All posts by admin

Overcoming Barriers to Exercise: No More Excuses

Exercising outside doesn’t cost anything.

Exercise is good for almost everyone, but there are so many things that can get in the way of staying active. It’s time for some positive thinking. No more excuses!

Older woman holding an exercise ball in a group exercise class

Here are some tips to help you overcome those barriers and improve your health.

Finding Time to Exercise

Try exercising first thing in the morning. Combine physical activity with a task that’s already part of your day, such as walking the dog or doing household chores. If you don’t have 30 minutes to be active, look for three 10-minute periods. As you progress, add more 10-minute sessions until you hit your goal!

Sticking with Your Exercise Plan

Make exercise interesting and enjoyable. Do things you enjoy, but pick up the pace and try new activities to keep your interest alive. Being creative about your physical activity plans and regularly trying new forms of exercise prevent boredom. If you can stick with it for at least 6 months, it’s a good sign that you’re on your way to making physical activity a regular habit.

Exercising without Spending Money

No more excuses: overcome exercise barriers infographic icon. Click through for full text

Read and share this infographic for tips to help you overcome exercises barriers like not having time or being too tired.

Being active doesn’t have to cost a thing! All you need for brisk walking is a pair of comfortable, non-skid shoes. For strength training, you can save money by making your own weights using soup cans or water bottles. Check with your local parks and recreation department or senior center about free or low-cost exercise programs in your area.

Increasing Your Energy

Regular, moderate physical activity can help reduce fatigue and even help you manage stress. Exercise can also reduce feelings of depression, while improving your mood and overall emotional well-being. Once you become active, you’re likely to have more energy than before. As you do more, you also may notice that you can do things more easily, faster, and for longer than before.

Vol. 12, No. 24 – Aug 28 – Sept 10, 2019 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 8-06

4:15pm, received a report of sailing vessel securing without permission at VWM G-dock. Officers responded and found a travelling/transient vessel looking for the courtesy Ventura Yacht Club reciprocity dock. Officers contacted the VYC and escorted the vessel to the dock.

Wednes 8-07

10:50am, received dispatch to a stingray strike at Harbor Cove. Officers responded with hot water to treat the injury. A 10-year-old female was transported by her parents to local hospital for further evaluation.
Saturday 8-10 11:35am, received a report of a stingray strike at Harbor Cove from State Parks. Officers responded with hot water, assisted lifeguards with the patient.
Sunday 8-11 12:30pm, patrol vehicles observing several religious groups conducting ceremonies, baptisms at Harbor Cove and near Marina Park. Also large crowds at the harbor beaches, most likely due to the sun coming out.

Tuesday 8-13

4:08pm, while on patrol officers encountered a truck with a trailer in the turnaround near the district. A verbal warning was issued, and the operator asked to move the vehicle because it is blocking the roadway.

Wednes 8-14

3:45am, while on patrol, officers startled a man in dark clothing lurking around vehicles. The subject fled the scene and a gas can and hose were found.


Thursday 8-15

7:10am, while opening Surfers Knoll restrooms, officers observed a person lying awkwardly on the sand. It was soon discovered that the patient was not breathing. Fire dispatch was notified, and officers performed life-saving procedures. The patient was eventually pronounced dead on scene.


10:41am, received a dispatch to a medical at Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the call. The patient had fallen and HP officers and VFD picked him up and returned him to his chair.


2:15pm, observed the “John Wayne Cancer Foundation” paddle board being paddled up coast to the Ventura Pier. The board is paddled and handed off from each lifeguard agency to raise money for cancer research at City of Hope.

7:03pm, dispatched to a seabird in distress at Marina Park. Officers responded with VFD and were able to free the bird that was tangled in line attached to the mast of the Marina Park boat playground.

Saturday 8-17

9:10am, received dispatch to an eye injury near the Santa Clara bridge. Officers responded and found the patient, a local transient and assisted VFD/AMR with the patient. He was treated and released.


1:50pm, received a report of a stingray strike at Harbor Cove. Officers responded with hot water and assisted State Parks with the patient.


9:30pm, received a report of three males fishing at the Ventura Marina Community lake. Officers responded and searched the area but were unable to locate the trespassing fisherman. It is illegal to fish there.

