Fun Ways for older adults to stay physically active

“Swimming is great exercise and can be very sociable.”

There are lots of fun and simple ways to build exercise into your daily routine. Find ideas for activities to do with your family and ways to stay active in all four seasons.

Family Activities to Help You Get Exercise
Being physically active with your family is a great way to stay healthy and make exercise fun. Whether you play team sports with the entire family or take brisk walks with your spouse, child, or grandchild, you’ll be rewarded with improved health and time spent together.

Here are a few activity ideas for you to do with your grandchildren:

Infants and Toddlers
Take them for walks in the stroller and rides on your bike. Don’t forget your helmets.
Play games that get your bodies moving—Wheels on the Bus, Pretend We’re Animals, and Hide-and-Seek.
Sign up for baby yoga or exercise classes.
Try baby-friendly swimming classes.
School-Aged Children
Walk to the park and push their swing.
Jump rope together.
Build a fort—indoors or out.
Play catch, kickball, basketball, or soccer.
Go swimming or biking together.
Play a video fitness game together and see who wins!
Teens and Young Adults
Participate in activities that interest them. Try hiking, skating, or tennis.
Go golfing or swimming. Invite them to join you in physical activities that require two people, such as tennis or ping pong.
Ask them to help you in the garden or with heavy-duty household chores.
Search for Move Your Way: Tips for Getting Active as a Family on YouTube for more tips on getting active with your family.

Be Physically Active Without Spending a Dime!
You don’t need to spend a fortune to be physically active. In fact, you can be active in many ways without spending any money. You don’t need special exercise equipment other than comfortable walking shoes. Here are a few ideas to help get you moving for free:

Make your own weights from household items such as soup cans or bottles of water.
Try out free demonstration exercises classes at your local senior center or fitness center.
Go for a hike in a park.
Participate in community-sponsored fun runs or walks.
Yard work such as raking, digging, and planting can keep you active.
Make sure to drink water or juice after exercise.
Swim laps or take a water aerobics class. These are both refreshing once the weather gets steamy.
Walking in the mall is a cool way to beat the heat.
Now that the grandchildren are out of school for the summer, ask them to teach you their favorite sport or physical activity.
Celebrate National Bowling Week the first week in August. Get friends and family together and challenge each other to a friendly tournament.

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