fun. One of the best ways to improve your overall health and get in shape is to dance. Dancing can be many things: an expression of art, a social activity with friends, part of a cultural experience, a fun hobby, or a great form of exercise. The combination of movement, time spent with others, and rhythmic music is good for your physical and mental well-being. No matter your age, moving your body to the sound of music can transform your life for the better.

9 Ways Dancing Improves Your Health

Boosts cardiovascular health. Like other aerobic exercises, dancing increases your cardiovascular endurance by elevating your breathing. Dance moves of a moderate intensity can reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Builds core strength. Dance requires balance and builds core strength, which promotes good posture and prevents muscle injuries and back pain. For example, ballet moves train your body to stand still and balance on one leg using deep muscles in your body and engaging your abs.

Promotes flexibility. Many forms of dance stretch your limbs and improve flexibility. This in turn will help improve your balance, help you avoid falls and decrease the risk of injury in many areas of your life.

Helps with weight loss. Dancing may include both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises involve continuous movement fueled by oxygen – examples include bike riding or running. Anaerobic exercises involve short bursts of high-intensity movement fueled by energy stored in your muscles (think weight lifting). Both types of exercise can improve your health and are great calorie burners. In general, the more up-tempo the dance style, the more calories and energy will be burned.

Improves bone health. As a form of weight-bearing activity, dancing can help you maintain bone density and even build new bone mass.

Helps prevent memory loss. One of my favorite sayings is, “Sound mind, sound body.” Dance gets you moving both physically and mentally. Learning new steps and routines requires mental focus while counting and staying on beat to the music. This makes you feel more alert, focused and engaged and improves your cognitive skills.

Improves mental health. Dance is one of the best types of exercise to lift your spirit. Dance decreases anxiety, increases self-esteem, and improves your psychological well-being. Reduces stress. Dancing can be uplifting, make you feel good and forget your worries. It is the perfect way to brighten your mood on days where you might be feeling upset or stressed.

Creates social connections. Social connectedness and interaction are critical components of your mental and physical health. Dancing with others is a shared experience. When you take a class, you will feel an immediate connection with your fellow students as you all respond to the music and the movements of your bodies. Incorporating dance into your life will have an immediate positive impact on how you feel. It will help you focus, improve self-discipline, increase your confidence, and change your brain and body for the better. Through my many years of dance training and teaching, I am so grateful to be able to share my knowledge and experience with others. From ages 3 years to 105 years old, my students learn the positive power of dance. So put a spring into your step and let’s get dancing!

Leslie Sokol is the creator and founder of the adult dance and fitness program For the Young at Heart. She has been teaching adults and children for forty-five years.

For more information contact Leslie at [email protected] 805-312-8089 or visit the website:


Fate had another plan for Patricia Caloia

Caloia loves living in Ventura.

by Sheli Ellsworth

Patricia Caloia had two choices after graduating from Elsinore High School. Did she want to be a nurse or a teacher? After four years at UCSB, she was qualified to teach secondary English and Math. She received a Singer sewing machine and a Betty Crocker cookbook for graduation. All she needed to set up housekeeping was a husband.

But during the graduation process, fate had another plan. She was handed her student computer punch cards for the administration office. Fascinated by the idea of holes that could spawn information, she studied them until she deciphered what each said. Inspired by an acquaintance studying computer technology, Caloia snuck into a programming class. The rest, as they say, was history.

“In 1962, computers weren’t common. My parents were shocked that I wanted to be a computer programmer,” Caloia says. “Programming was a tedious, repetitive task eventually relegated as women’s work. But when my folks realized I was making more money than my dad, they came around.”

She started at Douglas Aircraft programming business applications and later moved to TRW. “I became head of an all-male group that maintained systems for TRW’s business sector.” Caloia transferred to the scientific sector supporting Federal Aviation Administration contracts. That led to the FAA’s technical center in New Jersey. Still following FAA contracts, she wound up in Camarillo on loan to Unisys. Loving the coast since her UCSB days, she purchased a hillside home in Ventura, but Unisys lost the contract.

