Vol. 12, No. 2 – Oct 24 – Nov 6, 2018 – Harbor Patrol Blotter


12:54pm, dispatched to an individual not breathing in the Santa Clara Riverbottom near Riverhaven encampment. Officers responded and assisted Ventura Fire/PD, AMR with locating and performing CPR on the patient. Sadly, the patient was pronounced dead after unsuccessful resuscitation.


10:15pm, while on patrol in Boat 17, officers observed several vessels engaged in hoop netting for lobsters outside of the breakwall. All of the vessels were issued warnings for fishing violations, too close to the breakwall.


7:08pm, received a report of a lost person at 1591 Spinnaker Drive. Officers responded and reunited the lost individuals after a brief search.


7:33am, patrol escorting the Polynesian sailing canoe Hikianalia into the harbor and to their slip at VHV C-dock where a ceremony ensued.

2:55pm, while on patrol, officers observed a diesel spill near VHV G-dock. After a brief investigation, the source of the spill was located coming from one of the commercial fishing vessels.

4:19pm, received a report of children trapped in an elevator at 1567 Spinnaker Drive. Officers responded with VFD and the children were freed unharmed.


6:00pm, while on patrol in boat 19, officers observed large waves at the entrance to the harbor. One wave was measured with the sonar at 11ft in height


4:45pm, while on patrol in the truck, officers received a report of a female transient using the boatyard restroom sink to bathe. The individual was contacted and warned about trespassing and removed from the area.


8:16am, dispatched to a fall victim at Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and assisted VFD/AMR with the patient.

7:15pm, while on patrol and enforcing hoopnetting ordinances officers contacted two fishermen fishing from a Personal WaterCraft. Federal law prohibits PWC’s from operating between sunset and sunrise. The fisherman’s voyage and fishing trip was terminated due to federal law.

10:40pm, received a request to tow a disabled 20ft motor vessel. Officers responded and took a 20ft skipjack en tow to the L/R from the sandtrap.


7:50am, received a report of a transient disrupting the peace in the Harbor Village. Officers responded and removed the disturbing party from the village.

8:08pm, while on patrol, received a report of a vessel on the rocks, outside of the breakwall. Officers responded and observed several vessels engaged in hoop netting in very rough conditions on the outside of the breakwall. The vessel was assisted and suffered no damage.


7:00am, officers observed the National Weather Service issuing warnings for Small Craft Advisory due to strong East winds. The SCA flag was raised.


11:29am, dispatched to a hazardous condition in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and found a possible gas leak from a stove. The source was discovered and secured.

1:15pm, officers gave the districts dredge consultant and the Army Corp of Engineers a ridealong to check the water depth of the Harbor entrance for maintenance dredging this winter.