Washington Elementary School Update

by Stephen Schafer,
President, San Buenaventura Conservancy for Preservation

I wanted to update you about the National Register of Historic Places meeting in Sacramento on August 2. The nomination was postponed and no action was taken by the State Historic Resources Commission (SHRC). The video of the meeting can be accessed on the Conservancy website: SBConservancy.org

The SHRC wanted to review the 20-page comments that were received from Ventura
Unified School District about 60 hours before the SHRC meeting. The Commission tabled
the decision until their October meeting in Sacramento. The Conservancy has requested
the public records and now has a copy of the VUSD’s 20-page comments and will be
reviewing and responding to the comments in October. More about the meeting in
the VCReporter Aug. 8 article by Alex Wilson 34 letters of support were received by the SHRC by the July deadline. Now that the meeting is postponed, more letters would help further support the nomination. Support from the community is still vital. Donations to support the Conservancy’s mission are always appreciated. We encourage you and your fellow neighbors/friends who believe in this nomination to please send comments to SHRC staff by 10/20/2024.

Email support letters to: [email protected]

National Register Bulletin 15 is a book of guidelines covering how and what to nominate to the National Register. It has examples of significant historic places and places that do not qualify. On page 19 it has this statement: HISTORIC ADAPTATION OF THE ORIGINAL PROPERTYA property can be significant not only for the way it was originally constructed or crafted, but also for the way it was adapted at a later period, or for the way it illustrates
changing tastes, attitudes, and uses over a period of time.

More details about the August 2 SHRC meeting here in the VCReporter article by Alex Wilson (7- 8-2024)

The Conservancy is still confident Washington Elementary School will be listed on the NRHP in October. If you have questions  or want to see the Lego Washington School
exhibit that was shown in Sacramento please join us August 21 for the Conservancy’s
Heritage Happy Hour at Gloria’s Kitchen, 2881 Loma Vista @ 5:00pm.

Thank you for your interest in protecting irreplaceable historic places and cultural
sites in our community.