Vol. 17, No. 22 – July 24 – Aug 6, 2024 – Scamp Club

Hi, I’m Poppy! I was rescued from a feral cat colony in 2016 by the amazing Surfcat Cat Rescue. I was heavily pregnant, but a kind woman named Leslie Ann Weiss, who is also the executive director and president of Surfcat Rescue, set me up with a “maternikitty” suite and everything I needed to deliver and nurse my kittens. Due to my very hard start in life, I was understandably not the friendliest kitty, but Leslie managed to get me and my daughter, Izzie, a wonderful forever home together. I quickly became a slightly chonky lap cat. Life is good—thanks, Leslie! Visit www.Surfcatcafe.com to learn how you can help Leslie save more cats like me!

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