Category Archives: News and Notes

Team VFD Firefighters to climb Columbia Center in downtown Seattle, Washington to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

On Feb.20 the Greek Restaurant hosted a fundraiser for Team VFD. Which included a buffet style lunch, Greek dancers, silent auction, raffle prizes and a performance by the Ventura City Firefighters Pipes and Drums. For the fourth year, Team VFD and the Ventura Fire Foundation will be participating in the Scott Firefighter Stairclimb. 14 members of Team VFD will be climbing the Columbia Center in downtown Seattle, Washington to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Ventura Legacies and the 150th

Legacy family members Jim and Myron Harrison with Suz Montgomery at CAPSTV. 
Photo by Michael Gordon

By Elizabeth Rodeno

Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the City of Ventura is in the forefront of our minds these days. It’s the countdown to April 2nd for the grand party to be held at Plaza Park and later at Mission Park.

Venturans have been celebrating since November with many events have been held throughout the city. We were at the kickoff event at the Ventura County Museum where we all were introduced to some of the Legacy families; the Harrisions, Chaffees, Tumamaits and the Smith-Hobsons.

CAPS and crew, along with Suz Montgomery, invited several of the Legacy families including the Foster and Dudley families into our newly refurbished studio. We enjoyed learning about the history of Ventura through the eyes and ears of those who were there or from stories told to them.  We have made the history of Ventura and its’ legacies an important part of our programming. Our member’s continue to provide vibrant content that is Ventura centric all the while touching issues that are important to everyone.

Ventura’s party continues with the State of the City, the new West Park open house and Kellogg Park groundbreakings and launch of the Corporate Games. Check out channel 15 for coverage and stories on these events and much more. These events are all a run up to the big celebration on April 2nd.  Plaza Park will be filled with activity and CAPS Media will be there. We will be ready to hear your stories and share your memories with CAPS Media viewers. Look for our truck and film crew. We will ready to record your own special story. The day ends with a concert in Mission Park featuring Big Bad VooDoo Daddy.

Check out our new website and become a member for $25, seriously.  You can sign up and reserve your space in a class, enroll your kids in our Summer programs and get information on and support our new venture, CAPS Radio. CAPS Media is everywhere, on Vimeo, Channels 6 & 15 and live streaming at Thanks to Donald for the great new website, and the staff, crew and members who make CAPS Media the best media center around. Heading down Day Road you’ll catch sight of our sign and that means you need to drop in and say hello.


Induction ceremony held at Fox Fine Jewelry

Debbie Fox, Spencer Garrett and Bill Hicks are supporters of the Boys and Girls Club.

For 78 years, the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Ventura has been serving youth and providing life changing experiences, often for those who need it most. The “Boys” started as the Police Boys Club at the Ortega Adobe on Main Street in 1938, while the “Girls” began in 1967. The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Ventura was one of the first clubs to merge the boys and the girls and form one club. The Club has grown over the years, from their small beginnings to four centers serving hundreds of youth from Ventura and the surrounding cities.

The Club wouldn’t have grown without tremendous support from our community. To recognize those individuals who have gone above and beyond, the Founder’s Society was formed. Awards were given out at an induction ceremony at Fox Fine Jewelry in downtown Ventura on February 26th.

The Founder’s Society recognizes individuals who have given 20 or more years of service, made a contribution over a period of time that has created Club sustainability or has built Club capacity, or established a program that has been in existence for over ten years.

A 2010 Cal Lutheran study by Dr. Damooei showed that 97% of their enrolled youth graduate high school. Other benefits include increased self-confidence, improved family relations, 0% teen pregnancy and an increased propensity to attend higher education.

There are over 4,000 Boys & Girls Clubs in the United States and throughout the world, serving over 4 million youth on a daily basis. Boys & Girls Clubs continue to be the fastest growing youth organization in the country.

The Founder’s Society inductees to date include: Spencer Garrett, Bill Hicks, Richard Buchanan, Melvyn Fowler, G. David Sherrill, M.D., Joe Carmody, Gary Nasalroad, Susanne Lammot, M.D., Larry Rasmussen, John Brant, Jymmye Hitch, and E.J. and Myra Harrison.


