Plan for Your Pets This Fire Season

As wildfires ravage California, the Humane Society of the United States is urging residents to prepare a disaster plan that includes their pets and other animals.

Remember, if it isn’t safe for you, it isn’t safe for your animals. Evacuating requires planning and preparation to ensure safety, especially for families with animals.

“California is no stranger to devastating wildfires. It is imperative that all of us with pets or animals in our care are prepared to evacuate with a tailored plan and the essential supplies,” said Jenny Berg, California state director for the Humane Society of the United States. “Please monitor and follow evacuation information from officials and stay safe during this challenging time of year.”

Stay up to date with evacuation orders and other information from local authorities via and Officials throughout the region are urging people and animals to stay indoors due to poor air quality caused by the fires.

It is advisable to have a disaster kit for your pet ready in your home at all times so you are able to evacuate with your pets at a moment’s notice. Items to include:

  • Food and water for at least five days for each pet. Also, bring bowls and a manual can opener if you are packing canned pet food.
  • Medications for at least five days and all medical records, including vaccination history. Keep these stored in a waterproof container. You may also consider storing them digitally on a flash drive or online.
  • Ensure your pet is wearing a collar with tags for identification. Microchipping your pet is ideal as collars can be easily removed.
  • Pack a pet first aid kit.
  • Litter box with extra litter and a scoop.
  • Sturdy leashes, harnesses, and carriers to transport pets safely.
  • Current photos of you with your pets and descriptions of your animals.
  • Comfort items, such as a pet bed or a special toy, to reduce stress.
  • Written information about your pet’s feeding schedules, medical conditions, and behavior issues, along with the name and number of your veterinarian. This information can also be kept digitally.

Additional Tips for Animal Safety During Wildfires:

  • If it isn’t safe for you, it isn’t safe for your pets. Never assume you will be able to return home to your animals if you leave. If you are in a threatened or impacted area, contact your local office of emergency management or follow guidance on their official website to verify that there will be shelters in your area that take people and their pets. Have a list of hotels and motels that accept pets within a 100-mile radius of your home. Keep in mind that in a catastrophic event, local hotels will fill quickly. If possible, make arrangements with friends or relatives to ensure that you and your pets can seek shelter in their homes. If housing together is not an option, know your pet boarding options and requirements. As a last resort, connect with your local animal shelter to determine if they offer temporary boarding during the crisis. They may also be impacted by the disaster and unable to house animals.
  • Have a plan in place for when you are out of town or cannot get home to your pet when a disaster strikes. Find a trusted neighbor, friend, or family member and give them a spare key. Ensure that they know your pet’s feeding and medication schedule. If using a pet sitting service, find out ahead of time if they will be able to help in the event of an emergency.
  • If you stay home, do it safely. If your family and pets have not been told to evacuate yet, identify a safe area of your home where you can all stay together. Close off or eliminate unsafe nooks and crannies where frightened cats may try to hide. Move dangerous items, such as tools or toxic products, out of the area. Bring your pets indoors as soon as local authorities say trouble is on the way. Keep dogs on leashes and cats in carriers, and ensure they are wearing identification. If you have a room you can designate as a “safe room,” put your emergency supplies in that room in advance, including your pet’s crate and supplies. Have any medications and a supply of pet food and water inside watertight containers, along with your other emergency supplies. If there is an open fireplace, vent, pet door, or similar opening in the house, close it off with plastic sheeting and strong tape. Listen to the radio or follow official channels online to stay up to date on evacuation orders or other announcements.
  • If the electricity goes out, and you are forced to leave your home for any reason, take your pets with you.

Including Horses and Farm Animals in Disaster Plans:

  • Individuals looking for assistance should contact their county for guidance, including information on emergency shelters or locations for animals. It is also advisable to call local animal control to flag the property so it is on the radar of emergency officials, and make sure all animals have access to fresh water.
  • If you have a horse or large animal at a boarding facility or barn, ensure the locks to the barn doors are operational and can be easily opened in an emergency.
    • Have trailers lined up and ensure that you have enough vehicles to move the number of horses at your barn or facility.
    • In extreme danger with limited time, let your horse or large animal into a larger enclosed area that has been tamped down and is out of the line of fire. Ensure the safety of first responders by not allowing the horses to run free.
    • If you are evacuating, let your large animals out into a paddock or corral. Cut off their access to return to a barn or stall as they will naturally retreat back to where they are fed or cared for, even if the structure is on fire. Consider using non-toxic spray paint to mark your phone number on their bodies for reunification purposes.


Do everything you can to allow fleeing animals to pass through your property. Wild animals have strong fight-or-flight responses and are extremely resilient. The assistance or guidance of a professional wildlife rehabilitator may be needed if the animal requires intervention. If you are not in the line of fire, you can consider providing access to fresh water.

To learn more about keeping your pet safe during a disaster, visit Follow evacuation orders from your local emergency manager. A full list of state emergency contacts can be found at