Making Memories! Flight of a Lifetime!

Retired Fire Chief, David Hanson, 85, enjoying the moment. Photos by Janie Tran.

by Janie Tran

It was a privilege to sit down with four residents of The Palms as they recounted their incredible experience with Dream Flights on May 15, 2024. Don Renner (87), Bill Hughes (93), Les McCormick (81), and David Hanson (85) were still giddy and full of smiles as they shared their experience of a lifetime.

Former Navy Petty Officer and Policeman, Don Renner, 87, getting ready to fly.

Don Renner enjoyed sitting at the front of the plane. It was his first time on a biplane, checking off a bucket list item. He hopes to check off parachuting and sailing next. The feeling of getting off the ground was magical for Don. He served in the Navy as a Petty Officer for six years, served in the Police Force for 20 years, and was married to his wife, Dee, for 68 years before her recent passing. Don is also a past Resident Council Chairman and a talented artist.

Bill Hughes, a First Class Navy flight engineer who served for 20 years, including in Vietnam, is considered a “big ball of sunshine” at The Palms. He was very excited about this Dream Flight!

Les McCormick, a 3rd Class Petty Officer who served for four years in the Navy/United Nations Command in Korea, is new to The Palms but is social and enjoys their outings. He started their Man Cave Monday social gathering and loves meeting new friends. This was his first time on a biplane, checking off another bucket list item. The next item on his list is parachuting.

David Hanson, an 85-year-old retired Fire Chief of 30 years, is one of the Ambassadors at The Palms, where he lives with his wife, Nancy, and their Pug, Bella. For David, the flight was a flashback to the past.

Back Row – Left to Right: Andrea Maclean, Don Renner (87), David Hanson (85), Les
McCormick (81), and Bill Hughes (93). Front row left to right is Front Row – Left to
Right: Clint Cawly, John White, Brandy McCauly, Merilyn Chaffee.

It was heartwarming to see these four seniors thanked for their service with an experience of a lifetime. Thanks to Dream Flights, a nonprofit that takes military veterans and seniors up in a biplane once used to train WWII pilots. Staff from The Palms cheered them on as they took to the skies in Dream Flights’ Boeing Stearman biplane at Camarillo Airport.

The highlight for these residents was the care and compassion of the volunteers and staff. They all agreed that the flawless takeoff and landing made the experience memorable. Despite the cloudy day, once the flights took off, the skies cleared for great visibility. For a moment, all aches and limitations were forgotten, replaced by giddiness and freedom.

This experience was more than a memory; it was a reminder of their younger days, a connection to the past, and perhaps one of their last great adventures. Dream Flights makes dreams come true, one flight at a time.

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