A Tender Touch Senior Placement – Importance of oral health in the aging population

By Connie De La Rosa

Taking care of ourselves in all aspects, especially as we age, whether it is in exercise, being active in the community to maintain social interaction, or regular doctor visits, is more vital. Today, there are many educational classes and outreach programs that assist in making better choices for a much more healthy lifestyle. It’ emphasizes the importance of keeping your oral health in a good place. While nowadays there are cosmetic dentistry options like porcelain crowns (look at https://garycashdds.com/cosmetic-dentistry/porcelain-crowns/ for more info on this) if your oral health decreases and causes staining or other issues but this doesn’t mean we should rely on it to keep our smile.

“As the percentage of older adults continues to increase, we can observe that they are also keeping their teeth much longer than previous decades” states Dental Hygienist Nena S. Casillas. Keeping teeth longer also means an increase in periodontal disease, worn and deteriorated dental restorations, and cavities. This would mean an increase in the chance you will need to visit an emergency dentist for treatment for such problems. CareDash explains how to find an emergency dentist in this article, should you need one. Maintaining a regular oral care routine with a dentist or dental hygienist can help prevent some of the expected oral health problems. It also means that you’ll only need to make 2 visits a year to Dentist Worcester as opposed to 4 if your oral health is in a bad state.

Medical studies and research have shown that bacteria in the mouth have been linked to heart and lung diseases, diabetes, pneumonia, and other health problems. An RDHAP (Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice/Mobile Dental Hygienist-accepts Medi-Cal and most insurances) can help start a dental hygiene program for a Skilled Nursing Facility, Intermediate Care Facility, and private homes. RDHAP services can help prevent health problems that are caused by dental plaque and calculus. Therefore, the overall health of a person may be enhanced with improved oral health. Again, the importance of regular checkups with your Dentist Avon Lake cannot be overstressed.

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