Volunteer for the 2025 Homeless Point in Time Count and Support Local Shelters

The Ventura County Continuum of Care is looking for volunteers to assist with the 2025 Homeless Point In Time Count on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. This count is required for our state and federal grants that fund local homeless shelters, permanent supportive housing, rental assistance programs, street outreach and more! The survey is anonymous and we need to make sure everyone gets counted. Volunteers can register online here: https://ventura25.pointintime.info

In preparation for the Count, we are also collecting donations to provide our hardworking volunteers with essential supplies to hand out to the community during the morning of the Count. We will be accepting donations from November 19th – January 6th at all Ventura County library locations. Please see the attached flyer for more details and help spread the word. www.venturacoc.org.