Category Archives: Senior Living

Vol. 9, No. 4 – November 25 – December 8, 2015 – A Tender Touch Senior Placement

Benefits of health shakes
By Connie De La Rosa

As we age, it becomes more important to pay attention to the essential vitamins our body needs and can become more difficult if our eating habits start to decline because of medications, depression or overall decreased appetite which contributes to inadequate amounts of nutrition.

“Meal replacement shakes contain all 50 nutrients and vitamins that our body needs in addition to a minimum of 24 grams of protein ” according to Doug Ward, Manager of a local nutrition club.  Surprisingly, in addition to the benefits of a meal replacement shake, it is high in fiber, low carb, low sugar, low calorie of about 300 calories per shake and has no dairy.  What most people are not aware of is that only pharmaceutical grade supplements are FDA checked and like the local nutrition club, may receive a five star rating.  Other meal supplements, if not a pharmaceutical grade, are only 70% accurate in nutrition and 30% are unknown ingredients in which are not inspected by FDA if not 100% of the daily essential vitamins.

Participating in a nutrition club has a benefit of providing a free wellness evaluation that will give you concrete information of what your body is lacking then continuing a follow up to discuss your overall energy levels and other areas of improvement that your body may have been lacking prior to the meal replacement.

For more information  or questions please call 200-7756.

Cypress Place honors veterans, will host candlelight memorial service

On Veterans Day, November 11 Cypress Place Senior Living in Ventura honored residents of the senior community who served their country, including Donald G. Wright, Captain, U.S. Army Retired.

senior cypress insetCaptain Wright turned 102 on Veterans Day, and in appreciation of his years of service to his country, Quilts of Valor honored him with a handmade quilt.  With his children looking on, Wright beamed with pride as he accepted the personalized quilt, designed to both comfort and heal veterans and service members who have been touched by war.

“We are here to honor all our veterans with this personalized quilt”, said Pat Blanchard, a Thousand Oaks resident and member of Quilts of Valor, a national organization of volunteer members who create the quilts.

Photos of Wright from his younger years were on display at the senior community as part of the celebration.  When asked about the key to his longevity, Wright quipped, “I ate a lot of shredded wheat.”   Even at his advanced age, Wright is an active member of the community, participating in many events, and engaging fellow residents, family members and friends in lively conversation.

“It was just the perfect day,” said Susan Westover, one of Wright’s daughters.  “Not only for my dad, but for the entire family.  We can’t thank Cypress Place enough.”

Next up the senior community will host their annual Candlelight Memorial Service on Wednesday December 9th, 2015. This touching event is in loving memory of those who are no longer with us but are forever present in our hearts.

The candlelight service will be led by Pastor Leonard DeWitt, Pastor to Senior Adults at Ventura Baptist Church.  There will be speakers, music, and attendees will be able to light a candle in honor of their loved one.

The free memorial service begins promptly at 5:00 p.m. at Cypress Place Senior Living in Ventura and is open to the public.    Light refreshments will be served.

Cypress Place Senior Living is located at 1200 Cypress Point Lane in Ventura.  Seating is limited so please call to reserve a seat. For more information or to RSVP, please call 650-8000.

To learn more about Cypress Place Senior Living of Ventura, visit their web site at


Tips for choosing and using your 2016 Medicare Health Plan

Medicare(StatePoint) It’s that time of year again: The Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP)  runs through December 7. Medicare is a critical source of health care for millions of Americans, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sets this time for people to select and make changes to their plans each year.

As AEP approaches, the old adage “good health is priceless” remains true. According to a survey by Cigna, a leading health service company and Medicare insurance provider, health, well-being and financial security are strongly linked in the minds of Americans. Their research shows that many people have anxiety about their financial health that goes far beyond making health care benefit choices.

That’s why it’s crucial Medicare consumers consider their health and budget needs as they evaluate health care options for 2016.

“Choosing a plan isn’t as simple as just keeping the one you had last year or looking only at the monthly premium costs. The goal should be to choose a plan that best meets your individual needs,” says Herb Fritch, president of Cigna-HealthSpring, Cigna’s seniors business unit. “Comparing affordability alongside the plan’s benefits and services is an important balance.”

