Vol. 12, No. 18 – June 5 – June 18, 2019 – Police Reports

by Cindy Summers

Police reports are provided to us by the Ventura  Police Department and are not the opinions of  the Ventura Breeze. All suspects mentioned  are assumed to be innocent until proven guilty  in a court of law.

Recovered Stolen Vehicle Arrests

On May 20, at approximately 7:30pm, a detective with the Ventura Police Department’s Street Crimes Unit was in the 300 block of Hillmont Ave., when he observed a parked vehicle that he knew to be a reported stolen vehicle out of Ventura. The vehicle was occupied by several subjects, so the detective requested additional officers respond to assist him. Once the officers arrived on scene, the three suspects later identified as 25-year-old Oxnard resident Matthew Matthew Yanez, 20-year-old Ventura resident Dillon Webb, and 28-year-old Ventura resident Jeannette Beltran, were ordered out of the vehicle and detained.

At the conclusion of the investigation, all three suspects were arrested. Yanez was arrested for possession of a stolen vehicle and an out of county warrant. Dillion was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and Beltran was arrested for several warrants.

A review of the Ventura County Superior Court website shows that Yanez has prior convictions for petty theft, possession of stolen property, giving false information to an officer, and vandalism. It also showed that Webb has several convictions for resisting arrest, giving false information to an officer, and possession of a controlled substance and Beltran has several pending cases for petty theft, possession of a controlled substance, and for being under the influence of a controlled substance.

Stolen Vehicle Arrest

On May 22, at approximately 11:30am, patrol officers responded to Crown Dodge regarding a stolen vehicle. The investigation revealed the suspect had walked onto the sales lot, entered an unlocked vehicle with the keys inside and drove away. A dealer installed tracking device in the truck showed its last location to be in Oxnard near Victoria Avenue and Gumtree.

Ventura Police Detectives worked with Oxnard Police detectives who drove to the area and found the vehicle and the suspect, 23-year-old Ventura resident Elizabeth Fine. The suspect was arrested and the vehicle was returned to Crown Dodge.

Robbery Arrests

On May 22, at approximately 12pm, officers responded to a robbery that had just occurred. The two suspects had fled after committing the robbery, and when officers arrived in the area, the suspects, 22-year-old Angelique Pharms and 24-year-old Darnique Bynoe, were found and detained. The investigation confirmed they were responsible for the robbery and revealed the victim had arranged to meet with the suspects via an online dating app. As soon as the victim met with Pharms at the hotel room, the second suspect, Bynoe, attacked him with a bat, striking him on the head. The suspects took money from the victim and fled on foot.

Assault with a deadly weapon on an officer (it should have been a donut)

On May 23, at approximately 7:30pm, a Ventura PD patrol officer was driving in the area of Telephone Rd and Clinton Ave when the suspect threw a full Gatorade bottle at the officer’s moving patrol car. The Gatorade bottle was frozen solid and struck the roof of the patrol car. The officer was in standard uniform and operating a marked black and white patrol vehicle.

The officer turned around to contact the suspect., 42-year-old Ventura resident Zachary Robinson. Upon approaching the suspect, the suspect threw a full, unopened beer can toward the officer. Fortunately, the beer can missed the officer and the patrol car.

The officer then contacted and the suspect and took him into custody without incident. No force was used and there was no injury to the officer or suspect.

The suspect was booked into Ventura County Jail for assault with a deadly weapon on a peace officer and throwing an object at a vehicle occupant, both felony offenses.

Armed Robbery and Conspiracy Arrests

On May 25, at approximately 9pm, the Ventura Police Department Command Center received a 911 call from a 26-year-old male victim reporting that he had just been robbed by two suspects, one armed with a knife, and his bicycle was taken. He reported the suspects were last seen fleeing from Plaza Park westbound on Thompson Blvd. Officers responding to the call saw the suspects within a block from the park and detained them near the corner of California St. and Thompson Blvd.

During the investigation officers learned that the victim and the two suspects, later identified as 20-year-old Ventrua resident Dillon Webb and 25-year-old vagrant Colton Braga, were sitting together in the park when for unknown reasons Webb suddenly punched the victim and attempted to take his bike. As the two struggled for possession of the bike, Webb removed a knife and threatened the victim. Braga then took the bike from the victim.

Webb and Braga were positively identified by the victim and arrested for robbery and conspiracy. Braga had an additional charge of a parole violation.

A review of the Ventura County Superior Court website shows that Webb has several convictions for resisting arrest, giving false information to an officer, and possession of a controlled substance. Braga is on parole and shows to have a prior conviction in 2017 for battery.

Burglary Arrest and Arrest of Wanted Subject

On May 22, at 3:30pm, an unknown suspect threw a brick through the victim’s glass door and entered the residence, stole property and fled the area. Ventura Police Patrol arrived on scene and located evidence of the burglary.

Ventura Police Street Crimes Unit began investigating and using evidence that was located at the scene as well as surveillance security cameras from neighbors, detectives were able to identify the suspect as 39-year-old Nicolas Johnson. Detectives located Johnson on May 30 in the 1800 block of Potomac Ave. While surveilling Johnson, detectives also saw a wanted subject, 34-year-old Anthony Frederico, at the same residence as Johnson. Once Johnson left the residence he was arrested for Residential Burglary. Johnson has been arrested previously for residential burglary, felon in possession of a firearm, and numerous narcotic charges.

After taking Johnson into custody, SCU Detectives along with Ventura Police K9 and Ventura Police SET Detectives returned to the residence and took Anthony Frederico into custody for his warrants.

Attempt Robbery Arrest

On May 29, at approximately 5:30pm, a suspect, later determined to be 33-year-old Ross Treusdell, stepped inside the front door of a liquor store located in the 300 block of Thompson Blvd. and demanded money from the clerk. Treusdell was holding a knife and was about 40 feet away from the clerk. The clerk told Treusdell “no” and that he was going to call the police. As the clerk picked up the phone to call the police, Treusdell ran out of the business in an unknown direction. Patrol units searched the area for Treusdell but were unable to locate him.

On May 30, at approximately 2pm, a Ventura PD patrol officer was looking for a missing juvenile at the Bus Depot located at 3330 Telegraph Rd. While in the area, he saw Treusdell and knew he was the suspect of the attempted robbery from the day before. The officer stopped his vehicle and went to make contact with the Treusdell, but before the officer was able to reach him, Treusdell started running away. After a short foot chase, the officer caught Treusdell as he was attempting to go inside Staples and took him to the ground. Treusdell was taken into custody, and no one was injured during the arrest.