Needing income, Pat bought into the candy vending machine business. She traveled around Ventura County stocking machines, collecting coins and baking cookies with broken M&Ms.

Fortunately, a former FAA employee started an air traffic control software consulting
company and asked Caloia to help maintain the ATC software at England’s CAA—equivalent to the FAA. Excited to live overseas, it was also an awesome opportunity for her young son. The home was rented out and they moved to London. “The England experience was wonderful. My son became a Sea Scout, vowing to defend the Queen.” Caloia recalls standing in the control tower at Heathrow, watching the Concord land. Her mother even visited London to see the sights. “Mom never did understand my job. She just knew it had something to do with airplanes and computers.”

Three years later, she went to New Jersey contracting with the FAA. They returned to Ventura in time for her son’s freshman year at VHS. She considered early retirement, but fate was not finished with Caloia. She received another offer from the CAA. Caloia and her son moved back to England. “It felt a little like going home.”

After two years, they came back to Ventura. Her son graduated from VHS and headed to Santa Barbara for college. Caloia continued consulting on air traffic control software in New Jersey, El Paso, and Raytheon outside Boston. Eventually, she longed to return to California.

Caloia had invested in real estate through the years, and retired in her Ventura home. These days she oversees her properties, enjoys gardening, walking, and always theater. She supervises a writer’s group and is working on a couple of novels. She recently completed a fun children’s book for her grand-daughter: London Magic based on their unique experiences across the pond. She is a voracious reader who enjoys the occasional lazy afternoon with a book and her rescued cat, Patch.

Caloia loves living in Ventura. “It has the conveniences of a city but with the feel of a small town. If I choose, almost everything I need is within a couple of miles.” Her favorite places are So Cal theatres, the beach and on a plane. Occasionally she finds herself snorkeling in Hawaii or flying to visit her son, daughter-in-law and grand-daughter in Maryland.

Meet Ventura senior, neighbor Phil Boehme

Phil retired from the Department of Energy 13 years ago.

by Bob Warnagieris

I met Philip Boehme about 10 years ago in a bible study course at the Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Church. We established a friendship that has involved regular coffee discussions on topics that often turn into debates. Two things are characteristic of a serious talk with Phil; he is well read and backs up any statement with facts. Secondly, we can discuss controversial topics from two different points of view without getting upset – now that’s a rare friend.

Phil and his wife Dea have been in Ventura since 1995. Phil, a physicist, retired from the Department of Energy 13 years ago after a career involving nuclear radiation safety. Dea (USC PhD) retired several years ago from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Crime Lab. They have 3 grown children, two boys, a daughter and 5 grandchildren.

Regarding retirement, Phil says he’s happy and enjoys the leisure time he has to spend more time with his family and his many hobbies and projects. Currently he’s occupied with reading, watching old movies, setting up a ham radio operation after passing the federal exam, writing a play about witches in Ojai, learning German for a trip to Germany and playing poker. His advice on the latter item is “Don’t draw to an inside straight”. He remains interested in travel and adventure, be it in California or abroad.

Looking back at his life, Phil cites the high and low of his years. The high would be enlisting in the Marine Corp and getting married to Dea. On the challenging side has been a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. His advice for a good life is “Love your family and keep meeting new friends”. As to principles to live by, Phil counts the Code of Chivalry and the Catholic religion. Having been around Phil for many years, I would also add love of country to his strong beliefs.

This introduction would not be complete without citation of Philip’s combat experience as a photographer with the 3rd Marine Division in Vietnam at the age of 22. Phil is a 100% disabled veteran from PTSD with vivid memories of the war. His official DOD photos from the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration can be viewed on YouTube video. Click here to see them: http://youtube/watch?v=WJ5WBLApc-k. The photos mostly cover Operation Idaho Canyon, the last major Vietnam engagement for the 3rd Marine Division. President Nixon announced the first troop withdrawal of the war during this operation in August 1969. The 3rd Marine Division was selected to leave first.

For anyone interested in other websites regarding the war and special events or people of Phil’s experience, please contact Bob Warnagieris at [email protected] for a listing.