Sunday 8-18

2:04am, dispatched to a brush fire near Santa Clara River mouth. Officers responded with multiple fire agencies to the fire. For two hours officers assisted Ventura FD with transporting firefighters to the blaze and pulling hose.

12:30pm, received a report of a vessel accident near VIM I-dock. Officers responded to investigate the incident. A vessel reportedly collided with a fixed object causing some damage. No injuries were reported.


5:20pm, dispatched to a fall patient in the Harbor Village. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the patient. A 50-year-old female fell down a stair and injured her arm. She was treated and transported to local hospital.



Vol. 12, No. 24 – Aug 28 – Sept 10, 2019 – Opinion/Editorial

∙Hundreds of people were shocked recently when they went to pick up their mail from their PO Boxes at Coffee Dock & Post in the Harbor only to find it closed and gone. The business closed overnight, with no warning (or access to the boxes). The USPS was cooperative and delivered the mail to Coastal Postal for a few weeks. The mail is being held at the main post office until September 1. Go speak to Bill P. at the counter and he will give you two boxes full of mail to sift through. After September 1, all mail will be returned to the senders.

∙Rather ironic that Steve Bennett, Ventura County Supervisor, is suing the city of Ventura over its refusal to release records related to how the City responded to the fire and water shortage during the Thomas Fire. Steve started out his political career as a Ventura City Council member. He filed the lawsuit as a private citizen.

He is not the only one that has been frustrated with the lack of information released by the City about the fire, especially why water became unavailable. We haven’t had any luck obtaining information as well.

∙ Federal scientists announced that July 2019 was the Earth’s hottest month on record (I know it snowed in places). The global temperature for July was 62.13 degrees, which was 1.71 degrees higher than the average for the 20th century. It beat the previous record warm month, which was July 2016. Records date back to 1880.

July’s heat comes on the heels of what was the hottest June on record. Some might call this global warming, but not me of course.

Scientists are warning that a major heatwave in Greenland could lead to significant melted glacier ice this summer – 440 billion tons, to be exact. Maybe we shouldn’t buy Greenland yet until we see if there is still room to build the Trump Tower Hotel there.

Of course, living in Ventura we know that this is all nonsense. Global warming? Where is it? Marine layers have been blocking our sun. Experts tell us when it is hot inland, we get overcast skies.

The marine layer develops offshore, where low clouds develop when air sinks over the cold ocean water. A contrast in temperature (between hot inland air and cool ocean air tends to draw the marine layer on to land).

∙President Donald Trump has criticized Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats, saying, “It shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.” Oh great, now I am disloyal and have no knowledge. On top of this, like the Devil, I’m left-handed. Three-strikes and maybe I’m out.

Next, he might send me back to where I came from, Detroit (No, not Israel never been there). The remark led critics to argue the President was dabbling in the anti-Semitic nonsense of “dual loyalty,” which questions the loyalty of American Jewish citizens. Halie Soifer, executive director of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, called the comments “yet another example of Donald Trump continuing to weaponize and politicize anti-Semitism.”


J Street, a liberal advocacy group focused on a resolution between Israel and the Palestinian territories, said, “It is dangerous and shameful for President Trump to attack the large majority of the American Jewish community as unintelligent and ‘disloyal.”

∙Less than two weeks before his scheduled trip to Denmark, Trump announced on Twitter that he has postponed his visit to Copenhagen after the Danish Prime Minister disputed his interest in buying Greenland as “absurd.” Former premier Lars Lokke Rasmussen stated, “It must be an April Fool’s Day joke.” No joke I’m afraid. I wish that it was.

Obviously, I’m back commenting on Trump. Can’t wait to receive emails from Trump supporters.

∙CVS pharmacy had a special sale – buy a specific brand of 12 rolls of paper towels at a discount. I looked and looked and only found one that was labeled 8=12. I took it to the counter and said, “I only count 8 rolls.” Was told that they were big so equaled 12 rolls. I handed the clerk a $20 bill and told him “This is really $40,” but he wouldn’t accept it.

•A team from New York University Langone School of Medicine may have explained why people who have suffered cardiac arrest and seemed to have crossed over and “come back” to life.

