Catholic Charities of Ventura County holds open house to unveil new food pantry

youth-school-on-wheelsOn Monday, September 19 Catholic Charities of Ventura County had an open house to unveil their new food pantry.  The design and building of the pantry was a collaborative effort with many local businesses and volunteers helping out, including the Seabees of Port Hueneme.  The Seabees volunteers dedicated 500 hours to demolishing the old pantry and building the new one.

Monday was a day to celebrate the community coming together to making the new food pantry a reality.  The open house also showcased the rest of the organizations that share space with Catholic Charities, including Family to Family a nonprofit organization that has prepared and served healthy meals to its community members in need since 1983 and School on Wheels a nonprofit dedicated to the enhancement of educational opportunities for homeless children from kindergarten through twelfth grade.