Veronica Slavin, Dan Feliz, George Alger, Sandra Siepak and Michelle Hoover are all part of the Our Ventura TV team. In-studio interview productions are done in association with CAPS Media Center
Our Ventura TV is an award-winning, weekly talk-show television series broadcast on Ventura cable channel 6 TV and also published on as well as on social media networks. For over ten years the programs have been, and still are, primarily about nonprofits, local leaders, artists and organizations who contribute in some way to the Ventura County community. Anyone who contributes to the theme of “People doing good things in Ventura County” and the surrounding area is welcome to be interviewed as a guest.
The show’s executive producer, George Alger, stated, “We started producing in-studio cable TV segments in 2008. In 2010 we also posted them online. Since then, we’ve posted over 900 segments that were created in and out of the studio and each week a new show is broadcast on Ventura cable channel 6 and posted online.”
In-studio interview productions are done in association with CAPS Media Center in Ventura, which broadcasts the programming for channels 6 and 15 cable television.
The Our Ventura TV production team includes on-air hosts and a behind-the-camera crew who bring the interviews and other segments onto local TV as well as online. Our Ventura TV Host, Sandra Siepak stated that the mission of the series is to “Connect our viewers with those making a difference for the better here in Ventura County.”
Show Director, Michelle Hoover, added that, “There are no fees for guests who speak about nonprofit or noncommercial messages.” The weekly cable TV series is sponsored by Nonprofit Fire, Skyworks Marketing and GWC Productions. The Our Ventura TV team, including interview hosts and behind-the-camera technical crew contribute to the show’s success.
Additionally, the production team also creates video and TV segments for commercial messages and businesses in the community. Paid video and TV production services include:
* TV Commercials * Business Interviews* Facility Tour Videos* Product Videos
* “How To” Videos* Public Service Announcements* Infomercials* Documentaries
Our Ventura TV shows are broadcast every week on Ventura cable channel 6. The majority of shows feature guests who are interviewed about their expertise and/or community activities. Additionally, there are music, theatrical and other entertainment productions.
To become a guest on Our Ventura TV, just visit and click “Contact.”
Visit for more information or email George Alger at [email protected]
Photo: left to right: Veronica Slavin, Dan Feliz, George Alger, Sandra Siepak and Michelle Hoover are all part of the Our Ventura TV team.