Study author Dr Sam Parnia stated, “They’ll describe watching doctors and nurses working and they’ll describe having awareness of full conversations, of visual things that were going on, that would otherwise not be known to them.”

He said these recollections were then verified by medical and nursing staff who reported their patients, who were technically dead, could remember details of what they were saying.

People often claim that this is evidence of an afterlife or the separation of the body and the soul.

But scientists have increasingly attributed these out of body experiences to physiological processes and it is believed they are as a result of unusual brain activity caused by reduced blood flow to the brain. Death of brain cells can take hours even though patients are declared dead.

• The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will now consider public assistance, education, household income and health to determine whether to grant legal citizen status. Using this criterion many, many existing legal citizens would have their citizenships revoked.

Forum highlights life-saving techniques for fall prevention

“Falling in love is very safe.”

The Ventura County Elderly Fall Prevention Coalition will be hosting a Fall Prevention Forum that will focus on life-saving strategies and offer a variety of other services, including health assessments and immunizations. The event will be held at the South Oxnard Senior Center on September 20 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Registration begins at 9 a.m. This event is free and open to the public.

With a tagline to Be Your Own Hero: Learn to Prevent Falls, this annual event will provide a variety of methods and informational sessions that are designed to arm older adults and caregivers with the tools necessary to prevent falls and increase mobility. Nationally recognized research shows that one in four adults over the age of 65, and half of the population over the age of 75, fall each year. Of those individuals, half will die within a year from complications and injuries sustained from the fall.

The forum will feature health assessments, free vaccinations, as well as glucose, blood pressure, and vision screenings. Individuals will also have the opportunity to take part in exercise demonstrations for Zumba, Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance, Stepping On, and A Matter of Balance. Lunch and refreshments will be provided to those in attendance. Spanish translation will also be provided by request.

Dr. Paulo Carvalho will be a featured speaker for the event. Dr. Carvalho serves as Medical Director at the Conejo Family Medical Group, and is part of the Las Posas Family Medical Group and the West Ventura Medical Clinic. Joining Dr. Carvalho will be Dr. Thomas Duncan, Trauma Medical Director for the Ventura County Medical Center.

The South Oxnard Senior Center is located at 200 E. Bard Road in Oxnard. To register for the event, or for more information, please contact the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging’s Fall Prevention Program at (805) 477-7300.

Vol. 12, No. 24 – Aug 28 – Sept 10, 2019 – Police Reports

by Cindy Summers

Police reports are provided to us by the Ventura Police Department and are not the opinions of the Ventura Breeze. All suspects mentioned are assumed to be innocent until proven guilty  in a court of law.

Officer Involved Shooting

On August 12, at approximately 11:30am, the Ventura Police Department Command Center received a call from the California Highway Patrol dispatch reporting that a California Highway Patrol motor officer was involved in an officer involved shooting in the 200 block of Comstock Dr. and were requesting assistance by our officers. Several officers with the Ventura Police Department responded to the area and located the involved CHP officer.

During the investigation it was learned the CHP officer attempted to conduct a traffic stop on Highway 101 for a moving violation when the vehicle exited onto the city streets. The driver of the vehicle attempted to evade the officer and drove onto Comstock St., which is a dead end street. After the driver made a U-turn, the driver drove at a high rate of speed towards the CHP officer and an officer involved shooting occurred. The suspect driver continued and fled the scene.

Approximately 2.5 hours later, the suspect vehicle was located unoccupied in the 2200 block of Katari Ave., which is approximately 2 miles from the scene of where the officer involved shooting occurred. There was evidence that confirmed the vehicle was involved in the incident. The suspect driver has not been located.

The California Highway Patrol officer was not injured.

Illegal Possession of a Firearms Arrest

On August 15 at 11:45am, the Ventura Police Command Center received a call from the reporting party that her ex-boyfriend, 39 year old Aaron Saenz, was threatening to commit suicide. During the investigation, officers learned that Saenz has access to guns and recently posted a picture of him being in possession of a firearm and bulletproof vest. Saenz also had two outstanding warrants for his arrest

As officers went to check on Saenz, they found a van belonging to Saenz in front of his address. While checking the van, the officers found Saenz inside. The officer also located a handgun and the bulletproof vest. Saenz was arrest without incident for felony possession of a concealed firearm in a vehicle, felony possession of brace knuckles and his misdemeanor warrants. No one was injured during this incident, and there was no evidence that Saenz intended to harm himself.

