The friendliest lunch hour in Ventura

senior westside cafe
“We could have gone to the Westside Café and saved ourselves a lot of trouble.”

Join the Westside Café  on Monday through Friday, 11:30am to 12:30pm, in the Ventura Avenue Adult Center’s Two Trees Banquet Room for the friendliest lunch hour in Ventura with a meal that includes a nutritious hot entrée, salad bar, and fresh fruit and vegetables. Check out the Adult pages of My Ventura each issue for Westside Café Days, seasonal celebrations that mark birthdays and feature special desserts and musical entertainment. Suggested donation: $3 per meal for those 60 and over and $5 for those under 60.

Also the Home Delivered Meals Program is designed for homebound individuals 60 years and up who live in Ventura. For more information call 648-3035.