Category Archives: Senior Living

Avoiding/Stopping various types of Senior Fraud

by Carol Leish

By being aware of different types of fraud/crimes occurring, you will become more aware of how to stop them/avoid them from happening. With knowledge, you will gain the power of ways to better cope and stop the fraud/crimes from happening to you and/or to your friends/loved ones.

According to, Debbie Deem, a retired victim’s specialist for the FBI, there are different types of fraud/crimes to be aware of in order to be able to stop/avoid them from happening.

Deem said that, “According to the FBI, romance imposter crimes occur when a criminal adopts a fake online identity to gain a victim’s affection and trust. The remote criminal than uses the illusion of a romantic or other close relationship to manipulate and/or steal from the victim. These criminals’ frequent social media sites, dating and word game sites, among others. Often the images sent to a victim are taken from an innocent victim who may not know their image is being used to defraud victims and break their hearts.”

“The FBI has information, helpful tips, and videos that describe these crimes in more detail,” according to Deem. “Go to:”

“Lottery and sweepstakes fraud,” according to Deem, “have been around for many years. According to AARP, the initial contact is usually a phone call, but may also be a social media post, an email, text or even direct mail offering congratulations for winning a prize or contest. But, before you can obtain your winnings (and usually a Mercedes car in addition to the prize money), there will be various fees, taxes, courier fees, insurance and custom duties to pay before you can obtain your prize winnings. These frauds may ask for cash, to send counterfeit checks, or to demand payments in gift cards or increasingly virtual currencies using special ‘ATM’s’ specifically for cryptocurrency payments.

“It’s important to know that, according to federal law, you never have to pay taxes or fees in advance of winning a prize or money. It is also illegal to participate in a foreign lottery or sweepstake. Beware of calling or taking calls from an unknown person using the Caribbean area codes of 876, 809 or 284 that suggest you have won money. If you get a call like this, just hang up.

“For more information on lottery and sweepstakes fraud, link to:”

“The Federal Trade Commission (FTC),” according to Deem, “says that Tech support or computer repair fraud/crimes can involve one of the following things. 1) You may get a pop up on your computer screen that looks like an error message or warning that urges you to contact a ‘toll free’ number immediately because a virus or suspicious activity was found on your computer. 2) You may also be getting a phone call from someone claiming to be a computer technician from a company such as Apple or Microsoft, saying there is a problem with your computer, asking for remote computer access to run a diagnostic test. In each of these cases, you are asked to fix a problem that doesn’t exist for a fee. Or, it may result in them putting a virus or accessing personal financial information, such as your banking information.

“The FTC has very useful information on what to do to both avoid tech support fraud, as well as what to do if you are a victim. Remember that legitimate companies won’t be contacting you by phone, email, text or via a popup message. Get more information at:”

Thus, by being aware of the above types of senior fraud/crimes, you now have the tools to be able to stop/avoid it from happening.

Support group where people can share their own personal experiences and feelings

This Parkinson’s support group brings together people going through—or who have gone through—similar experiences with Parkinson’s. We provide opportunities for people to share their own personal experiences and feelings, coping strategies, or firsthand information about the disease and/or treatments. Additionally, attendees are encouraged to offer each other support and encouragement—especially for those newly diagnosed who are experiencing this new “life transition” for the first time.

Once a month, we team up together to provide support and information—and even some entertainment as a supplemental “activity” to what participants may already be doing in their established health programs.

Providing attendees with self-help strategies and raising awareness with all facets surrounding Parkinson’s are what we strive to accomplish at each meeting. Brief informative presentations, followed by interactive participation, allow attendees to benefit from both a professional and personal perspective of the meeting’s topic.

Though we provide relevant information and relatable personal experiences, our main goal is to instill better understanding of Parkinson’s not only for its effect on a diagnosed person but also on caregivers. We want to empower all parties to engage in their own advocacy. Most importantly, at every meeting we listen to—and accept—experiences and viewpoints of others while providing caring understanding of everyone in the group/community.

For more information regarding this unique support group, please visit Or contact Dr. Vanessa White, owner/director: [email protected], cell 805.300.7749.

Ventura County Parkinson’s Support Group meets the third Tuesday of every month at Crosspointe Church, 5415 Ralston St., Ventura.

10:00-11:15am . Next meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 21

Try to keep up with this senior tennis player

Breeze publisher Sheldon (on the right) enjoys playing with John at the court at Portside Ventura Harbor. He hopes to beat him some day.

When not on the tennis courts, John B. Bennett has had a long career in motion picture and television production, and it’s still active in the profession.