Prowling, Possession of Burglary Tools, Giving False Information to a Police Officer and Parole Violation

On August 17, at approximately 8am, the Ventura Police Department Command Center received a 911 call from a resident in the 600 block of Lemon Grove Ave. reporting that a subject was just seen going into the backyard of a neighbor’s residence. The caller saw the subject, later identified as 26 year old Oxnard resident Scott Estrada, near the front door before going into the backyard.

Officers responding to the call and detained Estrada on the side yard of the residence. He first gave the officers a false name, but he was later identified and arrested for prowling, possession of burglary tools, giving false information to a police officer and a parole violation

A review of the Ventura County Superior Court website shows that Estrada has prior convictions for burglary, prowling, engaging in lewd conduct in public and being a convicted felon.

Commercial Burglary Arrest

On August 1 at 3am, an unknown subject driving a U-Haul truck pulled up to two businesses on Morse Ave and forced entry into both establishments and stole property. On August 3 at 4:40am, the same subject driving the same U-Haul forced entry into a business on King Dr and stole property.

During the investigation, 28 year old James Moug became a suspect in all three burglaries. On August 21, Detectives with the Ventura Police Department Street Crimes Unit, with the assistance of Detectives from Bakersfield Police and Kern County Probation served a search warrant on Moug’s residence in the city of Bakersfield. Moug was located and arrested and much of the stolen property was found.

Moug was arrested and subsequently booked at the Ventura County Jail. A review of the Ventura County Superior Court website shows that Moug has prior convictions for grand theft, petty theft, and possession of narcotics.

Robbery and Assault with a Deadly Weapon

On August 23, a approximately 5:15am, patrol officers responded to a call for service regarding a robbery in progress at one of the boating docks in the Ventura Harbor. Upon arrival, a security guard advised the suspect was in the process of taking docking material worth a couple of thousand dollars. As the suspect was leaving with the property the security guard confronted him. In response, the suspect armed himself with a machete and advanced at the security guard while swinging it at him. When the security guard backed away the suspect fled the area with the stolen property.

Responding officers canvased the area and located the suspect, still in possession of the stolen property and machete, in a nearby hotel parking lot. The suspect was identified as 46 year old Samuel Bingham. Bingham was booked in Ventura County Jail for Robbery and Assault with a Deadly Weapon.

A review of the Ventura County Superior Court’s case inquiry system shows since 2013 the suspect has been convicted three times for possession of drug paraphernalia, once for possession of a controlled substance, and once for possession of a concealed dagger.

Attempt Robbery, Threats, Brandishing and Battery.

On August 23, at approximately 6:30am, the Ventura Police Department Command Center received a 911 call regarding a disturbance in the 2900 block of Telegraph Road. Officers responded and contacted the victim. Through the investigation, it was determined the suspect was sleeping behind a business in the 2900 block of Telegraph Road when an employee contacted him and asked him to leave. The suspect responded by punching the victim in the face and taking the victim’s backpack. The suspect then brandished a pocket knife at the victim, while threatening to stab him and demanding his money. The victim backed away and yelled for someone to call the police. A nearby citizen heard the victim and called 911. The suspect dropped the victim’s backpack and fled the area.

Additional responding officers canvassed the area and located the suspect in the 2600 block of Thompson Blvd. The suspect was identified as 32 year old Jarrett Bruck and was booked at the Ventura County Jail for Attempt Robbery, Threats, Brandishing, and Battery.

A review of the Ventura County Superior Court’s case inquiry system shows that as of 2017 the suspect has been convicted twice for trespassing, once for vandalism, once for theft, once for threatening someone, once for battery, and once for being under the influence of a controlled substance.

The Ventura Police Department would like to take this opportunity to remind residents and businesses that we will respond to incidents of people unlawfully lodging on your property. If you find someone trespassing on your property, you can call us at our non-emergency phone number (805)650-8010, or in cases of emergencies 911.