Four Ferguson Case Orr Paterson LLP attorneys on Rising Stars list of 2016 Super Lawyers

Four attorneys with Ferguson Case Orr Paterson LLP have been named to the Rising Stars list of Super Lawyers for 2016. This is a repeat honor for partners Bret Anderson, Jesse Cahill and Douglas Goldwater, and the first recognition for Kymberley Peck, an associate with Ventura County’s largest law firm.

The Rising Stars list includes fewer than 2.5 percent of the lawyers in the Southern California Region who are 40 years old or younger, or who have been in practice for 10 years or less.

“Each of the attorneys named to the 2016 Rising Star list continually seeks opportunities for growth in their profession so that they can continue making significant contributions to our clients and our firm,” said FCOP managing partner Michael Velthoen.


United Blood Services Announces First New Blood Mobile in Twenty Years!

The familiar sight at local mobile blood drives is sure to please donors and staff alike.

Ventura & Santa Barbara – United Blood Services has upgraded it’s “blood mobile”, a familiar sight in the area, with a brand new unit. The new blood mobile was especially built and configured to United Blood Services specifications and is designed for the lifesaving work they do every day. It has a very specialized lay-out and specific technical equipment to conduct even more efficient blood drives than the older unit. The space was designed for optimal blood donor use and low physical effort for donors regardless of donor size or posture.

United Blood Services new blood mobile will be out and about in the community effective immediately at blood drives being held at high schools, places of worship, businesses, special events and more! In fact, this new blood mobile will travel to 350+ community blood drives in 2016 to collect blood from United Blood Services fabulous volunteer blood donors.

Nearly, 60% of the blood collected in the Ventura & Santa Barbara area comes from community blood drives. Having this new state of the art blood mobile to hold blood drives in will become an even greater tool in having blood available to hospital patients when needed. Donors are encouraged to tour the bus at one of many blood drives happening in the area. Donors can make an appointment for an area blood drive by calling 877-827-4376 or by going online at and clicking on “Donate Blood” and typing in their zip code to find a list of drives nearby. Appointments are appreciated, but not necessary. Walk-ins are welcome, and will be honored. Much needed blood donations may also be made at our Ventura Center on 2223 Eastman Ave or our Santa Barbara Center on 4213 State Street.

Those who are age 16 and older, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in good health, can likely donate. Additional height and weight requirements apply for donors age 22 and younger. Donors who are age 16, will need a parent permission slip to donate (which can be obtained online at

Illegal drivers on Pierpont Beach got stuck and caught in the act

Sometime early Saturday two individuals in a SUV decided to drive across the sand berms on Pierpont Beach. They started at San Pedro and got as far as Brockton LN before they got stuck.
unnamedBoth the Ventura Police and the State Park Rangers arrived shortly thereafter. State Parks pulled them free.
I wonder how much this is going to cost these individuals. Hopefully, enough to make them think twice about doing it again.
Murray Robertson

Martin R. Erickson named VCTC’s Public Transit Director

The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) filled a crucial position today by naming Martin R. Erickson its new Public Transit Director. Erickson will supervise VCTC transit activities.

“Martin’s knowledge of local transportation and community issues makes him ideal to address the transit challenges in Ventura County,” said VCTC Executive Director Darren Kettle.

Erickson, a Ventura resident, will supervise countywide transit organization/reorganization studies, short-range transit planning, operation of the VCTC Intercity Transit services, development of the region’s coordinated paratransit plan, the countywide smartcard program, and transit information and customer services. He will also be responsible for management, financial oversight and policy analysis for Metrolink commuter rail and Amtrak Pacific Surfliner intercity rail service through Ventura County.

Erickson’s professional life has centered on Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, including serving as Deputy City Manager for the City of Oxnard. He previously served Oxnard as its Senior Transit and Transportation Coordinator. For the Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District, Erickson worked as a Manager of Government Affairs and Grants and as a Planning Manager.

Erickson received his master’s degree—with a specialization in Management, Economics and Politics—from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. A graduate of the University of California, Santa Barbara, Erickson received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History.

The Ventura County Transportation Commission is the regional transportation planning agency committed to keeping Ventura County moving. Program information is available at

Catherine Bojorquez joins the Ventura County Community College District as Budget Director

Ventura County Community College District Chancellor Bernard Luskin today announced that Catherine Bojorquez has joined the VCCCD as the Budget Director.  Bojorquez reports directly to Vice Chancellor David Keebler, Business and Administrative Services.  She is responsible for coordinating the development and maintenance of the annual budget and reporting the District’s fiscal and student workload information to the State Chancellor’s office.