He began his tennis career early, at just 10-years-old. He competed on his high school team and played in college for UCLA. John started playing senior tournaments in the 35 division a long time ago. John Bennett played, and won, plenty of tournaments. This is just a few of his most memorable wins and achievements.

2001: Number one ranking in Southern California.

2015: National grass and hardcourt third place in singles and doubles.

Has held a national ranking of number 2 in singles and number 3 in doubles.

Has held an SCTA ranking of number one in singles and number 2 in doubles.

Bennett has whipped juniors into shape in the SCTA Youth vs. Experience matches at the LA Tennis Club. He has also been a strong supporter of local tournament competition, and has been a participant in nearly every Senior Grand Prix championship over the past 33 years.

Gaining more knowledge to deal with senior fraud

There are many resources to call to prevent fraud.

by Carol Leish

There are many resources to deal with senior fraud. You can contact various websites for information. You can also call various phone numbers for assistance. Thus, by using various tools, you’ll be better able to protect yourselves.

According to Carey Aldava, Manager of Ventura County Adult Protective Services Program, “Unfortunately, according to AARP, a MetLife study determined that 55% of financial abuse in the United States is committed by family members, caregivers, and friends. Often, undue influence is used as a means of exploiting the elder or dependent adult financially. In a brief issued by the National Center on Law and Elder Rights in June 2017, undue influence is defined as: ‘Someone using their role and power to exploit the trust, dependency, and fear of others. They use the power to deceptively gain control over the decision-making of the other person.’”

Aldava emphasized by saying, “If you suspect elder or dependent adult abuse, call the Adult Protective Services 24-Hour Abuse Reporting Hotline at: 805-654-3200. To request information, visit or call Adult Protective Services at: 805-658-4453.”

Debbie Deem, a retired victim’s specialist for the FBI, discussed where to report fraud and how to seek help. “If you are a victim of a computer, phone or other fraud crime, please report it to: if it is a computer/cyber related fraud; or, to: if it is a fraud involving the phone or mail.

“In Ventura County, it should also be reported to your local law enforcement and Adult Protective Services (if older or dependent adults) are involved.

“For those age 60 and over, the US Dept. Justice has a helpline-at the National Elder Fraud Hotline: 1-833-372-8311 that can help provide referrals, support and even help in filing the above reports. Services are available for those in almost every language.”

“There are some common ways to avoid being defrauded,” according to Deem. She elaborated upon this by saying: “1) Learn to screen your calls from unknown numbers and use voice mail to decide before calling anyone back that you do not know. This provides you with time to further investigate if the person calling you is real. 2) Keep your computer updated with proper antivirus and other applications updated. 3) Don’t use the same password for email and other websites. 4) Use a password manager to help to remember a different password for each computer application. 5) Use privacy setting on social media accounts like Facebook. 6) Keep your settings to private, and don’t ‘friend’ strangers, even if they appear to be friends with someone who you know. 7) Use multifactor authentication protecting your accounts on line with something you know (password) and something you have (such as your cell phone). The website: has additional computer help.”

By becoming aware of what steps of avoidance to take; who to contact if necessary; and, various websites to gain knowledge, you’ll be able to better able to cope with/avoid the possibilities of senior fraud.

“There are some common ways to avoid being defrauded,” according to, Deem. “These include: 1) Learn to screen your calls from unknown numbers and use voice mail to decide before calling anyone back that you do not know.; 2) Keep your computer updated with proper antivirus and other applications updated.; 3) Don’t use the same password for email and other websites.; 4) Use a password manager to help remember a different password for each computer application.; 5) Use privacy settings on social media account life Facebook.; 6) Keep your settings to private.; 7) Don’t ‘friend’ strangers, even if they appear to be friends with someone that you know.; and, 8) Use multifactor authentication protecting your accounts on line with something you know (password) and something you have (such as your cell phone). additional computer help.”

Osher LifeLong Learning Program

The music tradition of Cuba; understanding Russia today; how oceans shape our planet; and California in American popular culture are all part of CSU Channel Islands Osher LifeLong Learning Program (OLLI). Our fall semester consists of 10 Zoom and 5 in-person courses that will enable adults aged 50 or over to sample OLLI’s university level courses taught by faculty and experts from many different walks of life. Classes, which last for either four weeks or 8 weeks.  Registration starts mid August.  Classes start on September 13th. See the list of courses and register by visiting

Which vaccines do older adults need?

As you get older, your doctor may recommend more vaccinations, also known as shots or immunizations, to help prevent certain illnesses. Talk with your doctor about which of the following vaccines you need. Make sure to protect yourself as much as possible by keeping your vaccinations up to date.