Public charge rule threatens health, security, and dignity of older communities of color—and will harm non-immigrant seniors

The following is a statement from James Firman, President and CEO of the National Council on Aging (NCOA), in response to the U.S. Department Homeland Security (DHS) Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds rule scheduled to take effect on October 15, 2019.

“The National Council on Aging is extremely concerned about the effects the new DHS regulation will have on vulnerable older immigrants who are in this country legally, on their caregivers, and on the diverse communities where they reside.

An Impossible Choice Between Well-Being and Status

“Immigrant seniors who have played by the rules will have to make an impossible choice between going hungry and avoiding needed long-term care support or losing their immigration status. This regulation will create a personal and moral hazard for older adults who are looking to age with their families around them. NCOA opposes this harsh and arbitrary rule that is antithetical to the values of a just, caring, and welcoming America.

“We have heard from our community partners that older adult immigrants are already afraid and unwilling to seek participation in public benefits for which they are eligible – and have an intense need for – because they fear repercussions for their family or themselves. Now, we fear a wider range of older adult immigrants will not seek these health care, nutrition, and housing programs that enable them to live independently and with dignity.

Non-Immigrant Seniors Also Will Be Hurt

“This change also will affect the thousands of older adults and caregivers who rely on home health care. One in four home health aides is an immigrant. We know that overwhelmingly people want to age in their own homes, but the proposed rule could threaten the economic security of these low-income workers who sometimes rely on limited public assistance. This could decimate the support needed for America’s aging population to age in place.

A Callous Vision of America

“This change forces families to make an impossible choice between aging well or aging securely with their loved ones. It imposes a callous vision of America and is in stark juxtaposition to NCOA’s vision of a just and caring society where everyone can age with dignity, purpose, and security.

“NCOA is proud to stand with the Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF) campaign on this and other critical issues facing communities of color nationwide.”

About NCOA

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is a trusted national leader working to ensure that every person can age well. Since 1950, our mission has not changed: Improve the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling. NCOA empowers people with the best solutions to improve their own health and economic security—and we strengthen government programs that we all depend on as we age. Every year, millions of people use our signature programs BenefitsCheckUp®, My Medicare Matters®, and the Aging Mastery Program® to age well. By offering online tools and collaborating with a nationwide network of partners, NCOA is working to improve the lives of 40 million older adults by 2030. Learn more at and @NCOAging.

There is another threat to the elderly self-neglect

Imagine entering the home of an elderly loved one and being greeted by a foul-smelling odor that seems to have no identifiable source. The house is in disarray and there are papers, dirty dishes and other debris covering most of the countertops. Your loved one is wearing soiled clothing and appears as if they haven’t bathed in days or weeks, but they act as if everything is totally normal. Understandably, you’re shocked by this scene. The last time you visited just a few months ago, both their house and their physical appearance were nearly immaculate.

This is a classic example of elder self-neglect, and scenarios like these are often what initially cause family members to step into the caregiving role. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services defines elder self-neglect as “behavior of an elderly person that threatens his/her own health or safety and generally manifests itself by failure to provide himself/herself with adequate food, water, clothing, shelter, personal hygiene, medication (when indicated), and safety precautions.”

Elder self-neglect is a more prevalent problem than most people recognize. In fact, most research points to self-neglect being the most common form of elder abuse—a confusing statement, since this form of mistreatment doesn’t involve others at all. Because self-neglect often occurs inside private homes and among isolated seniors, it is likely that reports do not fully represent the magnitude of this issue.

According to a 2009 study, self-neglect is not only damaging to one’s health but also potentially life-threatening. Through the collection and analysis of data from almost 10,000 seniors over several years, it was discovered that elder self-neglect was associated with a significant increase in premature death. This heightened mortality risk was most prominent in the year after self-neglect was reported to and/or confirmed by social services agencies, such as Adult Protective Services (APS).

Self-neglect comes in many forms. Some elders stop taking their medications, others cease cleaning their homes, still others stop bathing and grooming themselves. The above study found that seniors who have limited or nonexistent social networks are more prone to falling into a dangerous pattern of self-neglect. This may also explain why long-distance family members are often blindsided by discoveries like the hypothetical one presented above when they come for infrequent visits.

