Vol. 12, No. 5 – Dec 5 – Dec 18, 2018 – Harbor Patrol Blotter


10:20am, patrol officers training with the U.S. coast guard with their Helicopter from Point Mugu conducting rescue hoisting operations.


4:43pm, received report of an injured hiker inbound on Island excursion vessel. Officers responded and assisted AMR with packaging the patient for transport to local hospital for further evaluation of a foot injury.


2:50pm, received a request for an extended parking pass at the launch ramp from a boater who is planning a few week trip to the Channel Islands. He was unable to obtain a parking permit from other local harbors for such an excursion. Harbormaster was able to accommodate the request.


6:15pm, officers working with Fish and Wildlife wardens to enforce local, state and federal laws throughout the harbor. Contacted several small vessels around the breakwall for various violations of local and state laws. A wide variety of vessels were contacted, including a Stand-Up paddler boarder who was hoop netting for lobsters just outside the harbor.














12:55pm, received a request for assistance towing a 39ft sailboat from TowBoat US. Officers responded and assisted the vessel to its slip at VIM-H.

2:20pm, received a request for assistance monitoring a large commercial fishing vessel attempting to enter the harbor in very rough conditions. Officers responded and escorted the vessel safely in to the harbor and to their slip.

1:48pm, dispatched to a water rescue at Surfer’s Point for swimmer in distress. Officers responded and assisted responding rescuing agencies with the call. The victim was safely transported to the beach without any injuries.

10:50am, contacting an individual who has his sailboat secured to the launch ramp for the last few days preparing to travel to Channel Islands harbor to his new slip. Harbormaster has been working with the individual to ensure safe transit due to the sailors admitted inexperience and rough sea conditions.

11:15am, officers contacting a homeless couple that have been disturbing the peace in the Harbor Village. Warnings for loitering were issued to the pair and they were moved along for the violation.

9:35pm, while on patrol, officers observed a vessel on radar outside the breakwall not utilizing navigation lights. Contact was made and the vessel was escorted to the Port District longdock for a safety inspection. Written warnings were issued to all three fishermen for fishing in an illegal area, within 250ft of the breakwall and the skipper was issued warning for improper navigation light display.

10:00am, Port District Harbor Patrol and Marine Safety officers preparing for the predicted storm and High surf over the next few days. Officers pulled all of the swim area and swim course buoys out of the Pierpont Basin and Harbor cove areas. Officers also were reading and watching weather briefings issued by the National Weather Service scientists.

3:35pm, dispatched to a fall victim in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and assisted a tenant of the park. The incident turned out to be non-emergency and the victim sustained no injuries.