Vol. 15, No. 16 – May 4 – May 17, 2022 – Harbor Patrol Blotter


Monday 4/11

Officers assisted the duck and ducklings across street. Two of the ducklings were rejected, officers captured for rescue volunteers.

2:03pm, dispatched to ocean rescue at Surfers Knoll. Officers responded in the Fireboat to the call. The victim was assisted out of the water, no injuries.

Wed 4/13

9:00am, officers preparing Patrol lifeguard unit for State Parks. Lifeguarding at Harbor beaches is provided by State Parks. Harbor Patrol assists with boats.

11:55pm, observed a female transient pulling a small dinghy down Spinnaker near Surfers Knoll. Officers inquired, she was given the vessel and planned on heading to the Santa Clara River to launch it.

Thursday 4/14

1:57am, dispatched to a dumpster fire at the Holiday Inn. Officers responded with VPD/VFD. It was started by a transient found by PD. \

5:08pm, officers familiarizing themselves with City of Oxnard patrol boat that is on loan until patrol boats damaged in the recent tsunami are repaired or replaced

11:58pm, observed two coyotes hunt down a cat near the Ventura Boat Yard. All animals ran off before officers could intervene.

Friday 4/15

3:39pm, received report of a large dog off leash near Harbor Cove. Officers responded and contacted the owner, issued warning. The dog was put on leash.

Saturday 4/16

9:30am, officers conducting traffic control for Manson Construction. They towed dredge pipe and the crane “Freya” out of the harbor to Long Beach.

Sunday 4/17

4:40pm, received report of a peddle boat beset by wind. Assisted to rental dock

8:15pm, dispatched to a water rescue, person in the water at VWM H-dock. Officers responded, found the victim swam back to his boat, no medical.

Monday 4/18

8:15pm, received report of a 130ft Socal Ship Services vessel is inbound disabled and will be operating in reverse. Observed the vessel operating from outside into the Harbor and safely to the boatyard haul-out.

Tuesday 4/19

6:49pm, dispatched to an Ocean Rescue, 3 kite surfers in distress near Ventura Pier. Officers responded in the Fireboat, assisted State Parks/Fire with the victims. All victims were safely brought to shore, no injuries occurred.

Wednes 4/20

6:03am, while on patrol, observed an injured mama duck in the median on Spinnaker, officers captured the bird for rescue volunteers.

8:05pm, while on patrol, contacted operator of small vessel with no navigation lights. Terminated voyage and escorted vessel back to their slip.

Thursday 4/21

8:35am, received complaint about sealions barking on VIM docks. Advised that the marina was working on the problem, moving vessels into empty slips and using all legal mitigation strategies to remove the mammals.

5:15pm, received report of two gray whales at the harbor entrance from Island Packers. The vessel Islander was able to guide the whales out to sea.

Friday 4/22

6:04pm, dispatched to medical, headache at Holiday Inn. Officers responded and assisted Fire/AMR with the patient. AMR transported to local hospital.

10:00pm, received complaint of loud music on a vessel and children harassing a coyote on the dock at VIM. Officers responded, gained compliance with the loud music and rescued the “fake” sealion deterrent coyote from the A-Basin.

Sunday 4/24 11-1pm, dispatched to two separate stingray strikes at Harbor Cove Beach.

1:25pm, dispatched to fall victim in Ventura Marina Community, gave lift assist

6:12pm, dispatched to fall victim at Ventura Sports Fishing. Officers responded assisted VFD/AMR with the patient with left arm fracture. Patient transported.