COVID-19 vaccines

Studies show that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at keeping people from getting COVID-19. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine will also help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19. We are still learning how effective COVID-19 vaccines are against new variants of the virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone age 12 and older get vaccinated.

Flu vaccines for older adults

Flu(short for influenza)is a virus that can cause fever, chills, sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, and muscle aches. Flu is very serious when it gets in your lungs. Older adults are at a higher risk for developing serious complications from the flu, such as pneumonia.

The flu is easy to pass from person to person. The virus also changes over time, which means you can get it again. To ensure flu vaccines remain effective, the vaccine is updated every year.

Everyone age 6 months and older should get an annual flu vaccine, but the protection from a flu vaccine can lessen with time, especially in older adults. Still, you are less likely to become seriously ill or hospitalized because of the flu if you get the vaccine. A flu vaccine is especially important if you have a chronic health condition such as heart disease or diabetes.

There are flu vaccines designed specifically for people age 65 and older. Medicare will pay for the vaccine, and so will private health insurance plans. You can get a flu vaccine at your doctor’s office or local health department, as well as at some grocery and drug stores.

Vaccines to help prevent pneumonia

Pneumococcal disease is a serious infection that spreads from person to person by air. It often causes pneumonia in the lungs and it can affect other parts of the body.

There are two pneumococcal vaccines: PPSV23 and PCV13. According to the CDC, adults who are age 65 and older should get the PPSV23 vaccine. Some older adults may also need the PCV13 vaccine. Talk with your health care professional to find out if you need both pneumococcal vaccines.

Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccines

Tetanus (sometimes called lockjaw) is caused by bacteria found in soil, dust, and manure. It enters the body through cuts in the skin.

Diphtheria, also caused by bacteria, is a serious illness that can affect the tonsils, throat, nose, or skin. It can spread from person to person.

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is caused by bacteria. It is a serious illness that causes uncontrollable, violent coughing fits that make it hard to breathe. It can spread from person to person.

The CDC recommends that adults get a Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) or Td (tetanus, diphtheria) booster shot every 10 years. Ask your doctor when you need your booster shot.

Shingles vaccine for older adults

Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox. If you had chickenpox, the virus is still in your body. The virus could become active again and cause shingles.

Shingles affects the nerves. Common symptoms include burning, shooting pain, tingling, and/or itching, as well as a rash with fluid-filled blisters. Even when the rash disappears, the pain can remain. This is called post-herpetic neuralgia, or PHN.

The shingles vaccine is safe and it may keep you from getting shingles and PHN. Healthy adults age 50 and older should get vaccinated with the shingles vaccine, which is given in two doses. (Zostavax, an earlier shingles vaccine, is no longer available in the United States.)

What Is Vascular Dementia?

This is not the best way to remember your daily chores.

Vascular dementia is caused by conditions such as stroke that disrupt blood flow to the brain and lead to problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. Vascular dementia is the second most common dementia diagnosis, after Alzheimer’s disease, and can occur alone or alongside another form of dementia.

Vascular dementia is caused by conditions that damage blood vessels in the brain and interrupt the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. In the research community, these conditions are known as vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID). The brains of people with vascular dementia often show evidence of prior strokes, thickening blood vessel walls, and thinning white matter — the brain’s connecting “wires” that relay messages between regions.

Not everyone who has had a stroke will develop vascular dementia. A person’s risk for dementia after stroke depends on the size and number of strokes and the brain regions affected. Vascular dementia can also result from other conditions that impede blood flow and delivery of oxygen to the brain, such as narrowing of the arteries.

High blood pressure, problems with the heartbeat’s rhythm, diabetes, and high cholesterol can increase a person’s risk of vascular dementia. By controlling or managing risk factors, you may lower your chance of developing cognitive impairment and dementia.

Symptoms of vascular dementia can appear suddenly and may progress slowly over time. Symptoms often look similar to those of Alzheimer’s disease, but memory loss is more prominent in Alzheimer’s, whereas problems with organization, attention, and problem-solving may be more obvious in vascular dementia.

People with vascular dementia may experience:

Difficulty performing tasks that used to be easy, such as paying bills

Trouble following instructions or learning new information and routines

Forgetting current or past events

Misplacing items

Getting lost on familiar routes

Problems with language, such as finding the right word or using the wrong word

Changes in sleep patterns

Difficulty reading and writing

Loss of interest in things or people

Changes in personality, behavior, and mood, such as depression, agitation, and anger

Hallucinations or delusions (believing something is real that is not)

Poor judgment and loss of ability to perceive danger

Symptoms may depend on the size, location, and number of damaged areas of the brain.