Self-neglect is increasingly common among seniors who are physically handicapped and/or cognitively impaired because they do not have the ability to properly care for themselves. However, some elders who are fully functional still make poor decisions that result in outcomes that appear to be self-neglect. The challenging aspect in cases like these is that competent older adults can make hazardous lifestyle choices freely and without intervention as long as they are not causing immediate harm to other people.

In fact, countless concerned family members struggle to get self-neglecting elders to accept assistance with personal care, housekeeping, medical care, and financial management. Some even resort to filing reports with social services agencies like APS to get their loved ones help. This can be an effective intervention if APS follows up on the report, conducts an investigation, and confirms that the elder is at risk and requires assistance, but this is not always a guaranteed solution. Typically, elders have the choice to accept or reject the services and supports offered to them.

Even if a self-neglecting senior doesn’t “officially” require outside care yet, it is important to keep a close eye on the situation. Illnesses or conditions that follow a progressive pattern, such as Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, Parkinson’s disease, depression, or addiction may lead to a gradual loss of ability or interest in self-care. Sadly, as their situation deteriorates, it may take more than one APS report, a major medical setback or some other kind of emergency to instigate a full intervention and get a self-neglecting elder the help they need.

Ventura Parkinson’s Disease Support Group to host the Michael J. Fox Foundation

The Ventura Parkinson’s Disease Support Group invites our members and care-partners, families, visitors and new friends who find themselves navigating Parkinson’s disease to join us on Wednesday, September 11th from 12:30-2:30 PM for a very special presentation. We will be hosting The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research at Ventura City Hall in Community Meeting Room #202, located at 501 Poli Street, in Ventura, California.

Associate Director, Advancement, Mary McQuillen of The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF) will present on the following topics: an overview of MJFF’s mission and business model; an update on promising Parkinson’s disease research; a look at the latest symptomatic treatments on the market and those currently under FDA approval and information on how to get involved with clinical research through Fox Trial Finder and Fox Insight.

The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson’s today. Since inception in 2000, 88 cents of every dollar spent by MJFF has gone straight to grants and initiatives to speed a cure for Parkinson’s. To date, the Foundation has funded more than $900 million in research to bring an end to Parkinson’s disease. For more information about the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, visit

Find out how you can be a part of finding the cause and hopefully a cure for Parkinson’s Disease! The Ventura Parkinson’s Disease Support Group welcomes the public along with those who find themselves navigating the challenges of PD and other neurological conditions. We are an independent and volunteer-organized group not affiliated with any other organization or group. For more information and important detailed directions to our meetings, please call Patty at 805-766-6070.

Vol. 12, No. 24 – Aug 28 – Sept 10, 2019 – Movie Review

Movie Review by Cindy Summers
Good Boys
2 palm trees out of 4

Having been invited to his first kissing party, Max and his friends Lucas and Thor set out to discover how kissing is actually done being only 12 years old and having never kissed a girl before. Not able to find reasonable answer from the internet, the boys use Max’s dad’s drone against his demands it to spy on a teenage neighbor for kissing tips, but that’s when things go wrong for them leading them on an accidental adventure involving party drugs and many adult situations they must hurdle to right the wrongs of their drone incident. Released by Universal Pictures, Directed by Gene Stupnitsky, Written by Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky and staring Jacob Tremblay as Max, Keith L. Williams as Lucas and Brady Noon as Thor.

When Max is invited to his first kissing party, he elicits the help of his fellow “Bean Bag Boys” Lucas and Thor to discover the unknown world of kissing girls. As with most young people today, they begin their search for knowledge on the internet, which reveals way more than they bargained for on their quest for the basics of kissing, likely from a site such as porn7 – though kissing is still featured on those sites.

Their next plan involved spying on Max’s teenage neighbor with his dad’s drone, which he has been instructed to not touch, and unfortunately for the boys the drone is lost in the endeavor. Good news is that Max’s dad is out of town, which buys them some time to replace the drone, though the path to doing so is plagued with adult and even dangerous situations along the way.

