Vol. 14, No. 06 – Dec 16 – Dec 29, 2020 – Harbor Patrol Blotter


12:05am, received report of a transient disturbing security at the VHV. Officers responded and found a barefoot male walking in circles near 1691 Spinnaker. Officers found a pair of abandoned shoes/socks and after a few attempts, were able to get the individual back on track with emergency blanket and shoes.

1:15pm, received a report of a vessel accident in VIM M-dock, collision with moored vessel. Officers responded in Fireboat to investigate and found the responsible party leaving the harbor. The skipper’s information was gathered and he was advised to contact the owner and the marina to ensure no damage occurred. The incident is under investigation.


9:02am, dispatched to an ocean rescue, kayakers in distress off Mussel Shoals. Officers responded in Fireboat 1 with multiple agencies to assist two kayakers to shore. No injuries were reported and officers retrieved kayak for victims.


7:43am, received an inquiry about a sea lion off Harbor Cove beach that the RP felt was sick-and-or-injured. Officers monitored, nothing out of the ordinary was observed. Educated RP about behavior of sealions.


12:12pm, while on patrol in the vehicle, contacted by a person walking their dog near the Santa Clara Rivermouth complaining about dogs off leash nearby. Issued warning for no dogs allowed in the area because of the bird sanctuary. State Parks/Harbor Patrol enforce no dogs allowed just South of Surfers Knoll.



9:03am, dispatched to an unconscious person in the Harbor Village. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to assist a 101 y/o male who fainted. He was treated and then transported to local hospital for further evaluation.


8:53am, received a request for a tow from a disabled 25ft sailboat. Advised if they could sail to harbor, patrol could provide a tow. The coast guard eventually towed the vessel to the harbor and accommodations were found for the vessel.


12:15pm, dispatched to technical rescue at oil platform 9 miles offshore. Officers responded in Rescue B-17 with multiple agencies to a patient who fell several stories into the water. The patient aspirated water and required resuscitation efforts. All attempts at revival were unfortunately unsuccessful.


5:41pm, received a report of an injured cormorant near the Harbortown point. Officers responded, captured the bird for rescue volunteers.


2:41pm, dispatched to an ocean rescue off Greenock lane. Officers responded in Fireboat with multiple agencies assisting with swimmers caught in ripcurrent.


11:08am, dispatched to a stroke patient in the Portside apartments. Officers responded with VFD/AMR and treated a 76 y/o female with altered mental state.

2:22pm, responding to a vessel aground near Mandalay powerplant by land and water. 5 POB were able to get to the beach and none sustained injures. Tow Boat US was able to get the hard aground vessel off the beach.


11:17am, dispatched to mobile home park, carport roof sustained major damage from wind. Officers responded and assisted VFD with dismantling the structure.

1:13pm, dispatched to mobile home park, portion of roof blown off.