To help you choose a plan and get the most from it, consider these five tips:

  1. Make a list of your priorities and use it to compare plans. Focusing on prevention? Keeping out-of-pocket costs low? Staying active? Take time to evaluate plan options according to the health and financial goals you value most.
  1. Be sure your plan offers comprehensive preventive care benefits and use them. Many health plans offer preventive health benefits at little or no cost. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 100,000 lives could be saved each year if everyone received the recommended preventive care.
  1. Know your network. Many plans offer choices with a network of doctors. Choosing primary care doctors and specialists in network can provide better communication and care coordination, and keep your out-of-pocket costs down.
  1. Get rewarded for staying active. Keeping fit is essential to healthy aging. Original Medicare doesn’t cover gym memberships or fitness programs, but some Medicare Advantage plans offer such benefits as part of their coverage. Many are free and some reward you for staying active.
  1. Use free resources. CMS’ Plan Finder helps you compare costs, covered medications and other items. Many insurance plans offer free seminars with no obligation to sign up. You can also check health plans’ websites or call their customer service number for more information. Local and state agencies on aging also connect older adults and caregivers with community resources. Your plan may offer newsletters with helpful information about your benefits.

As you weigh the options, Fritch offers this advice: “It’s worth it to take the time to set your priorities and see how plan benefits stack up. Only then can you choose a plan that really helps you get the most from it and reach your goals.”

The Importance of Palliative Care

People living with serious chronic illness often find themselves facing major challenges in navigating and understanding their care options within a complex medical system. Now, increasing research is supporting what many health care providers have long known: comprehensive palliative care that treats both symptoms and a person’s emotional and spiritual needs can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life. A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine found that “unlike traditional programs for managing chronic disease, palliative care enhances symptom management, improves patient and family satisfaction scores, and significantly reduces hospitalization rates.”

Traditionally, palliative care had been considered an end of life or hospice option because at its inception it was delivered only through hospice programs where the focus was on pain management. Towards the end of the 1980s however, its scope began to expand beyond the boundaries of hospice to include care and services for patients at any stage of a chronic illness. Its focus came to include symptom management and comfort care early in a patient’s illness with the intent of improving quality of life while they fought disease.

Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association is at the forefront of this thinking with an integrated palliative care program that provides our patients the benefits of both our home health and hospice programs. It is for patients who are still pursuing aggressive treatment for their illness and do not want to limit their care options. Through palliative care, our treatment team addresses the whole family’s emotional, spiritual, and social needs in addition to the patient’s acute medical treatment and then assigns the necessary resources. Should the patient improve, they are then able to transition to home health and recovery. If, however, the patient’s condition worsens, the team is already in place to transition to hospice care.

Livingston has long been an advocate of a more holistic patient-centered approach when coordinating medical care. Our primary concern has always been for our patients’ overall wellbeing; to meet their spiritual and emotional needs in addition to their medical treatment. It is gratifying to see that research now bears this out.

Lanyard K. Dial, MD
President/CEO and Medical Director
Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice

No Tests, No Homework, No Kidding!

senior OsherRegistration for Winter Classes of Osher Life Long Learning Institute (OLLI) at Cal State Channel Islands  begins in December. Classes start January 11th.   Select from 4 or 8 week classes held in Thousand Oaks, Camarillo, Ventura, and Ojai.  Topics  include art, music, history, anthropology, economics, literature, science.   Classes are taught by professors and other experts in their field.  Search  OLLI  CI for details.  Call  437-2748. Curiosity never retires.

Free community education classes and events

senior livingstonPrediabetes is a serious health condition that increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. 79 million Americans—35% of adults aged 20 years and older—have prediabetes.

Half of all Americans aged 65 years and older have prediabetes.

Without lifestyle changes to improve their health, 15% to 30% of people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years.

How can type 2 diabetes be prevented?

Research shows that modest weight loss and regular physical activity can help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes by up to 58% in people with prediabetes. Modest weight loss means 5% to 7% of body weight, which is 10 to 14 pounds for a 200-pound person. Getting at least 150 minutes each week of physical activity, such as brisk walking, also is important.

Many factors increase your risk for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, especially if you are overweight.

To learn more about Diabetes Self-Management attend a classes through Livingston visit and

Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association hosts free monthly education classes throughout the county which include the following in Ventura. Given at Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association office, 1996 Eastman Ave., Suite 109. For other cities visit their website or call 642-0239 for more information or email [email protected].

Adult Bereavement Support Group Wednesdays, December 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 from 6:30-8:00pm. These groups are open to individuals who have experienced loss and are free of charge.

Newly Bereaved Support Group Thursday, December 10th from 6-7:30pm.  This monthly group is designed for adults who have recently experienced the loss of a loved one and is free. These groups meet every 2nd Thursday of each month.

