Ventura Townehouse honors 100 year olds

This month the Ventura Townehouse honors nine of their residents who are over 100 years old.


Picture in the photo:

Top row
Harriet Duff 101 years old, management analyst
Helen Fleming-101 years old, housewife
Gladys Williams-105 years old, clerical
William Zinsky-101 years old, retired building contractor
Kathryn Williams( on the left)-100 years old, accounting
Ann Vaccarello-104 years old, hat maker and home maker
Howard Boroughs-102 years old, business owner, entrepreneur and philanthropist
Violet Limpus-103 years old, accounting
Anita Bailey-103 years old, librarian for county schools

Next month (April) the Ventura Townehouse will be holding a party for all centurions in Ventura County who wish to attend and RSVP. If you are over 100 you are invited to a complementary luncheon party.

Please attend the April lunch and meet former mayor and councilmember Cheryl Heitmann as the Townehouse honors people over 100 years old and celebrates Ventura’s 150th Year Anniversary in the month of April.

Please call for more information and  to RSVP for the lunch to Samantha at 642.3263 or [email protected]. Ventura Townehouse, 4900 Telegraph Road.