Free services provided to seniors and to people with disabilities in Ventura County

by Carol Leish, MA

Free services provided to seniors and to people with disabilities in Ventura County

“Every program we offer at the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA) is free, with no charge,” according to Roger Horne, Public Information Officer at the VC Area Agency on Aging. “We have a ‘No Wrong Door Policy,’ which means if an older adult, a person with disabilities, or a caregiver call needing help, but is not sure of what services are in the community to help them, we will first try to connect them with our programs if we can. If not, we will try to refer them to other agencies that can assist them.

“The Information & Assistance team at our agency takes the initial phone call from someone who calls asking for assistance. A social worker figures out what that person’s needs are to help them out. Our overall goal is to help people to stay in their own home, since people do better by staying in their own homes, while keeping them safe and healthy.”

Some of the various types of programs provided by the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging include: 1) Transportation; 2) the Senior Nutrition Program; 3) Digital Services; 4) Health Insurance Counseling; 5) Employment; 6) Housing through HomeShare; 7) Fall Prevention, and 8) LiveWell (annual publication).

Free transportation is provided for those who are 60 years old or older, along with those, of any age, who have an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) card through a free bus pass. Those who are 65 years old or older can get free Dial-A-Ride tickets to use for transportation. Medi-rides may also be available to individuals who have no other way to get to a medical appointment.

The Senior Nutrition Program funds congregate meals at various senior centers throughout the county. Seniors can get free meals, or give a suggested donation of $3 for a meal. “There is also a meal delivery program for those who are homebound. Some receive the same meals that the senior centers serve,” according to Horne. “At the VCAAA, we send out boxes that have a week’s or month’s amount of food in them.”

“Digital resources,” according to Horne, “help to deal with the ‘Digital Divide,’ by offering education. GetSetUp offers classes for older adults in which they can learn about anything that may interest them. Trualta offers free online support and training for caregivers. To sign up for these free services, first go to the VCAAA website at, and click onto ‘Digital Resources.’”

For those who need free help with Medicare, Horne said, “We offer health insurance counseling through our HICAP department by giving one-on-one help, and through giving presentations to various groups. This is unbiased help to support older adults who need it.”

Employment help for seniors is also offered. The Senior Community Service Employment Program assists low-income individuals to get back into the workforce. Help on the website is available through a video done by the Workforce Development Committee, which is part of the Advisory Council for the VC Area Agency on Aging: ‘Get That Job!’ The committee also recently did a job fair in Eastern Ventura County. A job fair in Western Ventura County is in the works.

“Housing can be difficult, especially with the high costs of housing within Ventura County,” according to Horne. “HomeShare is a program that matches home seekers with home providers. Some people may have a house that is too big for them. We help them to find compatible people to rent a room, who may be able to help them with various things around their homes.”

The Fall Prevention program aims to help people who have fallen, or who are fearful of falling, by offering several evidence-based classes that are aimed at keeping people on their feet.

“LiveWell, which is an annual publication, has various interesting articles that we think older adults, caregivers, and people with disabilities would want to read,” according to Horne. “It also has listings of agencies throughout the county that deal with topics like: 1) Health; 2) Legal; 3) Food; 4) Caregiving; 5) Community Resources; and, 6) Transportation.”

For more information about the free services provided, or to get assistance, please contact the VC Area Agency on Aging at either their phone number: 805-477-7300; or, through their website:

Sig Schmalhofer is living proof that retirees can have a full life

Sig has published two novels.

by Sheli Ellsworth

Sig Schmalhofer’s quest to fulfill the American Dream began in 1956 as a five-year-old German immigrant. The sum of the family’s possessions were stuffed into two suitcases when they landed at LAX. The first English words he learned became a lifetime mantra, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” His mother had memorized the Benjamin Franklin proverb and recited it often to the family. After graduating from Newbury Park High School in 1969, he married his high school sweetheart, Beverly.

Schmalhofer worked his way through college by working in plumbing shops. After he earned a degree in English from CSUN, he was an elementary teacher in Thousand Oaks. Three years later he capitalized on his knowledge of plumbing industry and made it his career.

