Category Archives: Senior Living

Vol. 9, No. 3 – November 11 – November 24, 2015 – A Tender Touch Senior Placement

senior connieHow ombudsmen make a difference
By Connie De La Rosa

Did you ever wonder what the Ombudsmen Program is and how they help?  Many families are not aware of this free service that can help resolve and investigate issues that your loved one may be facing while in a residential care facility.  The Ombudsman Program of Ventura is a non-profit program mandated by the Federal Older Americans Act,  that relies heavily on volunteer Ombudsmen to carry out the responsibilities of regularly weekly visits to the facilities and investigate complaints according to Sylvia Taylor Stein Executive Director of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program of Ventura County.

When a family calls the Ombudsmen program, the initial investigation process begins.  Depending on the severity of the complaint, it can take one day to one week for the volunteer Ombudsman to make the visit.  At that time, the Ombudsman will ask questions to the related complaint with the resident  in which at that time, it is up to the resident to give consent to the Ombudsman to follow through the complaint at the State level.  If the resident does not wish to pursue to the State level, the complaint is closed at that time. “ Many families are unaware that if their loved one is able to speak on their behalf, the Ombudsman must respect that resident’s wishes regardless of family involvement “ according to Sylvia Taylor Stein.  The program also provides awareness with educational informational presentations in communities such as  Skilled Nursing Facilities or Residential Care Facilities,  provides referrals for information regarding Health Care Counseling and Advocacy Program , Medi-Cal and Medi-Care.

For more information about the Ombudsman Program or how to become a volunteer please call 656-1986 or go on-line to

Robocalls are more than annoying

senior charles
There is an easier way to stop robocalls.

By Matilda Charles

We’ve all experienced it: We rush to answer the phone, and it’s a robocall, a computer-generated message trying to sell us something or tell us a lie. We’ve won a free cruise. We’ve won a big lottery prize. Our “warranty” is about to expire.

There are any number of reasons to hate robocalls, but for seniors there are two serious ones. We could fall as we dash to the phone. And we might get caught up in whatever scam is involved in the call.

If you pick up the phone and press a number to ask to be removed from the list, no one will answer, and you’ve only verified that your number works.

If you select another number to press to talk to someone to ask to be taken off the list, you get added to a special list of people who actually answer the phone and are immediately transferred to someone who gives you the sales pitch. If you hesitate even for a second in saying no, you go on a list of people are not only answer the phone, but press buttons to talk to people and who can likely be sold whatever they’re selling.

Do you see where this is going? The answer is: Do not answer the phone if you don’t recognize the number.

One difficulty in combatting robocalls is that the scammers behind them are hard for authorities to trace. They could be anywhere in the world, and they ignore the Do Not Call registry.

If you’re particularly annoyed by these robocalls, go online to the government site at and search for robocalls. Or look at Consumer Reports robocall information at and consider signing the petition. You also can call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-888-225-5322.

(c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.


Assisted Home Health and Hospice gave away free manicures and pedicures to breast cancer survivors and current fighters

Whitney LaBrie, a guest  and Deanna Leslie were there as Assisted Home Health and Hospice  gave away free manicures and pedicures to  breast cancer survivors and current fighters. The event was held at Jessica’s Nails and Spa. Over 50 women from Ventura attended.  They also gave away free bracelets, hats and scarves. All the ladies were pampered with champagne and finger foods.

Ventura City Mayor shared the history of Ventura at the Ventura Townehouse

Mayor touched on issues about land, beach, homelessness and traffic.

Cheryl Heitmann, Ventura City Mayor, was the guest speaker at the Ventura Townehouse  (VTH) on Thursday, October 22.  Almost one-hundred were in attendance.

Mayor Heitmann shared the history of Ventura and spoke of many projects she is working on around the city. Mayor Heitmann expressed the need for reclaimed water that is currently being tested at our local Ventura Water Pure Demonstration Facility. The Mayor said they have bus tours free to the public to visit the water plant.

She touched on issues about land, beach, homelessness and traffic concerns. The Mayor also shared how very important seniors and their concerns are since 27% of Ventura’s population are seniors and that number is growing rapidly.

She brought special attention to the city’s 150th Anniversary Celebration including projects like A Million Acts of Kindness, Partner Programs, Story Time Events at the Library, Poster Contest, Ventura Legacy Videos by

The Ventura Townehouse was a sponsor of the Kick-Off Event Sunday, held on November 8 at the Museum of Ventura County and also the 150th Anniversary Celebration to be held on Saturday, April 2.

