A Passion for Growing and Protecting Our Agriculture

“Life begins the day you start a garden.” – Deb Larmon
By Leon Rousso

When I first met Debbie Larmon, she and her husband, Baxter, had just moved in next door. Little did I know that I was living next to someone who would soon become a local legend.

It wasn’t long before I discovered that Debbie worked in the wine-growing regions of Ventura County, where she focused on improving soil health and protecting crops from pests. Her expertise eventually led her to co-found Buena Ventura Farms, a business that has flourished not only because of her talent but also due to the vital importance of their work.

Buena Ventura Farms has since expanded its services, shifting focus from wineries to managing citrus and avocado farms. The company handles everything from installation and pest control to fertilization and harvest. Under Debbie’s leadership, they’ve been instrumental in eradicating harmful insects while promoting beneficial ones, playing a key role in keeping the Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) under control.

Since starting her business, Debbie has been a vital asset to Ventura County farmers and neighboring communities, ensuring that our fruits and vegetables remain healthy and safe for consumption now and in the future. Her efforts have also contributed to the strength of our agriculture industry.

Debbie’s passion for this line of work began in childhood. An avid insect collector, her interest in bugs blossomed into a career that now benefits not only the agricultural industry but also her personal gardening hobby.

What’s remarkable is that Debbie cultivates her thriving garden in just a 144-square-foot plot behind her College Terrace home. Her efforts have earned her an impressive array of awards at the Ventura County Fair, including 16 first-place prizes, eight second-place, and three third-place ribbons for her vegetable entries this year alone. This continues a six-year streak of winning first-place awards, with a collection that grows each year.

In addition to her gardening accolades, Debbie is a licensed Pest Control Advisor for Ventura County’s agricultural sector. Her research and expertise also extend to other counties across California. Her favorite vegetables to grow include tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and squash, but she has also won medals for her jams, jellies, and canned vegetables. As her neighbor, I can vouch for how delicious her produce is—and her jams and jellies are nothing short of amazing. Sadly, they’re not for sale!

Debbie’s company partners with local agricultural giants like Limoneira and AGRX to maintain healthy crops year after year. Her work has helped keep Ventura County’s agriculture industry thriving, even as states like Florida and Texas struggle with pest devastation, particularly from the Psyllid.

We are incredibly fortunate to have someone like Debbie standing guard over our agricultural resources. Thank you, Debbie, for all you do for our community, and here’s wishing you luck in making it seven years in a row!