To diagnose vascular dementia, a doctor may ask about problems with daily activities, conduct memory or thinking tests, and speak with someone who knows the person well to see if symptoms of dementia are present. Medical history, lifestyle, and brain imaging tests are often used to help determine whether vascular dementia is the cause of symptoms.

No treatments are available to reverse brain damage that has been caused by a stroke. Treatment for vascular dementia focuses on preventing future strokes. Medications to prevent strokes, such as blood thinners, may help decrease the risk of further damage to the brain. Medications that help treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease might benefit people with early vascular dementia. A doctor may also recommend treating risk factors, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol, through medications and lifestyle changes.

A healthy lifestyle is important to help reduce risk factors of vascular dementia. This includes eating well, limiting alcohol, not smoking, exercising, and managing stress.

If you are concerned about vascular dementia symptoms, talk with your doctor. If you or someone you know has recently been diagnosed, explore the resources on this website and linked below to find out more about the disease, care, support, and research.

Sleep and Aging

Avoid napping in the late afternoon or evening, if you can.

Getting enough sleep helps you stay healthy and alert. But, many older people don’t sleep well. If you’re always sleepy or you find it hard to get enough sleep at night, it may be time to see a doctor. Waking up every day feeling tired is a sign that you are not getting the rest you need.

Older adults need about the same amount of sleep as all adults—7 to 9 hours each night. But, older people tend to go to sleep earlier and get up earlier than they did when they were younger.

There are many reasons why older people may not get enough sleep at night. Feeling sick or being in pain can make it hard to sleep. Some medicines can keep you awake.

Being older doesn’t mean you have to be tired all the time. You can do many things to help you get a good night’s sleep. Here are some ideas:

Follow a regular sleep schedule. Go to sleep and get up at the same time each day, even on weekends or when you are traveling.

Avoid napping in the late afternoon or evening, if you can. Naps may keep you awake at night.

Develop a bedtime routine. Take time to relax before bedtime each night. Some people read a book, listen to soothing music, or soak in a warm bath.

Try not to watch television or use your computer, cell phone, or tablet in the bedroom. The light from these devices may make it difficult for you to fall asleep. And alarming or unsettling shows or movies, like horror movies, may keep you awake.

Keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature, not too hot or too cold, and as quiet as possible.

Use low lighting in the evenings and as you prepare for bed.

Exercise at regular times each day but not within 3 hours of your bedtime.

Avoid eating large meals close to bedtime—they can keep you awake.

Stay away from caffeine late in the day. Caffeine (found in coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate) can keep you awake.

Remember—alcohol won’t help you sleep. Even small amounts make it harder to stay asleep.

Insomnia Is Common in Older Adults

Some older adults who have trouble sleeping may use over-the-counter sleep aids. Others may use prescription medicines to help them sleep. These medicines may help when used for a short time. But remember, medicines aren’t a cure for insomnia.

People with restless legs syndrome, or RLS, feel like there is tingling, crawling, or pins and needles in one or both legs. This feeling is worse at night. See your doctor for more information about medicines to treat RLS.

Periodic limb movement disorder, or PLMD, causes people to jerk and kick their legs every 20 to 40 seconds during sleep. Medication, warm baths, exercise, and relaxation exercises can help.

Rapid eye movement, or REM, sleep behavior disorder is another condition that may make it harder to get a good night’s sleep. During normal REM sleep, your muscles cannot move, so your body stays still. But, if you have REM sleep behavior disorder, your muscles can move and your sleep is disrupted.

Some people find that relaxing their bodies puts them to sleep. One way to do this is to imagine your toes are completely relaxed, then your feet, and then your ankles are completely relaxed. Work your way up the rest of your body, section by section. You may drift off to sleep before getting to the top of your head.

After turning off the light, give yourself about 20 minutes to fall asleep. If you’re still awake and not drowsy, get out of bed. When you feel sleepy, go back to bed.

Deciding to become physically active

Drink water before, during, and after your workout session.

by NIH

Deciding to become physically active can be one of the best things you can do for your health. Exercise and physical activity are not only great for your mental and physical health, but they can help keep you independent as you age. Now, let’s talk about getting started.

How Much Activity Do Older Adults Need?