“On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we are happy that Cathy has chosen to join the District,” said Chancellor Bernard Luskin.  “We welcome and appreciate the contribution she will make in meeting our reporting obligations to the state.”

Bojorquez joins the District with more than 15 years of budget and accounting experience in education.  She was the Chief Business Official at Pleasant Valley School District in Camarillo, and Assistant Superintendent at Santa Paula Elementary School District (now Santa Paula Unified School District). She also served as the Director of Budget and Accounting at the Fillmore Unified School District and Santa Paula Elementary School District.

“We are proud to have Cathy as a new member of our budget and finance team,” said Vice Chancellor Keebler.  “Her background in education is especially critical in maintaining the District’s mission of responsible financial stewardship.”

Bojorquez holds a Certified Public Accountant license and learned many of the facets of higher education during her time auditing community colleges in Northern California before relocating to Ventura County.  She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, Accountancy, Concentration from California State University, Sacramento.

Harbor Waterways Entrance Now Open

Harbor Waterways Entrance Now OpenThe Ventura Harbor waterways entry is open for normal boating traffic as of Friday, February 19 at 2 p.m.

The dredging at Ventura Harbor will remain in and around the harbor for the next month to continue efforts to remove hazards in the harbor entrance.  Boaters should be aware and carefully navigate around the dredge and its equipment.

The modified Safety Zone will remain in effect to warn boaters of the hazards associated with the dredge and its pipes, but otherwise allow for boaters to maneuver through the entrance with caution.  The dredge can be contacted on Marine Channels 16 & 67 for questions or passing instructions.  Information on the Safety Zone can be  under News.

Ventura Harbor businesses are fully operational in the Harbor including all boatyards, fuel docks, restaurants, shops, activities, hotels, excursions, and onsite events. Inner Harbor boating and paddle craft traffic is allowed.

On February 9, 2016,  the District was advised by Congresswoman Julia Brownley that the 2016 FY U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Work Plan includes an additional $2.5 million for the dredging project currently underway. This brings the total dredging allocation for this year to $7.3 million.

Manson Construction, who was contracted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, began mobilizing their equipment in the Ventura Harbor the week of January 25, 2016 and is currently dredging in the harbor entrance. Once Manson completes the dredging in the main channel, the Safety Zone initiated by the U.S. Coast Guard will be lifted. The second phase will include dredging of the sand trap. Dredging is a 24hr. operation (weather permitting) and will continue for approximately thirty days.

The District is grateful to Congresswoman Brownley and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for their efforts to secure the supplemental funding to adequately dredge the channel entrance and sand trap.

Harbormaster John Higgins states three factors which have led to making the entrance very dangerous — unusually large waves and swells from the El Nino condition, shoaling and a strong current running along the inside of the breakwater.

Dredging Manager Richard Parsons and Ventura Port District Commissioners Everard Ashworth and Greg Carson have met with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, who are responsible for the dredging of the harbor, that helped secure the additional $2 million for dredging.

The depth of the entrance channel, normally about 40 feet, was as shallow as 14 feet and narrow to the point that two boats could not safely pass one another in the entrance, said Higgins.  The district estimates there were 900,000 cubic yards of sand in the harbor sand trap and entrance.

The Corps contract calls for dredging 460,000 cubic yards of sand. And with the additional funding, 340,000 more cubic yards of sand is scheduled to be dredged.

The Harbor Patrol can also be reached on Marine Channels 16 and12 and at(805)-642-8618. Business assistance opportunities for those affected by the closure, please  and click on the News article for thelink.

Trailer side swipes hydrant causing geyer and flooding

Pictures from , Tuesday, February 16, , near the Servants of the Father of Mercy, 1544 Morse Ave.
At about 2:30pm a trailer side swiped a fire hydrant near the corner of Callens and Market Street.  It set off a huge water geyser about two and a half stories high and flooding the street down Callens into the field at the Amtrak rail tracks.  Police arrived at 2:40 and Fire Department arrived at 2:45.
Photo and info courtesy
bro. gary joseph
Servants of the Father of Mercy