In 1993, he was diagnosed with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, a debilitating genetic disease which robs victims of muscular strength. “That’s when the list of tasks I could do by myself got shorter, and things I needed help with, got longer. Thank God for Bev. She’s flawlessly stepped in to help me do things that need to be done.” The couple raised three children and have seven grandchildren.

After they built a successful career in Riverside, Sig and Bev moved back to Ventura County, where it all began. “I’d planned to play golf every day of my retired life,” Sig says. “But when my physical challenges made the game that I love an exercise in ‘Hit the ball, drag Sig’, I turned my attention to other hobbies. The centerpiece of that list is writing.”

Sig has published two novels, Jelly Beans in Life and Jelly Beans in Life 2; a business book, The Reputable Rep; and a memoir: Never Really Normal. Coming soon is the first of a series of mysteries.

The Ventura resident is living proof that retirees should be armed with a manageable list of hobbies beyond asking children and grandchildren questions they really don’t want to answer. His favorite pastime is playing enthralling, winner-take-all, games of Cribbage with Bev. “We’re super competitive. We play two or three games a day and record the results of every game in what we dubbed The Book. The ultimate goal is to win a ‘World Series Championship’ which takes about six months.”

Sig and Bev also post Wordl and Connections scores on a family text, daily, and each of them maintains their own exercise program. Sig has six ‘exercise stations’ in his home where he completes a list of daily routines prescribed by Dr. Selvey, his physiotherapist.

Schmalhofer also rides around the neighborhood in his souped-up wheelchair he calls his Sigmobile. He watches baseball, golf and football but not the news. “Watching news,” he says, “is the ideal way to make yourself act like a grumpy old man.” Because I’ve been blessed to live a life well worth living with friends and family well worth having,” Sig said. “The first words out of my mouth every day are, “Thank God, I’m still alive.”


Art in a class is a wonderful activity to overcome loneliness.

There are things you can do to help protect yourself or a loved one from the negative effects of loneliness and social isolation. First, it’s important to take care of yourself. Try exercising, eating healthy, getting enough sleep (7 to 9 hours), and pursuing activities you enjoy to help manage stress and stay as mentally and physically healthy as possible.

It’s also important to stay active and connect with others. People who engage in meaningful, productive activities they enjoy with others feel a sense of purpose and tend to live longer. For example, helping others through volunteering helps you feel less lonely and allows you to have a sense of mission and purpose in life, which is linked to better health. Studies show activities like these may help boost your mood and improve your well-being and cognitive function.

Find an activity that you enjoy, restart an old hobby, or take a class to learn something new. You might have fun and meet people with similar interests.

Schedule time each day to stay in touch with family, friends, and neighbors in person, by email, social media, voice call, or text. Talk with people you trust and share your feelings. Suggest an activity to help nurture and strengthen existing relationships. Sending letters or cards is another good way to keep up friendships.

Use communication technologies such as video chat, smart speakers, or even companion robots to help keep you engaged and connected.

If you’re not tech-savvy, sign up for an online or in-person class at your local public library or community center to help you learn how to use email or social media.Older adult holding a dog to combat loneliness and social isolation.

Consider adopting a pet if you are able to care for them. Animals can be a source of comfort and may also lower stress and blood pressure.

Stay physically active and include group exercise, such as joining a walking club or working out with a friend. Adults should aim for at least 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) of activity a week that makes you breathe hard.

Introduce yourself to your neighbors.

Find a faith-based organization where you can deepen your spirituality and engage with others in activities and events.

Check out resources and programs at your local social service agencies, community and senior centers, and public libraries.

Join a cause and get involved in your community.

If you or a loved one has dementia and lives alone, family members, friends, or other caregivers may be able to help in different ways.

Identify a person you trust, such as a neighbor, who can visit regularly in-person or via a video call and be an emergency contact.

Learn about home- and community-based support and services from social service agencies, local nonprofits, and Area Agencies on Aging.

Stay connected with family and friends through video chats, email, and social media. If you’re not tech savvy, ask for help to learn.