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (PDF, 14.5M) you should do at least 150 minutes (2 ½ hours) a week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, like brisk walking or fast dancing. Being active at least 3 days a week is best, but doing anything is better than doing nothing at all. You should also do muscle-strengthening activities, like lifting weights or doing sit-ups, at least 2 days a week. The Physical Activity Guidelines also recommend that as part of your weekly physical activity you combine multiple components of exercises. For example, try balance training as well as aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. If you prefer vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (like running), aim for at least 75 minutes a week.

How Older Adults Can Get Started with Exercise

Exercise and physical activity are great for your mental and physical health and help keep you independent as you age. Here are a few things you may want to keep in mind when beginning to exercise.

Start Slowly When Beginning Exercise

The key to being successful and safe when beginning a physical activity routine is to build slowly from your current fitness level. Over-exercising can cause injury, which may lead to quitting. A steady rate of progress is the best approach.

To play it safe and reduce your risk of injury:

Begin your exercise program slowly with low-intensity exercises.

Warm up before exercising and cool down afterward.

Pay attention to your surroundings when exercising outdoors.

Drink water before, during, and after your workout session, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Play catch, kickball, basketball, or soccer.

Wear appropriate fitness clothes and shoes for your activity.

If you have specific health conditions, discuss your exercise and physical activity plan with your health care provider.

Even the best intentions to exercise can fall by the wayside when obstacles and challenges get in the way. However, there are ways to get past them! Check out these tips for overcoming exercise barriers and fitting exercise into your routine.

Exercise first thing in the morning. You are more likely to exercise if it’s a convenient part of your day. Try combining physical activity with a daily task you already do.

Keep it fun and interesting. Do things you enjoy and try new activities to keep things exciting.

Fit physical activity into your budget using items you already have at home. Exercise doesn’t have to be expensive. Wear comfortable, non-skid shoes for walking and use items you already have, like soup cans or water bottles, for strength exercises.

Give yourself a boost of energy. Regular, moderate physical activity can help manage stress, reduce fatigue, and increase your energy and stamina.

Choosing healthy meals as you get older

Making healthy food choices is a smart thing to do — no matter how old you are! Your body changes through your 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond. Food provides nutrients you need as you age. Use these tips to choose foods and beverages for better health at each stage of life.

1. Drink plenty of liquids

With age, you may lose some of your sense of thirst. Drink water often. Low-fat or fat-free milk or 100% juice also helps you stay hydrated. Limit beverages that have lots of added sugars or salt. Learn which liquids are healthier choices.

2. Make eating a social event

Meals are more enjoyable when you eat with others. Invite a friend to join you or take part in a potluck at least twice a week. A senior center or place of worship may offer meals that are shared with others. There are many ways to make mealtimes pleasing.

3. Plan healthy meals

Find trusted nutrition information from and the National Institute on Aging. Get advice on what to eat, how much to eat, and which foods to choose, all based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Find sensible, flexible ways to choose and prepare tasty meals so you can eat foods you need.

4. Know how much to eat

Learn to recognize how much to eat so you can control portion size. When eating out, pack part of your meal to eat later. One restaurant dish might be enough for two meals or more.

5. Include a variety of different colored, flavored, and textured vegetables. Most vegetables are a low-calorie source of nutrients. Vegetables are also a good source of fiber.

6. Eat for your teeth and gums

Many people find that their teeth and gums change as they age. People with dental problems sometimes find it hard to chew fruits, vegetables, or meats. Don’t miss out on needed nutrients! Eating softer foods can help. Try cooked or canned foods like unsweetened fruit, low-sodium soups, or canned tuna.

7. Use herbs and spices

Foods may seem to lose their flavor as you age. If favorite dishes taste different, it may not be the cook! Maybe your sense of smell, sense of taste, or both have changed. Medicines may also change how foods taste. Add flavor to your meals with herbs and spices.

8. Keep food safe

Don’t take a chance with your health. A food-related illness can be life threatening for an older person. Throw out food that might not be safe. Avoid certain foods that are always risky for an older person, such as unpasteurized dairy foods. Other foods can be harmful to you when they are raw or undercooked, such as eggs, sprouts, fish, shellfish, meat, or poultry.

9. Read the Nutrition Facts label

Make the right choices when buying food. Pay attention to important nutrients to know as well as calories, fats, sodium, and the rest of the Nutrition Facts label. Ask your doctor if there are ingredients and nutrients you might need to limit or to increase.

10. Ask your doctor about vitamins or supplements

Food is the best way to get nutrients you need. Should you take vitamins or other pills or powders with herbs and minerals? These are called dietary supplements. Your doctor will know if you need them. More may not be better. Some can interfere with your medicines or affect your medical conditions.