Ventura Townehouse is also doing their part in sponsoring the 150th tile mural to be created by artist Michael Kelly. The mural will be installed on the wall in front of the Mission School. VTH will have their name placed permanently on the wall as one of the sponsors.

Ventura Townehouse residents are participating in the Million Acts of Kindness the Mayor has put up on her website at to reach the million acts of kindness by April 2nd in time for the 150th Ventura City Anniversary.

The Ventura Townehouse’s intergenerational partnership run by Anne Howorth, VTH Activities Director, include the Pacific High School Students and VTH residents are committed to get as many acts of kindness posted on the website as possible. VTH plans to create a “Kindness Tree” to display all of the acts of kindness once they are all collected.

If you have witnessed any acts of kindness let Samantha or Anne at the Ventura Townehouse know at  642.3263 or email at [email protected]. Leave a phone number, act of kindness and a photo if possible. “Let’s share 1 million acts of kindness to celebrate Ventura’s 150th birthday!” Samantha Crisp, Director of Marketing.

Vol. 9, No. 2 – October 28 – November 10, 2015 – A Tender Touch Senior Placement

“Holiday Depression in aging loved ones”
By Connie De La Rosa

During the holidays, we often thing of joyful times with family and friends but some of our elders, it can be a time of sadness, isolation and loneliness.  “Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is prevalent during the holidays and winter season due to issues such as being confined indoors, missing loved ones or chronic illness/pain” states Heidi Johnson, MFT Intern of psychological services in Oxnard.

Mrs. Johnson states that depression in the elderly looks different than the younger generations as it can mask itself as health related issues which often causes the depression to go on untreated. For example, symptoms such as  decreased or no appetite, sleep disturbances, incontinence, chronic pain, memory loss/confusion, mood disturbances and fatigue, loss of self worth, increased use of alcohol/drugs and fixation on death. Diabetes and urinary tract infections may also be signs; however, please consult with your primary physician.

What to do when someone is in imminent danger?

Ventura County Crisis Team is 1-866-998-2243
Call 911 for emergency services
Go to nearest hospital emergency room
Call National Suicide Hotline toll-free, 1-800-273-8255 or TTY 1-800-799-4889
Call your doctor

If they are not in imminent danger, acknowledge and offer to work together in

seeking assistance for treatment.  There are Community mental health centers that can provide treatment on ability to pay.  For more information, call 200-7756.

Exercise your mind at SCAN

Brain Gym is a program of physical movements that enhance learning and performance by developing the brain’s neural pathways. Brain Gym will increase the ability to remember and be organized, increase physical coordination, reduce stress and improve memory. The SCAN Health & Wellness Center is hosting once a week Brain Gym classes starting Tuesday, November 3. Seniors aged 55 and older are invited to register for Brain Gym, set for November 3 – 24, every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. – Noon. The cost is $20.00 for four classes. To register for Brain Gym classes, please RSVP to 658-0365 as space is limited.

Zentangle Art Class November 5 at SCAN Health & Wellness Center

Looking to relieve stress, improve hand-eye coordination, and rebuild fine motor skills, look no further than Zentangle! This new art form is fun, relaxing and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. The SCAN Health & Wellness Center is offering “The Art of Zentangle” class on Tuesday, November 5, from 9 a.m. – noon. The class costs $25.00 and includes a mini art kit.

Free  Balance Screening November 11 at SCAN Health & Wellness Center

Seventy five percent of seniors 70 years old have some balance impairment. Having a strong sense of balance is crucial in preventing falls in older adults. The SCAN Health & Wellness Center is offering free balance screenings on Wednesday, November 11, from 12 noon – 3 p.m. The screenings are available to those 55 and older who have had a recent stroke, fall, or surgery. They will be conducted by Amy M. Griffin, MS, PT – President & Lead Physical Therapist for Equilibrium.

The SCAN Health & Wellness Center is at 6633 Telephone Road, Suite 100 . For more information or to make an appointment, call 658-0365.

VCAAA has a wealth of information for you

senior VCAAAUsing these services will keep us happy.

The Ventura Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA) has a wealth of information available from tips for Family Caregivers, Senior Nutrition, guides to good health, and much, much more. Some resources are available online at “Pamphlets & Brochures” such as the agency’s brochure with programs and information, city contacts, and Fall Prevention. Many pamphlets and guides they are unable to provide online because of copyright laws, but they do have them available for pickup or by mail. For more information call Information & Assistance Specialist 477-7300 or 1-(800) 510-2020.

Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP)

The purpose of the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) is to provide free counseling and community education on Medicare, Medicare Part D, managed care, and other health insurance issues. If you wish to access this service, you may contact your local senior center to make an appointment or contact the local office at  477-7310. For additional HICAP resources or information, please call HICAP 477-7310 or 1-800-434-0222.

Health Insurance Information and Assistance

Agencies offer assistance with filling out forms, submitting bills, and completing other paperwork necessary for reimbursement

Case Management programs arrange for, and monitor the use of, community services to help the frail elderly, and/or disabled to avoid or delay institutional placement while fostering independent living. These services are offered by public, nonprofit, and for-profit agencies.

Case Management is the next step after contacting Information & Assistance.  Case Management may be needed when a person is released from the hospital after an illness or accident or a family caregiver is feeling overwhelmed or because a person would like to plan for future long term care needs.  A social worker and/or a nurse known as a “Case Manager” will meet with the client in their home for an assessment of their needs and available resources.

  1. After this meeting, a plan for service known as a “care plan” is created with the client’s input to address concerns, outline interventions, and specify who is responsible for each intervention.
  1. Then the Case Manager refers the client to community-based services, monitor those services, and provide monthly contacts & periodic home visits.
  1. The Case Manager also helps to solve problems that come up as the care plan is implemented.

Most Care Plan items are provided by family members, outside agencies, and as funding permits, purchased with funds provided by the State of California.

The Information and Assistance Program is provided under the guidelines of Title III B of the Older American’s Act and is designed to link persons aged 60 and above (and their families and caregivers), who are in need of assistance to the appropriate programs and services in their communities that can help solve the problems faced by older adults. This is considered the entry point/introduction to the services system network.

I & A Specialists assess the needs of the individual calling for services, link the caller to specific services, provide advocacy, and follow-up to see that the services were received. They can provide accurate, up-to-date program information and availability, eligibility criteria, and time to obtain services, both public and private. A specialist can provide guidance in coordinating existing resources to promote independence and quality of life.

Whether you are looking for a specific organization to address a concern, need a phone number of a particular program, require assistance in helping to identify problems, or require an advocate to ensure you or a loved one receives the services they need, the I & A staff can help you get answers. For more information call Information & Assistance Specialist 477-7300 or 1-(800) 510-2020 or submit a request for information below.

Consider the conversation

Is it time for you to have “the talk”? No, not the one about the birds and the bees. Long after asking the question, “Mommy, where do babies come from?” there will come a time to ask, “Mom, how can we best care for you?” Consider the Conversation helps us know how to ask the question and have it answered without the anticipated awkwardness associated.

The following are quotes from reviews on Amazon:

“Be prepared to be terrified, illuminated, profoundly moved, confronted and warmly hugged all within an hour. Just knocked me off my feet!”

“It made me consider a topic I have been avoiding. We all owe it to our parents, and to our children, to have these important conversations.”

“I genuinely believe that every person over the age of 40 years old in America needs to see this piece.”

The Ventura Council for Seniors will present the film and follow-up discussion on November 4th at the Ventura Adult and Continuing Education (VACE) Center, 5200 Valentine Rd. The presentation will be from 10 am to noon. A light lunch will be served from noon to 1 pm, compliments of VACE, for those who RSVP by Monday, November 2. Please call 648-3035 to make reservations.

San Diego-based Medicare provider is expanding to Ventura

Mission Home Health, a San Diego-based Medicare provider is expanding its footprint in Southern California and is now accepting patients in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. In mid-October, they acquired the Medicare certified division of Help Unlimited, a Ventura-based company that has served patients across Ventura and Santa Barbara counties for the past 40 years.

Founded in 2009, Mission Healthcare initially provided physician ordered home health, but quickly expanded to include other home based services including hospice and private duty homecare. Clinically owned and operated, Mission Home Health offers reliable, thoughtful professional care with locations in San Diego, Temecula, Riverside, San Bernardino, Palm Springs and Orange County.

Mission Home Health services adults and seniors who are recovering after a hospital or facility stay, or need additional support to remain safely at home to avoid unnecessary hospitalization.  These Medicare-certified services may include short-term nursing, rehabilitative, therapeutic, and assistive home health care.  Mission Home Health is a Medicare-certified agency where Medicare, Medi-Cal and most private insurances are accepted.

Mission Home Health’s goal is to have a positive impact on the lives of its patients, their families and their healthcare partners.  Mission Home Health believes there’s no place like home when it comes to providing its patients with the utmost care and comfort while offering a variety of in-home treatment options to meet every need.

For more information about Mission Home Health, visit online or call (888) 871-0766 or on Facebook at and Twitter @HomeWithMission.