Diabetes Classes Ventura: Tuesday, December 1st from 1-2:30pm.  These meetings are held on 1st Tuesday of each month.  General information is provided about Type 2 Diabetes with emphasis on the development of an individualized plan of care that includes diet, medication, exercise and blood sugar monitoring.

Joint Replacement Classes Ventura: Thursday, December 3rd from 1:00-2:00pm. You will learn what to expect before, during and after knee or hip replacement surgery and how to be an active participant in your care. These meetings are 1st Thursday of each month.  For information or to RSVP call Dinah Davis at 642-0239 ext. 739.

Ventura: Monday, December 14th for both English and Spanish speaking.  English 4:00-5:00pm and Spanish 5:30-6:30pm. You will learn what to expect before, during and after knee or hip replacement surgery and how to be an active participant in your care.  For information or to RSVP call Dinah Davis at  642-0239 ext. 739.



Mediterranean diet makes brain younger

Much better for you then a cheeseburger every day.
Much better for you then a cheeseburger every day.

Senior News Line
By Matilda Charles

The Mediterranean diet has been in the news for years, but some of us aren’t sure if it offers any real benefits. Now we have a piece of the puzzle. In a recent study supported by the National Institutes of Health, participants experienced less brain atrophy after adhering to that type of diet, resulting in loss of fewer brain cells and maintaining cognition.

The Mediterranean-type diet (called MeDi in researcher parlance), consists of low intake of dairy, poultry, meat and alcohol, and higher intake of fruit, fish, cereal, vegetables and fats that are monounsaturated (such as olive oil).

A few specifics: Eating less meat resulted in larger total brain volume. Eating more fish was associated with greater cortical thickness. Based on these, researchers concluded that even these two diet adjustments had a positive benefit as part of the Mediterranean diet. The difference in two groups (those who adhered to a Mediterranean diet versus those who didn’t) was the same as aging five years. The average brain volume was 13 percent larger, which is significant.

This isn’t the first time the benefits to the brain have been studied. In 2010, a similar study concluded that the Mediterranean diet can help avoid damage to the parts of the brain that deal with thinking and memory. Those who adhered to the diet were 36 percent less likely to have damage. Those who generally stuck to the diet were 21 percent less likely.

Ask your medical provider whether you should add these types of foods to your diet and stay away from the more harmful ones. For more information, search online for “Mediterranean diet,” and look for sites by the Mayo Clinic, the American Heart Association and WebMD as places to start.



(c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.


Does exercise delay Parkinson’s decline?

By Matilda Charles

People who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease might want to reconsider doing strenuous exercise as a means of keeping their physical abilities.

A recent short-term study concluded that normal, frequent movements are better for Parkinson’s patients than working out. The study was funded by some power hitters — the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the National Institutes of Health — and conducted by Parkinson’s research teams at the University of Michigan. Their conclusions bear paying attention to, even though they might seem contrary to logic.

Many Parkinson’s patients begin to reduce the amount of time they spend moving. Whether it’s a walk around the block, doing dishes or strolling the aisles of the grocery store, many prefer to forgo those daily activities to keep from falling or losing balance.

In the four-week study, using 48 participants, researchers looked at the result of non-exercise movement versus exercise activity. They did PET scans of the brain to look at dopamine levels and used questionnaires to learn about the participants’ level of activity and the type they did — daily routines or exercise.

Researchers tested whether a strenuous exercise program such as swimming or aerobics could help with symptoms. The answer: No, it’s the daily, small activities that were protecting motor skills. It’s those routine movements that were linked to fewer motor symptoms, even in those patients with lower dopamine levels.

So, say the researchers, get up and move. Any kind of movement appears to help, as long as it keeps you active and doing your normal, daily tasks.

Reminder: The open enrollment period to sign up or change your Medicare health and drug plan ends

Monday, Dec. 7.

Learn how to use your iPad

Trying to figure out how to use your new iPad? Need help navigating the many applications and features of your tablet? The SCAN Health & Wellness Center is offering a free “iPad Basics for Seniors” class Wednesday, November 18 at 9 a.m. at the SCAN Health & Wellness Center. During this two-hour, entry-level class, seniors will learn basic tablet terminology, initial set-up procedures, the features and gestures of their iPad, and more. The SCAN Health & Wellness Center is located at 6633 Telephone Road. The iPad Basics class is open to seniors 55+ who are new to the center. Please bring your iPad. To register for this class, please call 658-0365 as space is limited.