Max has charisma and is more like a kid from the popular crowd, while Lucas has a soft sensitivity, likes fantasy adventure games and tends to always have a mild mannered demeanor and Thor is both brave and a little dense compared to his two childhood friends. They discover in the end that this is also a time in life where kids tend to go their separate ways as they go to junior high and high school, but made a pact to always be there for each other for the big things in life.

Good Boys is produced by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg who produced Superbad in 2007, a very similar story of three friends experiencing life through wild misadventures, though they were preparing for college, while the characters in Good Boys are on their way to middle school experiencing many age-inappropriate situations along the way.

I question if it would be more relatable if I had a tween in my life or were a tween or teen, but also personally felt there was too much unnecessary profanity, especially Max’s character, and honestly feel somewhat disappointed if that’s the general vocabulary of tweens today. An interesting note is the movie was actually filmed at Jacob Tremblay’s school in Vancouver.

Though the movie touches on many realistic situations for tweens, it generally does so in very vulgar and profane ways that don’t seem necessary to the story. There’s a believable innocence to their misadventures involving foreign things such as sex toys and their purpose, which for them were ideal as weapons and disguises, however think in several instances that there was just gratuitous vulgarity disguised as comedy.

Rated R 95m (for strong crude sexual content, drug and alcohol material, and language throughout – all involving tweens)

New policy proposal could save thousands of lives per year

by Peter J. Pitts, a former FDA Associate Commissioner, is president of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest.

Roughly 125,000 Americans will die this year as a result of not taking their medications. This phenomenon — known as “medication non-adherence” – is the cause of 10 percent of all hospitalizations nationwide. It also costs our health care system up to $289 billion annually.  

The reason patients don’t stick to their prescription regimen is simple: They can’t afford to. Right now, nearly 25 percent of Americans taking prescription drugs struggle to afford their medications. And due to high out-of-pocket costs, 30 percent of patients had to forgo taking their medication at some point within the last year.  

This is a problem – and one that is easily preventable. Lowering patient out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs would improve medication adherence, boost patient health outcomes, and generate billions in savings. 

Thankfully, there are a number of promising reforms in Washington, DC. Some of those reforms target patient out-of-pocket spending in Medicare’s “Part D” prescription drug benefit. This program currently helps more than 40 million seniors and people with disabilities afford their prescription drugs.  

Right now, there is no cap on how much Part D beneficiaries could pay out-of-pocket for their prescriptions. This is a huge problem for beneficiaries battling one or more chronic diseases — many of whom require multiple drugs to live normal, healthy lives.  

More than 800,000 Part D beneficiaries spend more than $5,000 per year on prescription medications — less than 2 percent of all enrollees. This 2 percent, however, accounts for 20 percent — roughly $3 billion — of enrollees’ total out-of-pocket drug spending.  

One proposal from the Trump administration would create an annual out-of-pocket maximum on prescription drugs. Once a beneficiary has paid $5,100 out-of-pocket at the pharmacy counter, he would no longer be on the hook for paying for his necessary medications for the rest of the year. For those patients who require costly, specialty drugs, those savings could add up quickly. 

Another reform, also proposed by the Trump administration, would crack down on the greedy practices of pharmacy benefit managers, or PBMs. PBMs work as middlemen between drug manufacturers and insurers. They negotiate large discounts on prescription drugs — sometimes 30 percent off a drug’s initial list price. 

Unfortunately, patients don’t always see these savings. And as a result, industry profits go up while patient cost sharing remains the same. 

President Trump’s proposal puts a stop to this malpractice. Under his plan, it would be illegal for PBMs to keep any manufacturer rebates for themselves. These savings would instead flow directly to patients.

Patients would benefit greatly from this proposal. If the discounts negotiated by PBMs were re-directed to Part D beneficiaries at the point of sale, seniors would save up to $28 billion at the pharmacy over the next decade.  

The federal government, meanwhile, could save up to $73 billion over the same time period. 

The solution is simple: Americans are far more likely to take their medicines when they can afford them. And when patients follow their prescription regimen, they have better health outcomes as a result. 

Capping out-of-pocket spending for Part D beneficiaries — and putting a stop to the predatory practices of PBMs — will save lives. Patients and lawmakers alike should fully support these reforms.